
Monday, July 10, 2017

{ When you just want to kick yourself }

Like right in the chops too.  I am talking about the fact that I have been putting off watching Jamestown.  I knew I wanted to watch it, I mentioned it here on the blog, I had all these reminders up and so on and I even went so far as to start watching the first episode a few weeks ago, then I stopped it about 20 minutes in and completely forgot about it.

After watching the documentary special on the Roanoke Colony yesterday and the mention of Jamestown, I remembered the show and so today I watched the first episode.

That is when that overwhelming feeling of me wanting to kick myself, settled in.  It's such a good show, at least from the first episode that I watched, that I'm quite annoyed for not watching it sooner.  But never mind that, I can just catch up now that there are a few episodes.

So yeah, if you're looking for a good Period Drama, you might want to check out Jamestown.

And speaking of Period Dramas, did you see the new preview for Will????  About William Shakespeare???  It's a new series starting tonight on the TNT channel.  I have to check it out, matter of fact I need to set my DVR before I forget.....let me go do that and I'll be right back.

*insert elevator music*

Alright all done.  I don't know if I'll like it, it's a contemporary version of his life played to a modern soundtrack, but the trailer looks brilliant.  I'll let you know what I think.

July 10, 2017

I started on Part 8 which seems to be a copy of Part 6 with a ton of single crochets.  It's a little daunting when the blanket is so big already, but it's also easier when I know I can zip through it without worrying too much about changing stitches.

Marley as always loves being anywhere the blanket is.  I went to set it down on the ground to block and there he was.  My sweet boy :)

I'm trying to eat healthier.  I haven't been doing my Zumba and I've actually put on 6 pounds since moving to Texas.  My husband is happier with me like this, he said I was too thin when I moved to Texas and he prefers women with a little more curves hahaha

But I just don't want to put on any weight.  Granted I look fine and I'm happy with myself, but I need to get a grip on my eating habits before it gets out of hand.  Truth is, I've eaten far too much junk the past few weeks and the weight has been creeping up.  Starting next week I'm forcing myself back to Zumba and exercising daily.  Notice I said next week.....I have far too much going on this week and if I try to set that goal for now, it's NOT going to happen.

In the meantime, this morning I started trying to eat healthy again and drinking my water.

For breakfast I had my Banana Nut Crunch Cereal with sliced bananas, it was so good but unfortunately I'm all out so I need to get more.

July 10, 2017

For lunch I had a wholewheat sandwich thin with black forest ham, pepper jack cheese and lettuce.  Some cherries and strawberries and that was it.  It was more than enough and really filled me up too.

July 10, 2017

Then while I fixed dinner tonight, I went ahead and cut up the watermelon that I got at the commissary. 

It's always a bit of a hit and miss with the watermelon, I never know if I'm going to get a good one, or if it's going to be too dry and bland.

Luckily this time, I scored one of the best watermelons I've had in a really long time, if ever.  It was so refreshing, so juicy and sweet.  I've got it all cut up, some in wedges and some in small cubes and it's in the fridge for a quick snack.  Much better than reaching for the chips or some chocolate, though I have to tell you I have the biggest craving for chocolate at the moment and am trying very hard to be good.  I'm determined NOT to cave.

Dinner tonight was so good too.  I tried a new recipe that I've had bookmarked for years, and when I say years, I mean since 2013.  I kept telling myself I'll try it next menu plan and never got around to it. 

Gnocchi Bolognese.  Simple, easy, pretty inexpensive especially if you make the gnocchi yourself, and a winner for the family.  I've got the recipe up for you already, I'm telling you, I'm on the ball lately :)

Well friends, I am going to get some reading in, need to finish Monticello for the review.  Have a great night :)


  1. I buy a half a watermelon, it's all we can eat and you can see how ripe it is inside.

  2. I didn't know there is a Jamestown series! We went there for spring break. I will have to look for it to come out on NEtflix.

  3. I saw maybe 15 min of the Will show... my daughter is absolutely fantastic about William Shakespeare. She has performed many of his plays. Anyways... when I watched the 15 min of the show, my first thought was what the heck is up with the music??? To me it was very confusing. Maybe if I sit and watch a couple more shows it will get better.


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