
Friday, September 15, 2017

Fall is right around the corner


The past few days I've been watching the trees changing color, my grass becoming littered with leaves and the mornings starting to feel crisp and cool.

I think Fall is just around the corner and I'm quite happy with that.



The summer has been quite hot, and I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but I'm finding that I don't handle the heat as well as I used to.  I get hot easily, I sweat quicker, I wake up in the middle of the night with hot flushes, then I'm cold and back under the covers, then sweating again.

I'm a bit of a mess, if I do say so myself  Hahah


We've started the job of chopping wood and making sure we have a good enough supply to get us through the winter.  It's a never ending job and you can't quite ever have enough wood to burn, when you think you do, just go ahead and chop up a LOT more.

The back of my hubby's truck is piled with fire wood at the moment, until we can move it all to the side of the house this weekend.  We still have quite a bit of tree trunks and downed branches to clear up, chop and stash.  It's a lot of work but I enjoy it.



We also need to check on the pecan trees and see if they're ready to harvest.  At first I was quite worried that they would affect our pecan harvest, but after doing much research, it seems that they are more aesthetically annoying than anything else, and they do little to no damage at all to the trees.

Will have to see when we get out there and up close.   If you're curious as to what they are, they are called Fall Webworms and are actually moths, or white moths.  Did I ever tell you how much I dislike moths?  I have this insane fear of moths for some reason.

These are supposed to be quite beautiful but I have yet to see one, other than their webs all over my pecan trees.



As the Fall slowly creeps towards us, I'm as always, enjoying the beautiful golden orange hues that everything seems to be taking on. 

I can't wait for cool nights, soft candles, pumpkin spice lattes and gingerbread......yes I believe I'm more than ready to be done with summer and get my first fire going :)

Are you seeing signs of Fall in your area?


  1. It will be a nice 80°F here this weekend, so summer has not left our parts of the world (just yet). However, it may be the last nice weekend before colder weather arrives again. My black walnut tree has leaves turning yellow though.

  2. Your photos are just gorgeous!! I can really see the colors of fall in every photo! I am noticing, fall in the air. Today the high was only 53 degrees in my little part of the world. The leaves are starting to change and look less green, the grass isn't growing quite as fast, and the sun sets a little earlier. I'm very ready for fall!

  3. Boy it looks like you have more yellow leaves than we do at the moment though I'm sure ours are right around the corner. We had frost watches out the other night and though it didn't quite hit freezing it came mighty close. Moths bug me too because they hang around the lights at night and come flying in everytime the door is opened. Yuck.


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