
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

{ Loaded on meds, blood work and allergy testing }

June 14, 2007

Good evening friends :)

I'm so sorry for kind of posting and running this morning.  I really did just come and tell you that I was headed to the doctor and didn't get around to doing a proper post for you all.  But I did tell you that I would be back, and so here I am.

So I got to the doctor early this morning, I still wasn't feeling very well, and I'm still not 100%, but I can say that I'm feeling so much better than I have in the past week.

The doctor asked the usual questions and then checked me out.  She actually felt bad for me because she says I have fluid in both ears, really inflamed sinuses and of course the bad allergies going on too.  She said it's no wonder I've been feeling off and lightheaded with all the fluid in the ears.  I knew something was off, had no clue what, but it makes perfect sense now knowing my ears are affected.

June 14, 2007

Anyway, she gave me Amoxicillin, Sudogest and Allegra.  She also prescribed some Mucinex but when I got to the pharmacy the Airman told me they wouldn't give me that because the system had flagged saying that I'm allergic to one of the ingredients in there.  I was so glad that he told me, I have no problem being denied something knowing I'm allergic.  Apparently what I'm allergic to is Guaifenesen.

Tomorrow morning I have to return for some blood work.  I suffer from Allergies but I've never had an allergy test or panel done to find out exactly what I'm allergic to, so I'm having that done tomorrow.  Also checking my cholesterol and diabetes because they run in the family and it's been a few years since I've had those tested.4

I'll have to fast starting tonight, but that's fine, I plan on going first thing in the morning and then I can have my coffee when I get home.

June 14, 2007

I got back home around 10am and immediately took my first dose of the medication.  Within an hour I had already started feeling a million times better.  It's absolutely crazy to think that allergies can be so debilitating.

They have definitely gotten worse since moving to Texas, and I hadn't realized just how out of it I was until the medication started taking effect.  Good grief.

June 14, 2007

I got some housework done, then lit my favorite Sweet Lavender candle, which smells divine, and sat down with my Atlanticus Blanket.  I am trying to catch up, and just started Part 4, so hopefully will finish it before next Monday when Part 5 is released.

June 14, 2007

I set the crochet aside after a few rows, so as not to strain my eyes and neck. I don't know about anyone else, but if I crochet for too long, my neck starts hurting and my eyes burning (but that is obviously because of my dry eyes, which reminds me I need to get some more Systane, just wish it wasn't so expensive)

June 14, 2007

I was working on my 2009 Blog Book when the lawn mower arrived.  This is Curt's Father's Day gift.

June 14, 2007

He arrived home from work about 5 minutes after it was delivered and he just ran inside, changed and immediately got on it to try it out and get mowing.  He is so happy with his mower and I'm very happy that we were able to do this for him.

June 14, 2007

It mows extremely well, and pretty fast too.  Within 30 minutes he had done the whole front left of the house and then did half of the horse field we have too.

It certainly helps to have a yard machine like this when you live on 3 acres :)

While he mowed, I made dinner which tonight was Beef Curry.  I ate with the kids because I needed to take my next dose of medication, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and took my shower.

I'm just sitting down now to compile this post and then I'll work on my blog book a little more, and honestly by the time I look back at the clock it will be bedtime for me.  Time just flies.

Thank you all for the comments and advice and prayers, I appreciate you all so much.  :)

I don't know if you guys are enjoying my constant blogging, I'm sure I've surprised some of you considering I was a terrible blogger for the past 2 years.  Hahah

I am trying very hard to change that and I do hope you all continue to enjoy and read and interact with me.

Tomorrow is Thursday and I will have a Slow Cooking or Cooking Thursday up for you all.

I'm going to go and work on the book a little more and I also need to reply to emails and review requests and all that other fun stuff.

Have a beautiful Wednesday night everyone.  God Bless!!!


  1. I'm glad you went to the doctor. From what you described it's no wonder you felt terrible! That is a great Father's Day gift. :) We live on a little over half and acre and it about killed me when we first moved in and had to push mow. I can't imagine mowing 3 acres that way. Yikes! I'm glad you're back to regular blogging.

  2. So glad to hear you're feeling better....oh I know so well about those allergies, have never had a issue with them til we moved to NC about 10 years ago, were back in Ohio and I battle them so that new mower, how wonderful, sure does make it a lot easier.....well enjoy your evening.....I love you posting more often.....😀


  3. Glad you are feeling better. Yes, it helps to have a riding lawn mower with that much to mow. We have 6 acres, and it takes a long time.

  4. Glad to know you're feeling better. I enjoy your blog very much, esp the photos! Thabks for sharing so much of your amazing life in this blog.

  5. Glad to read you are feeling better.

    Curt's Father's Day gift looks like a winner for sure. Much appreciated too.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  6. Allergies can be terrible and they weaken you so that you get other things. I couldn't make it without my Systane either. Glad you're feeling better. I've never been tested to find out what I'm allergic to, just know that some times of the year are worse than others.

  7. I'm so glad you went in to get help to feel better Hon! Allergies are the worst!! I have them too - but not to the severity it sounds like you might. They always fill my ears though too. Ugh! When I get dizzy I take dramamine and it does the trick (the non-drowsy kind of course).
    Hope all the tests show a good report!! Blessings to you. xoxo


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