
Sunday, June 11, 2017

{ The grass just keeps on growing }


I don't think I've ever lived in a place where the grass grows so fast.  The rain is the culprit, obviously, but still, I've lived in places that got a lot of rain and it never grew like this....this is ridiculous.

We mowed the beginning of last week, and then it rained the rest of the week and now it looks like a jungle out there again.


It's just gone berserk, all over.  I do love seeing a nice green grass but not when all we have is a push mower.

So, today we took the plunge and actually went to Aaron's to get a riding mower.  It's not something we wanted to do, and definitely not an expense we wanted to get into, but it's an investment for this house.  3 acres is a lot to do with just a push mower.


Should be here in 5 to 7 days, and my husband is so excited about it.  It's like a Father's Day gift for him so he is very happy :)


We also went out this morning to get my sister in law some birthday presents.

I always love going out with my husband. You know when the kids were little, I couldn't leave the house without them and I didn't really like leaving them with anyone either, so we went everywhere together.

As they got older, actually, after my husband retired from the Air Force, we had family living with us and so we started venturing out just the two of us.  We would go grocery shopping or check out the thrift stores, then went for breakfast or lunch.  I used to feel extremely guilty in the beginning, but we soon grew to enjoy these moments together and now I treasure every of these outings.

He makes me laugh, he makes me feel safe, I love him and I'm so glad that he is my husband.

The rest of the afternoon, we spent at my brother and sister in law's.  My sister in law's mom and aunt are arriving on Thursday, all the way from South Africa, and we went over to take one of our Futons for them to use.  Of course we always stay for a cup of coffee, some cookies and cake and a good chat and catch up.

Even though we live just down the street from each other, life gets so busy and by the time we realize it, it's been a week since we've seen each other.  It's good to sit down and visit

It's now just after 7pm and I'm sitting on the couch working on this post, watching Marley napping on the ground by my feet, and just basically watching crime shows on the TV until it's bedtime in about an hour and a half.

A good end to the weekend :)

By the way, I am feeling so much better today.  Before going to bed last night, I decided to do some sinus pressure massages to clear the sinus.  I didn't feel much at first, but within 20 minutes I started feeling the sinuses drain.  This morning I took Sudafed, Motrin and I also did a salt water and baking soda wash, snuffing up the water through the nostrils one at a time to clear it all out.

My word did that do a difference.  I can say that for the first time in a week, I wasn't dizzy or lightheaded and I can breathe so much better.  I think I'll continue doing what I did and hopefully kick this out completely, if not, then next week I'll go by the doctor and possibly get antibiotics.

Well friends, I don't really have anything more to share with you, so I'm going to go and finish off my 2008 Blog Book, watch some Hear No Evil, and then head to bed.

I'll be back in the morning with Happy Homemaker Monday and also Menu Plan Monday.  Hope to see you all then :)


  1. Glad you are feeling better and yay for the riding mower!

  2. Sandra,
    I love your blog! I check it everyday.
    Have you tried a neti pot for your sinus problem? My ENT doc recommended it to me and it works great.

  3. There is a good nasal spray I posted about that works great. Glad you feel better. I may not be back for Happy Homemaker post...busy day with the garden this week. And I am hoping rain arrives to give me a break, ha ha!

  4. My goodness the allergies are bad this little granddaughter was really bad last week, my daughter thought a sinus issue as well, dr said allergies they put her on Zyrtec and she is much better...I take a loradadine once a day, I'd be a mess without it........we are mowing like crazy too, here in Ohio we are experiencing hot feels like dog days of summer already....

    Hope you're feeling better soon



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