
Monday, October 02, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - 10/02/2017

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a brilliant weekend.

Can you believe we are already in October?  I'm starting to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping, for goodness sakes.

I've been a little distant from the blog, just have a lot going on right now, but that's no excuse, I have got to get my butt back on track....not just blog wise, but even health wise, I've been so busy and not really paying attention to exercise and healthy eating, and I've gained 5 pounds.  So frustrated with myself.  Anyway, upwards and onwards right???

Let's get going with our  Happy Homemaker Monday and see what everyone is up to.

Also, want to send some quick prayers up for the innocent victims and their families, of the senseless, horrible shooting in Las Vegas.  :(

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
Had a cup of coffee and two slices of my Raisin Cinnamon Bread.

Looking around the house::::
Needs some picking up and tidying, but otherwise it is clean.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry.....Have some blankets to wash, and also want to give all the bathroom rugs a quick wash.  , Cleaning.....In the kitchen, I need to unload the dishwasher and reload.  Vacuum and carpet clean both living rooms and my bedroom.  Clean the bathrooms (toilets and showers, tubs).  Homeschooling.....Help Nick with his Sign Language portfolio, he needs to record himself again.   
Budgeting.....really want to work on a new budget.  I'm currently working with EveryDollar, but I haven't really taken the time to sit down and get it all sorted, hope I can get to that today.
Cooking....Not sure what I'm having for lunch, but might just do a quick salad.  Dinner tonight is Korean Style Chicken with Rice.

Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, all my review books are finished until November when the new Fall/Winter tours will kick in.  I should start receiving the newer books this week.

On the TV today::::
Yesterday's Outlander
Also a wonderful new series just started.  It is called The Last Post and starts Jessica Raine from Call the Midwife.
Have two new Portuguese Soaps that I have yet to catch up on, just haven't had the time.

The weather outside is::::
The rain finally stopped, it's been blue clear skies the past two days.  It's currently 66 degrees, this week we'll be in the 80's.  Do have more rain coming in tomorrow and Wednesday.   

On the menu this week::::


Korean Style Chicken, Basmati Rice

Pork Schnitzel with Garlic and Butter Spaghetti


Fried Chicken with Milk Gravy, Biscuits

Beef Curry

Not sure yet, going grocery shopping in the morning

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Grab the camera and head outside to snap some more Fall pictures.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Last night I made a Raisin and Cinnamon Bread that turned out fantastic.  I'm hoping to share the recipe later today.
I want to try and make a Pumpkin Spice Bread today, so we'll see how that turns out.

One of my simple pleasures::::
Enjoying the simple things, a cup of tea, a good book, an especially yummy shortbread cookie.

Favorite photo from the camera or internet::::

This is my current desktop wallpaper and I LOVE it so much :)

Praying for::::
For myself, to get my head in the game, figure out the allergies, figure out my health and get back on track eating healthy and exercising.  Also to get back in the game with blogging which is really frustrating me at the moment.  Just need God to help me focus. 
Praying for everyone impacted by this awful tragedy in Las Vegas.

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:::: 

Definitely where I'm struggling at the moment


  1. Your menus always sound so yummy! I'm also hoping to spend some time outside taking fall pictures this week. Hope you find a few minutes to relax and have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. Raisin Cinnamon Bread sounds so good right now - so "FALL" like! I'm with you on figuring out the health! I just read an article that said you can take control of your own health within a month by simply being conscious of everything you put into your body in 28 days - the length of time to shed your skin and revitalize your organs. October is going to be my "HEALTH" month trying it out.

    Have a great week and feel better.

  3. Love your desktop wallpaper!!! That shooting was senseless!! Prayers to all involved!! Hope you have a less busy week and can get back on track... I am right there with you though.. I am to busy in my mind.. need to get refocused!!

  4. Loved your desk top photo! I totally understand trying to get back in to the groove of things! Praying for you and hope you have a great week!

  5. Where are you watching The Last Post? I saw an article on it and it looks really good.

    1. I'm watching online, like I always do :) Here's the link for you:

    2. Thank you! Checking it out now.

  6. I hear you, Sandra! I've got so many areas that are out of whack right now and, like you said, it's time to figure things out and get my head back in the game. I've been battling food allergies and have to go an allergist this month. Hopefully, they can find out what's going on with that. I'm also working on health, diet, and budgeting, so I feel for you. Have a blessed week and thank you so much for all you do here! Happy October! <3

  7. This world needs so many prayers for peace! The senseless violence needs to end. ::sigh::

    I hope your allergies feel better lovely Lady! And I hope you know you always look wonderful...but I know exercise is also so important for health - so keep working it Girl. ;)

    Blessings on your week. xoxo

  8. I'm right there with you on the weight loss struggles. Sometimes its SO hard! I just don't know why I can't wrap my head around it! Praying for you!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
