
Monday, July 23, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/23/2018 }

Good morning friends.

It's not a good day for me, I'm extremely sad and heartbroken at the moment. 

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that my grandmother was one of the most important women in my life.  I loved her more than anything in this world.

The past few years her health has been declining and she actually ended up very close to death not too long ago, and then miraculously recovered.

This past week, she broke her hip and was in ICU, her heart was extremely weak and her blood pressure low so she couldn't be operated on.  Yesterday, she closed her eyes for the very last time and went home to our maker.

I'm heartbroken and at a loss for words.  It's so difficult to go through because I'm going through bouts of either bawling my eyes out, or being calm and happy that she is finally at peace and rejoicing in Heaven with her mom and dad, husband and son.

I'm going to miss her so much, but I'm so glad that she got to hear my voice one last time before passing on.  My older brother was visiting her, she was heavily sedated, but he asked me if I wanted to send a quick voice message so she could hear me.  I did, and he said that when she heard my message she moaned and her heart spiked.  :(

Anyway, as you can imagine, I'm not doing too well this morning, but I still wanted to come and get our Happy Homemaker Monday post up.  In times like these, it's best to maintain a routine and keep things as normal as possible.

Just hope my grandmother knows how much she meant to me and how much I absolutely adored her.

The weather.....Quite unbearable the past week, we hit 113 for two days and the rest of the week saw us ranging between 108-111.  This week cools down just slightly but we will still be around 102.  It's killing my air conditioner, and I'm sure my electricity bill is going to be astronomical this month.  

Right now I am....I am sitting in bed with my laptop.  I just need some time alone to sit and reflect and deal with my grief.    

Thinking....About my grandmother.  I'm trying not to focus on the way she looked when she passed, but on the beautiful woman she was and all the time we spent together.   

Favorite photo from the camera....
My beautiful grandmother last year, celebrating her birthday.  She was 94 years old.

On my reading pile.... Quite a few books for review, I'm going to do a post on the upcoming end of Summer/Fall reviews. 

On my TV.....At the moment I'm watching a video with Lisa Harper called When Everything Falls Apart.      

On the menu for this week....
Monday - Bitoques, Fries, Salad
Tuesday - Grilled Hotdogs, Potato Salad
Thursday -
Friday - Out to dinner
Saturday - Family barbecue 
Sunday -
I don't have all the meals planned, I still have to figure out a few here and there, and also need to plan the new menu because Friday is payday and grocery shopping day.

On my to do list....
I need to set up a computer area for me.  I am not sure where I want it, whether in my bedroom or a corner of the living room.
Menu planning and grocery list

In the craft basket....I'm back working on my Cosmic CAL

Looking around the house.... It's clean.  My daughter's boyfriend is visiting for the new two weeks so as always, when guests visit I go out of my way to make sure the house is spotless.  I know no one but myself, really worries about that, but I can't help it.  My husband, son, daughter and her boyfriend did play a game last night at the dinner table and I need to get it all cleaned up and put away or we won't have a place to sit and eat tonight.

Devotionals, Bible verses, Worth sharing....


  1. I'm so sorry about your grandmother. You are so correct about everything though, she is in no pain, with those she loves and is loved by and your grief is yours to take as long as you need to get through it. You are also good to be maintaining your routine for yourself and your family - it will help you walk through that grief. Keeping you in my prayers my friend.

    I LOVE that crochet pattern - so fresh and pretty.

    Enjoy Jasmine being home and have a GREAT week.

  2. So sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Saying prayers for you and your family!

  3. I'm so sorry, Sandra, sending prayers for comfort and strength.

  4. Am sorry for your loss, Sandra. Sending prayers and thinking of you and your family.

  5. Praying for your loss, I am so sorry for your family!!
    ~Mrs. J~

  6. I'm sorry for your loss Sandra. I lost my Grandmother in March. Prayers and hugs for you.

  7. My condolences Sara. I lost my grandmother 11 years ago and there are still times I miss her more than words can say. My thoughts are with you and your family as you grieve.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss of your grandmother. Praying you have moments of peace and happy memories of her during the week(s) ahead.

  9. Very sorry for your loss. Prayers and hug to you and your family.

  10. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers, Sandra

  11. I'm so sorry to hear of your Grandmother's passing. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Sorry for your loss. Glad you have happy memories of her.

  13. Remember all the wonderful memories....many many prayers for you.......thinking of you......

  14. So sorry about your loss. Beijinhos


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
