
Monday, December 11, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/11/2017 }

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a fantastic weekend.

I was not ready for Monday to roll around, matter of fact I would be extremely happy if this was Friday again.  I know it's ridiculous but I had such a good weekend, very relaxed, filled with family time, crochet and Christmas movies.

But,it's a new week and so we must put one foot in front of the other and keep going, right?  Let's see what we're all up to in our Happy Homemaker Monday.

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I had a cup of coffee and some toast made from the fresh sandwich bread I made yesterday. 

Right now I am::::
I just popped in a load of laundry and made some calls, now I'm quickly getting this post up before getting back into my chores.  I have a dishwasher needing emptying and more dishes needing to go in.    

The weather outside::::
This weather has been absolutely insane, we were at 20 degrees two days ago and today we have a high of 72.  It's making us all a little sick, nothing major but sneezes and dry throats and all that.  Really wish it would pick a temperature and stick with it.  

Looking around the house::::
Still have some Christmas boxes sitting around waiting for the real tree that is coming this weekend.  I have a lot of vacuuming to do because Mr Marley has made quite a mess in both living areas.  I said to my husband yesterday, that it's just like having a toddler again with the toys everywhere and the messes all over LOL

<On today's to do list::::
Cleaning.....Empty dishwasher, refill again.  Sweep kitchen floor.  Wipe down bathroom counters and give the toilets a quick swish around with the brush. 
Homeschooling.....We are almost on Winter Break so we're finishing up the lessons we have and then we can relax for a bit. 
Cooking....My lunches have pretty much consisted of coffee and a sandwich, it's just what I've been feeling like lately.  Dinner will be Meatloaf, Mash and Green Beans.

Currently reading::::
B.J. Daniels book "A Cowboy's Legacy". 

On the TV today::::

Last night's Outlander
Hallmark Christmas Movies 
  On the menu this week::::
Friday I'll be grocery shopping, so I only have meals planned until then. 

Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Steamed Broccoli 
Tuesday - Chorizo and Potato Crispy Tacos
Wednesday - Homemade Pizza 
Thursday - Chicken Casserole, Rice
Friday -
Saturday -Ordering pizza for the kids and the nephew, my husband and I and my brother and sister in law are going out to lunch, followed by Christmas Shopping
Sunday -

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Continue with the blanket, it's coming along really nicely and I'm on the border now, but making it up as I go along which is fun, but also terrifying hahaha 
New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::

I'll be reviewing the cookbook on Wednesday, and will share with you which recipes I've tried. 

Looking forward to this week::::
Just a quiet week and no more bad news, I am a bit tired of constant stress.   

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Just a sneak peek at the blanket I'm working on. 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses::::
I was on Pinterest the other day and ran across a quote that stopped me dead in my tracks.  I actually shared it on Facebook.  It's something I've been struggling with my whole life......Worrying.

Why is it that I can't kick myself in the behind and just stop with the worry?  This definitely put it into perspective for me.  Sometimes all it takes is the right quote to come along and you finally get it.  Now I'm not saying that it will happen overnight, but it already got me shifting my thinking which is a good thing.  Hope it helps one of you out there too.



  1. I absolutely ADORE that new blanket pattern and colors - so pretty! And your pinterest quote is spot on! I hope you have a stress free week of good times and things coming your way.

  2. That blanket is going to be gorgeous!!! And your quote is spot on.... I need to change my way of thinking as well! Have a great week!

  3. Sundays won't seem the same without Outlander to look forward to, roll on Season 4!

  4. That blanket is going to be beautiful!! I also saw that quote, it certainly gives you a new perspective, but yet it's hard not to worry sometimes.

  5. Thanks most sincerely for hosting, sweet friend !

    Wishing you a lovely new week

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

    P.S. Good work with your blanket, it's going to become really wonderful !!!

  6. So glad you had a wonderful weekend. I did too - stop by my place to see why. Your new project is beautiful! I love the colors, perfect for the season. I cant wait to see more. Have a great week Sandra!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've been reading you from work but can't post form there. seems to be ok from home. Love that quote!

  9. Enjoyed reading your post, Sandra, and the blanket is going to be absolutely beautiful! Have a great week ahead! <3

  10. Your new blanket looks like it will be so soft and cozy. This weekend sped by, we all felt like Sunday night was Saturday night and it should have been a 3 day weekend. Maybe that's why I've felt (and been) behind so far this week? Hope you have a great one!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
