
Thursday, June 01, 2017

Hit me right in the feels!!!

May 31, 2007

Ok so I just finished my blog book for 2007.  Much as I'm loving this amazing trip down memory lane, it's also really hitting me and making me quite emotional.

There are so many memories of our life that I had forgotten about, so reading these posts is bringing back a lot of good moments, some make me cry, some make me laugh, but they all make me feel blessed to have had the life we had and still do.

Things have changed, oh my word have they changed.  I was so good about blogging, I didn't go more than a few days without writing something down.  As I was looking at my blog archive, I noticed what a huge difference from a few years ago, for 2006 I had 426 posts, for 2007 I had 248, then 2008 I had another 418.  But when I look at 2015, there were just 160 and 2016 even less with 151.  How sad is that?

May 31, 2007

So I'm trying really hard not to go back to that, and also to not to let the whole year of 2017, pass on by without documenting as much as I can.  Life is ever changing, people get sick, we lose loved ones, we don't know what is going to happen in a few months from now or even next year, so it's important to make every second count.

I'm also finding old favorites that I had forgotten about, like for example Lori Wick.  I love her books so much and I haven't read one in years.  I even thought that maybe she wasn't writing anymore, but nope, she is and there are quite a few I haven't read so I'm definitely going to check some out at my local library.

May 31, 2007

I've been so extremely lazy this past week, I don't know why or what, but I could easily sit on the couch and not move an inch.  But I'm a mom, and a wife and a homemaker, and anytime I sit down, I get that guilty horrible feeling that I should be doing something.

One good thing through this laziness is that, I've been catching up on my blog books and also my crochet.  Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it, or even consider it lazy, maybe I should just take it as it is?  Part of my life?

Oh and before you ask, my house is clean, the dishes are done, the laundry is washed and put away and I do cook every day too, so I guess I'm not really being lazy, more like doing more of what I enjoy this week as opposed to just chores and homemaking tasks.  Yes, we'll go with that.

May 31, 2007

My handsome young man.  He is getting so big, though he's not really growing too much more, but he's all muscle and craziness.  Definitely makes life interesting for us.  He is almost 9 months, will be turning 9 months old on the 5th of June.  Time has flown with Marley, feels like just yesterday I picked him up and he was but 6 weeks :)

Like I said in my previous post, I promised to take a picture of Bella to show you all.  She is so old, we never knew her actual age because when we saved her from the puppy mill they told us she was around 5 years.  That was back in 2007.  So if we go by that she's around 15 years old.



She's so cute.  She is definitely showing her age, has a bit of trouble walking around, prefers to stay in the Office, and pretty much sleeps all day long.

I don't know how long she'll be around, but for now, we try to enjoy every moment we have with her.

May 31, 2007

Here's my Atlanticus.  I kind of made a boo boo, cause I saw these colors in my yarn stash and it's the softest yarn ever, and thought "these would be great for a blanket".

And I just went right to work.  Here's the problem though, I have had these since Arizona, and I don't remember when I got them, I think it was at JoAnn's because that's where I usually bought my yarn.

May 31, 2007

It all went great until I ran out of the purple, not even halfway through that round.  I have to set it aside now and wait until I can make it to a JoAnn's or Michael's or even Hobby Lobby to get more yarn.  I'm worried though that I may not find the same kind of yarn, which would be heartbreaking since I'm loving this pattern.

But never mind, we will just set it aside for now and worry about it later.

I finished the It Takes One to Tango book, and need to look through my bookshelf for the next book review in line.  I have so many and 3 more new ones coming in this week some time.  Not sure which is next, and I guess I could just read any of them since I have to review them all, but I try to go for the book that is going to be on tour in the next few weeks, if that makes sense.

I'm still waiting for my first blog book to come in, wish it was here already because I'm so excited to see it and share with you all.  :)

Jasmine is sitting next to me playing Overwatch on the playstation with her boyfriend, Marley is laying between us sleeping and I'm just basically messing around my computer until hubby comes home from work.

We have this routine every day.  He gets home and plays with Marley and I go and start dinner, set the table and all that fun stuff.  After dinner, while I clean up the table and do the dishes, he spends time with Marley and the kids and then I take my shower and he goes off into his Office to spend time with Bella, do his work on the computer, play some games etc.

Now I understand that for some people this may seem weird or even insane that he does his own thing and I do mine, but I think it's important in any marriage to do what works for you, and for each person to be able to enjoy their own leisure activities without feeling guilty.  We spend plenty of time together, matter of fact we go to bed at 8:30 PM every night, and watch TV for about 2 hours, talk about our days or anything that is bothering us etc.

The only thing I really need to work on, is my relationship with God because it's nowhere near where I wish it to be.  I'm actually quite jealous of the relationship I had with Him back in 2006, how I wish I could go back to that.  Then again the only way that will happen is if I put the work in, right?

I might need to reread Pursued by the Shepherd.

I did just find one of my favorite books this morning, while cleaning and organizing my bedside table.  "You're Late Again Lord" by Karon Phillips Goodman.  All the books in the series are so cute and so good.  The perfect size to read when you don't have a lot of time to devote to a book.

Right, I am going to check my email real quick, pay some bills and then get things together for dinner.

We're having Spaghetti Pizza Pie tonight.  Haven't made that in a long time so it will be nice to have it again.  If you want the recipe it's over on my food blog.

Spaghetti Pizza Pie

Have a wonderful blessed night friends.  I'll be back tomorrow with a new story for my Story Time Friday :)


  1. Hi Sandra! So nice to catch up with you. Haven't been around blogland much this week. I think it's so great that you're going through your blogging of the past and making those books! So cool!! I bet it brings back that flood of emotions.

    Love seeing your sweet puppies too! Marley is so huge! And hugs to sweet 'ol Bella. Blessings on the upcoming weekend. Enjoy your "me" time! Us moms deserve that.

  2. It's both a happy and a sad time to look back on old memories, a real jumble of emotions. I finally got a Story Time Friday post written for tomorrow, I hope you are continuing on with your story.

  3. Aw, sweet Bella! I understand about the blogging thing. I used to post a lot more than I do now. But often any more I do not feel well enough to. So be it!


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