
Tuesday, June 06, 2017

{ And I have to mow...AGAIN }

June 6, 2017

I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain, I love the rain.  You know when something starts annoying you and you tell yourself the same thing over and over, like you're trying to convince yourself or remind yourself?

I'm doing that right now with the rain because seriously????  It's been non stop lately and much as I love it, I don't love how fast the grass grows, which means I have to mow again, with a push mower.

June 6, 2017

Kinda wanna stomp my foot and whine a little about this.

June 6, 2017

It does make for some pretty photos, I have to say.  And the birds seem to love it as well, they get so happy outside, flapping their wings and swishing back and forth on the wet grass.

June 6, 2017

I find that lately I get my housework done pretty early in the morning, then have the rest of the day to pretty much do any projects or work that I have laying around.

Lately it's been working on my blog to book, I'm now working on the year 2008.  Oh and if you're wondering, no, I haven't yet received the first one I ordered, it is on the way and scheduled to be delivered on Thursday.  I promise as soon as it's in I'll show you all.

June 6, 2017

So I have been working on my new menu plan.  I was getting a little bored of my usual meals, mainly because I feel like the past year or so I haven't really done anything different, I've stuck with very plain and typical meals for us, nothing new, nothing I've made up or experimented with.  Just stuck in a bit of a cooking rut, to be honest.

June 6, 2017

I did pull out some of my cookbooks and also looked through some Youtube Weekly Meal videos for inspiration.  I found that meal planning this time went much smoother and easier, and I'm actually looking forward to the next two weeks.

With that in mind, I am also going to start back up Menu Plan Mondays and do my very best, yet again to share some recipes on Thursdays.  Notice I said try?  Cause I'm terrible at it, I actually really suck at keeping some of these things going, but I want to try so that's what I'll do.

June 6, 2017

I saw these pouches at the commissary when I got my groceries, two weeks ago.  They were really cheap, like not even a dollar, and I picked up 2.  One is Sea Salted Caramel and then the Hazelnut above.  I gave that one a try and it was really good.  I'll have to pick up a few more just to have on hand for a special treat once in a while.

June 6, 2017

Mr. Marley is getting so big, he is really a big cuddly loving giant of a dog. He just turned 9 months and is about 70 pounds at the moment, I can't even lift him anymore.

June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017

Dinner time is a flurry of activity around here, mainly because Marley likes to help me around the kitchen.  See he is so big and I thought that it would be an issue with him reaching the counter tops, possibly taking stuff off etc.

June 6, 2017

But he is such a sweetheart, and so respectful.  He jumps up, looks around and then just stands there watching me.  I feel like I have a shadow because he's so tall, he's almost my height.

June 6, 2017


June 6, 2017

We ran out of store bought bread, my Nick goes through it like crazy.  I'm going grocery shopping on Friday and didn't think it prudent to go out and spend money when I can make it at home.  So 3 loaves were baked and came out of the oven right before dinner. 

I'm trying very hard not to eat a slice already because my thighs surely don't need it, but it's so hard to resist when it's hot and you imagine slathering on some butter.  Yum!!!

It will have to wait until the morning and then I'll have some toast.

June 6, 2017

Dinner tonight was a family favorite, way back from my childhood.  It is a Bacon Spaghetti, so good.  If you want to give it a try, I do have the recipe on my food blog for you, though it's labeled as Spaghetti with Bacon and Mushrooms.  Same thing, I just didn't add mushrooms this time.   

I'm still waiting to receive Jasmine's High School Diploma in the mail, and I'm hoping it comes in soon.

Other things going on, I'm waiting until Friday to be able to share some awesome news with you all.  We are in the middle of planning some Summer outings as a family, there's also a few get togethers upcoming in the next few months.

There are some big debts being paid off in the next few weeks and I'm so excited for that, it feels good to see our Finances heading in a positive way.  Just can't wait to be able to start putting something in savings again, it's been a year since we've had our savings depleted and unable to move anything into there. 

And that's basically what's happening around here for the moment. 

If you have any ideas on posts you would like me to do, or anything specific you want me to talk about, please let me know :)

I'm thinking about doing a whole series on The Housewife through the years, probably starting in the 1900, then on to 1910, 1920, 30's, 40's, 50's and so on.  I think it will be quite interesting to take a look back through the years.

Alright friends, I'm heading out, going to take some Motrin for my headache and climb into bed with my book.  I hope you all have a wonderful night.

God Bless!!!


  1. Sandra, I had no idea Marley was such a large dog! The photos of him standing next to you are just adorable! Also enjoyed the shot of the dove (?) and the moon! Do you wear a surgical mask when you mow? Might help with the allergies. Hope you are feeling better!

  2. I'm thankful to NOT have a yard to mow anymore. We just have a small weed patch at the back of the building. We don't bother with it because there is so much trash in the weeds from the neighbor's (bar and apartment building). If it get too tall we have a hand held weed whacker and top them weeds off. LOL!


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