
Monday, October 16, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 10/16/2017 }

Good morning and Happy Monday!!!!

Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and that you're ready for this new week ahead.  My weekend was good, quiet, uneventful and just how I like it.

I could have used another day of sleeping in, it's quite hard to get up when it's still dark outside and quite frankly, this morning I would have enjoyed laying in until later.  But, no can do, so we're going to try and enjoy this week as much as possible.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!!!!

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I've had a cup of coffee around 6am and that's basically all for now.  When I'm done with this post, I'll probably go ahead and grab another cup of coffee and I'm thinking of doing a poached egg with toast for breakfast.

Right now I am::::
Sitting on the coach, under a warm blanket and wearing a sweater over my pajamas.  It is COLD this morning and I'm quite happy about that, finally feels like proper Fall.

The weather outside::::
Honestly Texas, get your act together.  No wonder so many people are sick, our household included.  We went from 90 degrees yesterday to 46 this morning, back to 80 this afternoon, back to 40 tomorrow and then up to 90 again.  What on earth???
Is it too much to ask for proper Fall weather, and by that I mean consistent Fall weather?  Goodness.

Looking around the house::::
It is quite neat.  I've found as the kids have gotten older, that the house is surviving a lot longer.  Used to be that my Monday's were my big cleaning days because it looked like a Tornado had swept by.  Aside from picking up toys that Marley has been playing with, everything else is pretty neat and tidy. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry.....Kid's laundry baskets need washing, and I have one last load of whites. 
Cleaning.....Usual Kitchen cleaning, washer load and unload, counters, and I need to sweep and mop.  Quick toilets clean, make beds and so on. 
Homeschooling.....Nick has a Physical Science livelesson to attend at 1pm.  Normal school day, he does have a Math Unit Test that he is not looking forward to, and quite honestly, neither am I.     
Cooking....I need to find something for lunch, not sure what I'll make.  Dinner is Burgers and Zesty Fries.  I thought I had hamburger buns but I don't, so I need to make some this afternoon.   

Currently reading::::
The Grown-Up's Guide to Teenage Humans.  That review is coming up next week.  I am LOVING this book, I'm learning so much and I hope that I'll be able to apply it all to my own teenagers, who are quite a handful emotionally, but then I'm sure all teenage parents will agree :)  

On the TV today::::
Quite bummed out that there was no Outlander yesterday, but I'm dying for next week's to come.
The Last Post
Who do you think you are?

On the menu this week::::
If you're interested in my meals from last week, I did a video.  I've been asked so many times if I would do one, so just went ahead and tried it.  I quite enjoyed recording our meals every day and sharing them with you, so I hope you enjoy :)

Monday - Burgers and Zesty Fries
Tuesday - One pan honey garlic chicken, rice
Wednesday - Tex Mex Chili, Cornbread
Thursday - Tuna Spaghetti, Salad
Friday - *need to plan next week's meals*

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
This week I'm actually teaching Jasmine how to sew, she has requested and she does have a sewing machine (my older one).

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
The Lebanese Chicken was a new recipe and it was really good.  The family has requested that I make it again.   

One of my simple pleasures::::
I think I've mentioned this before, but I love History and I love researching and learning about days gone by.   

Favorite photo from the camera or internet::::
We've been harvesting our Pecans, this is just from one tree, and what we could reach, as the higher branches are still not quite reachable for us, so we're going to wait for them to drop down on their own and harvest in the next few days. 

Something interesting I found::::
This weekend I've been doing a marathon of all the Who Do you think you are?  episodes, from the UK, I much prefer those over the US, though I'll still watch them as well.  But while watching these episodes, I have found that not only do I find them fascinating, but I've learned a lot.  It's sparked some very interesting conversations over the dinner table, we've talked about the Holocaust and shared stories or facts that we all know.  We've talked about Dunkirk (I am actually planning on watching the movie this week), and the Irish Potato Famine and so forth.  I love when a tv show is not only fun to watch but interesting and informative.


  1. We're suffering from Outlander withdrawal this week as well!

    1. It's awful, especially knowing where they left off last week hahah

  2. I was gifted another bag of walnuts, so I am cracking nuts too. Have an awesome week!

    1. We have so many pecans, I need to get cracking hahah

  3. Sorry to hear your family is under the weather! Praying all of you begin to feel better!

    1. Thank you, seems we're finally starting to turn the corner :)

  4. Hope you guys feel better soon! Ragweed has all of us sniffling too.

    1. Thank you :) Ragweed is one of the things I'm highly allergic to and unfortunately I'm surrounded by it. It's been awful.

  5. I absolutely love your amazing photos! And your vlog about your meal plans. I hope you have a wonderful week!!!

    1. Awww thank you so much Stacy :) Have a wonderful week too :)

  6. Hope you all feel better soon! I can't wait for Outlander too!! And I didn't know they had Who Do you think You Are in UK too. I need to check that out.

    It's so cool that you have your own pecans. Lots of fun things to make with those. Have you ever seen recipes for "wet walnuts" that you can jar and put on ice cream? I bet you could easily do it with pecans too. Yummy!

    Have a blessed week ahead. xoxo

    1. The Who Do You Think you Are is actually from the UK, the US made theirs after :) I don't mind the US so much, but the UK is way more interesting, maybe because of my fascination with England hahaha

      I went and looked for the Wet Walnuts and found a recipe that can be made with pecans too. Definitely making it, thank you, it looks so good. :)

  7. Joining via Laura over at Harvest Lane Cottage. I should eat breakfast, just not been a breakfast eater. Coffee and perhaps a dry gingersnap is always good for me. I enjoyed visiting with the others, great blogs, talent abound. Thank you for hosting! ~Gee Dazee~

    1. Hi there, welcome, so glad you found us :) Hope to see you again next week.

      Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  8. Love the new look of the blog!! It's like rearranging furniture, makes everything look all fresh and new, lol. Have a great week!!

    1. Isn't it? LOL I get a bit bored with my template after a while and have to change it up.

      Have a wonderful week Carrie :)

  9. Oh,that book sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to reading your review of it. Look at all those pecans, lucky you! Hope you had a great Monday and have a wonderful rest of the week!

    1. It's a pretty good book, giving me a lot of insight into the minds of my teens :)

      Have a wonderful week Jean :)

  10. The Grown-Up's Guide to Teenage Humans sounds like a fun read LOL - can't wait to hear your insights. Hope you're having fun with the pecans. Have a GREAT week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
