
Monday, February 06, 2017

{ Happy Blogiversary and a Giveaway }

11 years ago today, I sat at my computer and made the decision to start blogging.  I had been following a few blogs and was so in love with the whole idea of sharing our lives, our homes, our struggles as parents, our beautiful children, and being surrounded by like minded woman who were there to encourage us and to give us the motivation to keep going.

I wanted to be part of that community.

I still remember trying to pick between typepad (feels like eons ago when it was the big thing in blogging world), wordpress or blogger.  I didn't have the confidence with html or websites or internet or anything of that sort, so I chose blogger which was the easiest of the platforms.

That was a learning experience in itself, and I would take hours just trying to figure out templates, headings, post titles and fonts.  I loved it, still do, it is probably one of my favorite parts of the blogging process.

But I sat down at my desk and didn't know what to say.  That very first blog post on the 6th of February, 2006 was scary for me, I was nervous, I didn't know what to say and so I left it at "Well I finally did it, got my own blog".

My Jasmine was 6 years old, my Nick just 2.  Life was crazy and chaotic but some of my most fondest memories were forged in those days. 

I often tell Curt that I miss our life in Mountain Home, when we lived on base and our kids were that little.  I miss the things we did, I miss the outings with the kids, watching them play and grow.  If I could go back in time, I would. :)

To think that I've now blogged for 11 years, is completely insane.  I never thought I would stick it out, there were moments when I wanted to quit because I had lost the motivation, the love, the want to blog.  I would sit in front of the screen and go completely blank, not knowing what to say or feeling like I had nothing going on worth sharing.

Truth is, my life has been documented on these pages, the good and the bad, and difficult times, the happy times, the moves from State to State and house to house.  I am so happy that I took the time to document these things because knowing that I can go back and look and reminisce is something I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

I thought I would take a gander at summarizing my Februaries from 2006 all the way to 2017.  Maybe just a highlight picture of each month, but I am including below the links to all my February posts over the year, I've added them by month so if you want to look back in time and read my previous entries, just click year by year.  :)

February 2007

February 2008

February 2009

February 2010

February 2011

February 2012

February 2013


February 2014


New House

February 2015



February 2016


I hope you enjoyed a little peek back through the years.  It's been such a blessing having this little corner of the web all to myself, and again I can't begin to express how happy I am to be back to my blogging.

With that said, I have to send out a very big thank you to each and every single one of you.  Those that have been following me from the very beginning, and those that have joined in throughout the years.  I truly do have the best readers, and have made some amazing friendships.

So I want to give back a little of the joy you've given me the past 11 years.

I'm going to hold a little giveaway.  I'm not quite sure yet what the winner will receive, but I have a few ideas.  It will have something that I crocheted and a few other bits and bobs.  I don't think it will ever be enough to thank you for everything, but it's a little gesture from me and I hope the winner will appreciate it :)

All I want you to do is leave me a comment, letting me know how long you've been reading my blog and if you remember, how you came across it.  That's all!!!

The contest will run until next Monday.  It is open to the US only, I wish I could open it to everywhere else, but right now that isn't possible.

Good luck friends, and again thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Here's to another 11 years and more :)

February 2006
February 2007
February 2008
February 2009
February 2010
February 2011
February 2012
February 2013
February 2014
February 2015
February 2016


  1. About 6 years...maybe a little more. Happy Blogiversary! Mine is this month too (6 years). Your blog is my favorite!

  2. I think it's been 5 years but not quite sure....I found your blog on Tammys home....
    Love seeing all your how time has flown....


  3. Oh wow, can't remember when I started following your blog, but in was sometime in 2008 when we moved from South Africa to New Zealand :)
    I would love to enter to competition although I'm not in the US, but I don't expect you to post them to New Zealand - I would love to have the chance to donate it to someone in a womans' refuge or similar that needs a little something special.

  4. I started following sometime in 2011. I always look forward to your new posts!!

  5. Almost 8 years - May 2009. Loved every minute of getting to know you and look forward to many more years of sharing. Although we have never met in person, it's like sitting down for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat when I read your posts.

  6. Wow - that's just so awesome Sandra! I actually got misty looking at the photos of your kiddos (beyond precious!). I didn't even know what a blog was until about 2013 (which is the time frame I think I found you). It just makes it so real how fast time flies. ::sigh:: If I had a time machine I think I might use it too. ;) I think I found your blog when I was just doing searches under "stay at home mom's". I'm so glad I did find this blog though. I have always enjoyed connecting with you and love how you blog.

    Sincerest congrats dear Lady and I'm truly hoping you'll blog for a long time to come! When I have more time I'm going to come back and read back through all of your old Feb posts. Love that! xoxo

  7. I've been following your blog since you first posted your recipe for sweet and spicy bacon chicken! It was a recommended recipe on another website I followed (one for soap operas) and when I read more about you I realized that we were in similar places in our lives. AND the chicken was delicious!!! Thanks for sticking with your readers, even through the tough times.

  8. I have no idea how long I've been reading, maybe seven years? But, I did go to your very first post and spend the summer reading every one from the very beginning. And I enjoyed them all. Happy blogiversary Sandra!

  9. Congrats on your 11 years of blogging. Look how little your kiddos were back then, oh my.

    Happy February ~ FlowerLady

  10. Congrats on 11 years. I came across your blog Jan 2016. I found you through someone else's blog through another meme I was doing, and really liked yours.

  11. Dont quite remember how long I have following, probably when I discovered the Internet and retired so I could enjoy the Internet and I retired in 2013 so about 4 years maybe 5 as I remember telling some girls at work about your blog.
    ps would LOVE one of your crochet projects as the giveaway!!!

  12. Sandra, I've been following you for many years. I think I was first directed to you from Happy Homemaker Monday from another site. I've always loved your recipes, its so neat seeing your Portuguese roots! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! WOW, I've been reading since 2007 when I started blogging in July 2007.

    I LOVED the glimpse back into the years of your blog. How great to watch how the kids changed and grew.

  15. I first came to your blog through Full Bellies. It was before you moved to Idaho and well before you got hacked (I think that is what happened). So I can't remember exactly when or how I got to you. I'm sure it was through some other blog. Happy anniversary!

  16. I honestly can't remember how long, but I came across your blog via one of my followers (on my own blog).

  17. I've been reading along with your family for about 3 years now.
    I can't remember what where I found you but once I did, I just kept following along. It was like I found a friend that I didn't know I was missing.
    Happy Bloggaversary!!🍾

  18. Happy Blogiversary! That is awesome! I honestly can't remember how I came to read your blog or how long it has been. I think I must have found it through another blog when they linked you to your Happy Homemaker Monday meme, maybe? I honestly can't remember, but yours is one of the few blogs that I love to read. You keep everything real and it truly is a glimpse into your life and it is such a blessing that you are choosing to share it with your readers. Here is to many more years of blogging for you!

  19. I think about 7 years. Probably through a recipe search. My family loves your orange chicken! I have a folder with several blogs saved in it that I check daily and yours has been in there a long time!
    -Kimberly in NC

  20. For the life of me I can't remember how I happened upon your blog (clicked on a comment you made elsewhere maybe??), but I've been reading since not too long after you stared....maybe your second year?

  21. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging!!! Happy Blogiversary!
    I love the first picture of Jasmine and Nick! They look so young.
    I found your blog through Wendi's blog My Heart is Always Home. When I started reading your blog your family was stationed in Arizona. I can't remember the year, but I have been following for years. I love how you keep things real on your blog.
    ~ Sharon in Oklahoma

  22. Wow has it really been that long? I am sure glad to know you and enjoy your blog!

  23. A few years ago and I love it. Can't remember how I came across your blog, but I'm glad I did. I always find inspiration here.....:)

  24. Happy anniversary!! I've been wracking my brain trying to remember how I came across your blog. I must have been noodling around blogs for stay at home moms. I always enjoy being here with you. Sometimes I feel like stay at home moms are a dying breed and I feel accepted here. I love you for that. But most of all I admire your faith. You have been through it but you keep the faith.
    Proverbs 27:17
    As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.
    As long as you keep writing I'll keep reading.

  25. Happy Anniversary Sandra! I cant remember how I came to your blog but I do know I fell in Love with happy Homemaker Monday and the fact I have been trying to follow along for about a year now. I love reading what every one is up to.

  26. Happy blogiversary! I started reading your blog in 2006 or 2007. It was when we owned the wine shop and the days were soooo long. I found so many great blogs just wandering around online, and yours is one of a few that are still going strong from that time period. Here's to many more years of memory-keeping, blog friendships, recipe-sharing and being a positive spot on the Internet! <3

  27. I think all the way back to 2009. Sarah Lett introduced your blog to me with Happy Homemaker.
    I drool over your crochet projects.

  28. I think all the way back to 2009. Sarah Lett introduced your blog to me with Happy Homemaker.
    I drool over your crochet projects.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
