
Monday, September 04, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/04/2017

Happy Monday everyone, and Happy September too!!!

Gosh how did we get here so fast, didn't this year just start?
Life has been once again quite busy for me and I find myself with less and less time to blog, it's frustrating to say the least.  But guess what, I'm not going to go on about it like I always do, because frankly that's a little annoying, even for myself.

Let's just crack on with a new month and see where it takes us :)

The weather:::
We've had quite humid weather around here, a sprinkle of rain here and there (not much) and gorgeous warm days.  We'll be staying in the 80s all week through.  Definitely feeling the change in weather, and I'm happy for that because I do love Fall.
Right now I am:::

Sitting down and getting this post up.  I'm very behind on my blogging and computer work, just haven't had time.  I put up a book review this morning, go on over and check it out if you enjoy Rachel Hauck.
I am sipping on my coffee with Hazelnut creamer and playing here and there with Marley.  He brings me his toys so I can throw them for him.
On my reading pile:::
Thief's Mark for review on Friday, and also To Wager Her Heart.  I've become quite good at reading two books at once, it used to confuse me at first, but not any more and that's a good thing because I usually have so many reviews going.  I do love my reading though :)  

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
I caught up on last years The Great British Bake Off.  I had only watched the first two episodes, but when I saw that the new Season had started, I remembered how much I love this show and went back and watched them all.
On my TV:::
General Hospital
American Supernatural
Paranormal Survivor
Haunted Towns

On the menu for this week:::
Only have plans until Friday, that's when I'm grocery shopping.  I'll be working on the new menu sometime this week.

Roast Chicken Legs, Garlic and Butter Spaghetti     
Fish Fillets, Tomato Rice and Salad      
Feijoada (Portuguese Bean Stew)
Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies   
Cheesy Garlic Pizza, Wings     

On my to do list:::
Kitchen......Empty the dishwasher, reload.  Sweep and Mop.
Laundry.....Laundry is all done, ironed and put away.  I just have one load of hubby's work pants to iron and put up.
House......Just need to pick up in the living room because Marley's been playing and has toys everywhere. 
Homeschooling......No school today but Nick has a Sign Language project he needs to send in. 

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
On the last row of Part 15 for the Mandala Madness, so hoping to finish it today and get started on Part 16.  There's only 18 parts so I'm quite eager to get it all finished. 

Looking around the house:::
I can hear the birds chirping outside through my open screen door.  The house itself is clean because I did most of it yesterday, but there is one pile of clean kitchen towels on my couch that I need to put away.  It's neat and tidy so I don't have much to do thankfully. 

From the camera:::
My father in law has a small little boat that he brought to the reunion for anyone to go on.  I wanted to go but ended up not having time to do so, bummer. 

What I'm wearing today:::
Shorts and a tshirt.  

One of my simple pleasures:::
Researching recipes from centuries ago.  I find it fascinating seeing how they used to cook and what they cooked with.  

Inspirational Quote, Bible verse, anything you want to share:::
Let's all be pineapples.....


  1. I can't believe it's September either! Only 112 days until Christmas. Cute inspiration for today. I love to research old recipes too, especially WWII era. I look at antique stores for old recipe boxes. Often they stall have recipes in them. Many times they call for 5 cents worth of hamburger or such and you have to research them to determine 1/2 pound etc... Have a GREAT week my friend.

  2. This year certainly has been flying by with no signs of slowing down. Sorry you didn't get a chance to go out on the boat but the lake in your photo looks nice. Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

  3. "Let's all be pineapples....."


  4. Where did the summer go? I can't believe it's September already too! But Fall is my fave so I guess I'm not complaining. Love the pic! Perfect Labor Day moment. ;)
    Thanks as always for hosting lovely Lady! I need to catch back up so I'll be back later to read your old posts too.
    Blessings xoxo

  5. How do you find old recipes? I'm always on the lookout for old cookbooks in thrift stores, but I've never found any older than the early 20th century. I have found a few in the public domain on kindle though!

  6. I'm really looking forward to this month.. wrapping up our move, organizing the house, and finally getting things "settled" I hope. My youngest is starting public school (first time I've sent one of my kids to school!) beside my 22, almost 23 yr old went to kindergarten but then that was it for us. She's *really* excited and it's a very small school, but it brings lots of changes! I hope September is a wonderful month for all of us!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
