
Monday, November 06, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/06/2017 }

Good morning my friends, how are you all doing on this beautiful Monday morning?

It is quite a chilly one here today, the trees have all finally changed color and I feel like we are indeed experiencing Autumn and getting ready for Winter. Makes me happy :)

What doesn't make me happy is the time change. My word I feel completely lost, I'm ready to go to bed and it's only 6pm, then I get up in the morning and realize it's super early. I think I'll be completely lost for the next week until I get acclimated Hahah

Well, let's get going with our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I just had a cup of coffee with Coconut Creme Creamer and some toast.   

Right now I am::::
Trying to get this post up, also starting on my book review which will go up after this post and at the same time I have my Weekly Meals video rendering in the background.  It's not even 8am and I'm getting quite a bit done already, feels good.

The weather outside::::
Quite chilly this morning, well, for us Texas folk who are used to hot.  It's currently 47 degrees, it's super cloudy and a little foggy.  A pure, perfect depiction of a Fall morning! 

Looking around the house::::
It's clean and tidy.  I do want to vacuum and carpet clean a few spots here and there, and also have a few other things I want to move around and such, but other than that, not much to do housework wise. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry.....I spent all week, last week, doing laundry.  I think I did a load every single day, between everyone's clothes, bed linens, kitchen towels, bathroom rugs and shower curtains...yeah all week.  I have 3 comforters to wash today and then I think I'm finally done and can give my washer a break.   
Cleaning.....Dust, vacuum, carpet clean a few spots. 
Homeschooling.....Nick has a livelesson at 1pm to attend.  He also has a portfolio for Physical Science and one for Sign Language. 
Cooking....I think lunch today is going to be very simple, just some yogurt and fruit for me.  Dinner is Ham, Cheese and Potato Layered Casserole. 

Currently reading::::
Just finished The Crooked Path by Irma Joubert, and will be reviewing it this morning.  I'm starting on a Jane Austen inspired read next, really looking forward to that one.  

On the TV today::::

Once I'm done with all this computer work, I'll get dressed for the day and then I can sit and quickly watch last night's Outlander.

General Hospital.
Have two Walking Dead episodes to catch up on.
Also started this show that I'm quite obsessed with at the moment, it's called Rich House Poor House and it's absolutely fantastic.  

On the menu this week::::
Here are last week's meals:

Monday - Ham, Cheese and Potato Layered Casserole
Tuesday - Steaks with Mustard Cream Sauce and Rice
Wednesday - Chicken and Noodles Baked in Cream Sauce, Veggies
Thursday - My mother in law is driving by on her way to Lawton, and is wanting to take us to dinner.  So not sure where we will be eating.
Friday - Pork Patties with Spices and Slow Cooker Mac and Cheese
Saturday - Teriyaki Steak with Ric
Sunday -My mother in law is coming back this way and is staying with us all day Sunday and spending the night too.  We will figure out something for lunch, but I'll be making a Beef and Macaroni Casserole for dinner with some Garlic Bread and Salad

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
I am currently trying out something with crochet.  It's a pattern I've been wanting to try for a while and want to see how it looks before I make some for my sister in law, niece and daughter.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::

There are a few new ones I'll be making this week, the Steaks with Mustard Cream Sauce, Chicken and Noodles Baked in Cream Sauce, Pork Patties with Spices and the Slow Cooker Mac and Cheese.  I will add them to the food blog as I make them.  

Looking forward to this week::::

Seeing my mother in law on Thursday.  We haven't really had a chance to visit with her and spend time with her the past few months.  The kids haven't seen her since Jasmine's Graduation back in May.  Life has been busy and she's also been battling breast cancer for the second time, is back and forth to chemo and radiation and doctor appointments.  It's been insane, so we're really looking forward to seeing her this week.     

Favorite photo from the camera::::
One of those while sitting by the fire :) 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses::::
My heart is breaking for the victims in yet another senseless act in Texas this weekend.  It's even worse when it's done in the Lord's house.  I'm sending my prayers and thoughts to the victims and their families of Sutherland Springs.

John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Romans 12:19: “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
Psalm 11:5 “The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.”


  1. this time change is killing me as well! It's going to take some getting used to for sure! Your menu looks amazing for this week ! Hope you have a wonderful week !

  2. Your layered casserole for tonight's dinner sounds amazing - have a great week!

  3. I'm one of those odd people who like this time change. Love having it light in the mornings. I'd be fine if they just left it alone, the days do get naturally shorter and longer. At the same time, don't think I'm not over here feeling the same way...ready to go to bed by 8p.m. Hope you have a nice visit with your mother-in-law and a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Enjoyed your post! It's chilly, foggy, and drizzly here, too, right now and I'm loving it. Am enjoying the time change, too. I wish they would just leave it one way or the other and stop changing it. Love the photo of the cup and fire. Lovely! Your menus sound great! Enjoy the time with your mother in law and, yes! Thoughts and prayers over those in Sutherland Springs! So sad! Have a blessed week ahead and thanks for all you do! <3

  5. The time change is brutal, I can't stand it! :-) I hope you have a wonderful visit and week!

  6. I so loved your post and thank you for hosting, as well !
    Wishing you a lovely week

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  7. Hi Sandra! I forgot to add my "what I'm looking forward to" on mine today. Hm. I'd say I'm looking forward to a slower week. Have a fun one!

  8. Good Morning Sandra. I hear ya about the time change-I'm still getting used to it myself. I absolutely love your favorite cozy. Have a lovely day.

  9. I hate the time change. Plus, I would rather have more light in the evening than in the mornings. Sigh...

  10. Your menu sounds delightful! Maybe you should just make a cookbook Lady. ;)
    How nice that your MIL is coming. Prayers for all her health concerns and hope all is well. I love your pic - I just want to crawl in it and feel the cozy.

    Blessings on your week Sandra! xoxo

  11. I'm running late this week with getting back from up north and getting sick right away. The time change is also messing with me BIG time too. Have a GREAT week.

  12. wonderfull post dear like your weekly meals video.. thanks for sharing keep posting...! best wordpress premium themes


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