
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

{ Winter days }

It's cold, it's foggy, it's dark and dreary.

The epitome of a perfect winter day.  I've always been a lover of Winter.  Not to say that I don't enjoy the other seasons, because I do, I think each has a beauty all it's own and pros and cons, but for me the cold, the dark days and the soft glow of candles, screams cozy and warm.

The rain has been coming down non stop for the past two days, and so our meals have mainly consisted of hot, filling soups, like my Caldo Verde (Portuguese Kale Soup), which was devoured so quickly that I only got a bowl of it before reaching the bottom of the pan.  It's on the agenda to make next week again.

This time of year also means slowing down, and I know that sounds insane considering it's Christmas and there's gift shopping and baking and family get togethers, but for some reason, it's when I finally feel like I can take a breath and relax.  Anyone else?





Christmas gifts are bought, and wrapped, and under the tree.

I am going to start my baking tomorrow, as you all know we celebrate Christmas both the Portuguese way and the American way.  I grew up opening presents on the 24th and it's always been a huge deal, the table is set with a bunch of different finger foods and we sit around and eat, talk, play games until midnight.

The next morning, we open the stocking gifts and gifts from Santa, I make breakfast and we have a pretty laid back day, having either Christmas lunch or dinner later on.

I'm not sure yet how many people will be over this year, we are waiting to hear back from my brother in law and mother in law.  As it stands it's just us 4 and then my brother, sister in law and nephew.  I'm not complaining one bit, because to be honest, I could do with a quiet small Christmas this year.  There's days that I actually miss our small holidays back when Curt was still active duty.

Anyway, it is very foggy this morning, so even though it's almost 9AM, the house is dark and cold.  One more thing I love about Winter days?  Lighting a fire.

I've taken this time to work on my blog to book, just finished year 2012 and have started 2013.  As I worked through these books, I left out all the Slow Cooking and Cooking Thursday recipes, because I want to put those in a separate book with just recipes and no blog posts.

I may start on that book really soon, and the minute it's available I'll let you all know, in case some of you want to purchase one for yourself.

Now I'm going to go and pop some veggies in a pot to make some soup for lunch, for the kids and I, then crack on with more laundry, give the kitchen a quick clean and at some point force myself out of my warm Cath Kidston PJ's and into some clothes for the day.  :)

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
