
Monday, December 18, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/18/2017 }

Good morning friends and welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday.

I am so frustrated with myself, because I realize that lately all my blog content is my weekly HHM and a random book review here and there.  It's certainly not what my intent was for my blog when I first started it, but unfortunately it's what has become.  The frustration comes in from the fact that I know I could do better and if I shift my schedule around a bit, here and there, I can make it happen but alas, I haven't yet.

Anyway, my hope for the new year is that I can finally get on track.  The more I work on my blog to book, the more I realize that after we left Arizona, since my husband's retirement, the less blog content I have.  It's quite sad, but I can't do anything to change what has already been, so I can only try and change what is from now on.  *sigh*

Sorry about the little venting, just needed to get that out.  Let's crack on with our HHM. 

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
Cup of coffee and two small sausage biscuits.  I don't often have those but it really hit the spot this morning.   

Right now I am::::
I just started a load of laundry, and I also turned on the TV to the Hallmark channel (of course).  There's a Christmas movie playing in the background while I work on this post.      

The weather outside::::
Intense fog this morning and supposedly lasting until around 11am.  It's 30 degrees but feels so much colder out there.  We're also quite excited as there seems to be some snow headed our way this weekend and the next.  It would be truly amazing if we could have a White Christmas. 

Looking around the house::::
It's all cozy and Christmasy.  I love this time of year, truly. 

On today's to do list::::
Cleaning.....Usual kitchen clean up involving dishes and dishwashers and such.  I've been doing laundry so all my folded laundry is currently on my dining table, I need to move that and put it away.  Want to do some quick dusting.  I cleaned Nick's bedroom yesterday, from top to bottom, and I'm hoping to do the same with Jasmine's today.   
Homeschooling.....We have but 3 days left of school before the Winter Break.  Nick has some semester Exams to take so he'll be working on that.  
Cooking....Yesterday I made some Caldo Verde (Portuguese Kale soup).  The kids and hubby were out watching the new Star Wars movie, so they filled up on snacks etc.  I was the only one that had the soup but my husband loves it, and so he's popping home for lunch today so that he can enjoy a big bowl of Caldo Verde :)

Currently reading::::
This morning I'll be reviewing B.J. Daniels book "A Cowboy's Legacy" and tomorrow Moonlight Over Manhattan.  I'm currently reading "Just Sit" which is a book all about meditation for a review in January....but for my personal reading pleasure, I'm reading Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon which is part of her Outlander series :) 

On the TV today::::

So bummed out that Outlander is finished.
I'm starting Howard's End today.
Also, end of the month we have some really good period drama series coming up....Little Women and The Minituarist.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Bacon Cheese Topped Chicken, Mashed Potatoes 
Tuesday - Pepperoni Pizza Bake, Garlic Bread
Wednesday - Chicken strips with mushrooms and tomato sauce, Rice 
Thursday - Beef and Potato Moussaka
Friday - Pasta Alfredo
Saturday - Flatbread Tacos with ranch sour cream
Sunday - Christmas Eve (Sausage Rolls, Fried Chicken Drumettes, Carne Vinha D'alhos [garlic pork bites], Vetkoek, Ham and Chourico Bread, Bolo Rei [King's bread], Chocolate pyramids, fruit cake, Tiramisu, Milk Tart, Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake, Rabanadas [Portuguese french toast], I think that's all but I may be missing something)

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
The Christmas gift blanket is complete, you can see it below.  I'm working on another one now for another gift.

Looking forward to this week::::
I've wrapped all the presents I had on hand, but I do have a few more orders coming in this week, so I'm looking forward to getting it all wrapped and under the tree. 

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Sun rising a few days ago.   

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses::::
I am so incredibly thankful to God for bringing my daughter through this disappointment.  Here's the funny thing, my daughter is completely changed, in a good way.  We feel like we have our little Jasmine back again, it was unbelievable just how much she had become a different person while dating her ex.  He was not good for her at all, and sometimes you don't see it until it's all over.

Though it broke her heart at first, the fact that she came to find out he was cheating on her all along, just made the light bulb go off in her head and she is so happy to be away from him.  We haven't seen her this happy in years.  Thank you Lord!!!

My mother in law had another scare.  She was fighting breast cancer all of last year and finished her treatments just 2 or 3 months ago and was doing well.  Unfortunately she had found another lump and again it turned out to be cancer, but thank God it is localized and not spread.  She is starting radiation soon, so please if you could keep her in your prayers, we would really appreciate it.


  1. Enjoyed reading your blog this week, Sandra! Love the pics! Don't be too upset about the blog. It seems that everyone is going through some sort of transition right now. Am praying that you get clarity on where to go and how to do it. What you do put out is very good and profitable to your readers. Stay the course! You'll get it figured out. Have a blessed week ahead and a very Merry Christmas! <3

  2. That afghan is gorgeous!!! Hugs to your daughter!! And prayers to your mother inlaw!

  3. Don't dwell too much on the blog. This time of year brings on those types of frustrations quite a bit. 2018 will bring your focus and clarity. I'm feeling a bit that way too!

    Your new afghan is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

    Have a WONDERFUL week my friend.

  4. That blanket is gorgeous! SO glad to hear your daughter is doing well. Have a wonderful week!

  5. I love the colors of that afghan. Just beautiful.

  6. This is the time of year when everyone gets a lot of grace and that includes giving it to yourself! It's a busy time and you are certainly not alone in not blogging as much. Things will settle down and you'll find your way back to it. I love the blanket, so pretty. Glad your daughter is doing better. Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

  7. I stared at that afghan for ages, friend! It is truly gorgeous! Praying for you and yours this Christmas season! Much love!

  8. I love your blog, and especially HHM so please don't think feel down or put pressure on yourself for content. You are so talented, your afghan is beautiful! and what a beautiful photo! Happy Monday!

  9. I cannot wait until "Little Women"! So excited <3 I didn't know about "The Miniturist". I have that book on my Kindle but I haven't read it yet. Did you read the book? Do you think I should read it before watching?

  10. I just want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!! your food sounds great. Love and laughter be with you

  11. I'm sorry about what your daughter Jasmine went through but am so happy she has come through her grief. Young people can have so much invested in first loves. The boy I dated in junior & senior high did exactly the same to me and it crushed me to learn that he cheated on me and caused me to devalue myself for years to come. Your family & mother in law too are in my prayers Sandra, God bless you all & merry Christmas!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
