
Thursday, October 05, 2017

Blogtober 2017 - Day 4 - Your Bible Reading

Hi everyone, welcome back to Blogtober Day 4.  I hope you've been enjoying these so far, I know it's not exactly my usual blogging material and I do need to sit down and do a proper catch up, but for the moment this is what I have time to do and I feel that at least I'm posting something on a daily basis :)

Anyway, today's prompt is all about our Bible Reading, so I thought I would share with you one of my favorite verses, because I've ashamedly NOT been reading my Bible lately.  Possibly why my life seems so completely out of whack at the moment, so that's another for my "Must Remedy" List.

While I was thinking about this very thing, and the fact that I didn't have a specific Bible verse to share with you, I ran across a very interesting Devotional by Renee Swope, titled "When your life feels like a mess."

It's from back in 2014, but I swear it could have been written a few hours ago and totally been about me and how I'm feeling lately.

By the way, a couple of you have asked if I'm ok, and I am, I'm fine, my marriage is fine, my children are fine, we're healthy.  It's just life in general, and kind of feeling a little out of whack with myself when it comes to eating healthy and exercising, not letting laziness take over, staying on track with my projects and things I need to do around here, including the blogging.

That's what I mean when I talk about my current *messy* state of mind.

Anyway, going back to the devotional, Renee talks about how at times when her own life feels like a mess, she asks God to remind her of times He worked in her life or others, in ways she could never have imagined.

I thought that was quite a poignant way to approach this, rather than stew in my misery or stay stuck, I need to remember that even if I feel like my life is meaningless, or pointless at the moment, there is always and I mean ALWAYS a bigger force at work and something I'm working towards.

Here's the biggest thing I took from it.....

In times when I feel discouraged or am going through a difficult circumstance, I need to pull closer to God and not allow those negative thoughts or feelings to make me stray or pull even further than where I should be.

Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me that You are always with me, just like You were with Joseph. When I face hard circumstances, I want to lean in and depend on You for wisdom, patience and grace. In all these things, I will remember that I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Romans 8:37, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (NIV)

I hope that if any of you are in a similar situation, or frame of mind, that maybe my words today and Renee's teachings can pull you out of the darkness and into the light, where we truly belong.

Have a beautiful Thursday night and I'll see you all back here tomorrow for Day 5 and possibly an actual chit chat post :)

1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging post dear Sandra. May you feel God's peace, love, strength & joy flowing through and surrounding you.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady


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