
Monday, July 17, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/17/2017 }

Good morning everyone, hope you're having a good Monday morning so far.

Mine started with a bit of a wrench, when Mister Marley decided to knock my coffee cup off my hand and spill it all over the living room carpet.  Not exactly how I wanted to start my morning but, hey ho, right?


The weather:::
Hot, humid, YUCK!!!!  High 90's and low 100's for the rest of the week, so more sun and warmth coming our way.

Right now I am:::
Trying to get this post up but I've had numerous interruptions.

On my reading pile:::
My name is Resolute by Nancy E. Turner.  I am LOVINGGGGGG this book.  It is absolutely amazing, every single page has me hooked and wanting to find out what comes next.  It's such a beautiful story, I can't recommend it enough.  I think I'll do a book review on it when I'm finished.

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
This weekend I watched The Long Shadow.  I mentioned it in yesterday's post, it is a documentary on Netflix about World War I and the influence it still has on today's events.  Very informative, very interesting.  I also watched American Monster on the ID Channel.

On my TV:::
General Hospital
Frontier - Decided to start this one on Netflix
ID Discovery Channel

On the menu for this week:::

Bunny Chow (using my leftover chicken curry and homemade bread bowls)    
Mushroom and Broccoli Garlic Alfredo, Garlic Bread      
Chicken and Mushroom Pie/Beef Pies with mash and gravy
Fish Pie and Salad  
Corned Beef Hash   
Chicken Thighs in Red Sauce with Rice 
Sloppy Joe Casserole

On my to do list:::
Kitchen......already have the dishwasher going.  Just need to sweep and mop the floors. Make the Bread Bowls for dinner tonight.
Laundry.....Wash my big comforter and also have Jasmine's laundry.
House......usual vacuum, dust and tidy up.
Crochet......start Part 9 of the Atlanticus.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I'm hoping to start Part 9 of the Atlanticus.  Also did the first Part of the Sweet Caroline Cushion.

Looking around the house:::
It's clean, it just needs a bit of tidying in the living rooms as Marley throws all his toys around and loves shredding any kind of paper he gets hold of. 

From the camera:::


What I'm wearing today:::
Black shorts, Pink and white t-shirt and my pink slippers. 

One of my simple pleasures:::
Gardening.  Even though my allergies flare up and the heat makes it quite hard to enjoy it at times, I still love going out there and pottering around with the dirt and the flowers. 

Inspirational Quote, Bible verse, anything you want to share:::
This quote speaks to me, and I completely agree :)


  1. I love Pie, mash and gravy. I must put that on a future menu plan. I hope the weather becomes less humid for you.

  2. Oh no, sorry you had that kind of a start to a Monday! Poor guy, they are so awkward at that age. Tails alone can clear a coffee table.

    You are absolutely correct about gardening - it just feeds your soul to work with your hands in the soul and watch it all grow! I LOVE your inspiration this morning!

    Have a GREAT week.

  3. Hope your day improves! I absolutely love your quote for this week, it fits my mood this morning. Bunny chow makes me think of the dessert snack food puppy chow and at first I thought you were having a dessert for dinner. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. I've already posted twice on my blog today, so I won't be joining today. I spent my morning chopping up 12 cups of zucchini. Canning season has started for our homestead. Hubby and I played on Saturday, so today it's a full blown work day. Dinner plans are zucchini-walnut pasta dish, garden snap peas, and garden beets. Your menu looks very tasty.

  5. Okay, I'll bite. What is bunny chow?
    I hope you get some relief from the heat. It's supposed to be hot here. It seems that I get overheated quite quickly these days, perhaps it's another chemo side effect. However, I have never enjoyed being "dewy". ~smile~
    Have a wonderful week,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. The heat and humidity has been awful here. Temps 105 - 107. I commend you going out and even puttering! Too hot to cook. I say Watermelon or Ice cream for dinner all week!! LOL
    My house is a mess. Had both grands (both under 2) all last week. They were picked up Sat. I slept most of Sunday......Of course, one got sick - twice. My carpet needs steaming. Still Too tired to care. Did manage to get laundry done yesterday. Caught up on computer today. Started at 5am, it's now noon. My day is done, I here the whistle blowing - literally. Our town has a noon whistle that you can probably hear in the other towns on each side.......Enjoy your week! I'm hoping my Tuesday will be my better Monday ;)

  7. Hope the rest of your day goes better than how it started. Lol Sorry I'm late today. Thanks for hosting as always lovely Lady! That new show you mentioned sounds interesting. We've been watching a new series on Discovery called Harley and the Davidsons and it's really interesting too - about how that company started at the turn of the century.
    Hope your weather cools down! Blessings to you xoox

  8. Hope your day got better. Mine has been crazy ALL day! LOL
    So sorry I am late in posting and commenting.
    Your menu looks delicious as always, and I love your pictures!
    Enjoy your week!
    It's hard to believe summer is already almost over and it's almost time for school to start back up isn't it?


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
