
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

{ Crochet, a little sewing and finally Fall - Blogtober 2018 }

October 30, 2018

The past two days have been all about crafting, in one way or another.  I've pulled out my Ubuntu CAL and made sure to work diligently on it, until I was completely caught up.  Which I'm proud to say, I am!!!

It is all ready for tomorrow's Part 8 to come out.  It is definitely a labor of love, and really so are all my crochet blankets, especially these intricate ones I've made the past 2 or 3 years.

October 30, 2018

When I first started delving into the more intricate crochet projects, I had a real fear of not being able to do it.  They looked intimidating, and difficult, and I knew that they would push me to my breaking point and challenge my crochet ability.  One thing I told myself from the beginning, was that no matter what happened, it would be a learning experience, and it really truly has been.

I have learned so many new stitches but also how to use simple stitches to create eye catching, gorgeous designs.  When you look at the above blanket, it looks impossible to make, but it is just a combination of double and treble stitches, popcorns, front post and back post and half double crochets.  It's the way you work them that produces the beautiful blanket you see in the photo.  Truly magnificent, isn't it?

October 30, 2018

I've also done quite a bit of sewing today, working on Jasmine's costume. Even though the kids no longer trick or treat or dress up for Halloween, you all know that Jasmine still enjoys cosplaying, so that's what I was busy with.  I have no clue what it is, or what it's called, I don't understand Anime at all, so I can't even tell you what I'm doing.  Hahahah

October 30, 2018

It's been a blessing being able to stay home and take on the role of homemaker, mom and wife.  It's allowed me to do these kind of things for my children, and even now that they are older and Jasmine is an adult, I still get to do be the one they turn to for help with costumes, or birthday cakes or anything really.

Jasmine is going to be moving out at the end of December, and as much as I know that it's a part of life and our children leaving the nest, it's not easy, and so I try to embrace and enjoy every one of these moments, for I know it won't be long before I no longer need to do these things.

It's all part of the cycle of life, and we all go through it, I never thought my time would be coming up so fast, but there's really nothing we can do about it, other than believe they will be ok on their own and trust that the Lord is guiding them and watching over them:)

October 30, 2018

But, let's talk about happier things, like the fact that today I looked outside my big living room windows and finally saw Fall smiling back at me.

How absolutely breathtaking is that view?  And to know that I'm allowed this scenery for free, every day, at any time, is a true blessing.  

October 30, 2018

It's funny, I just took a photo of this tree in my backyard, a few days ago, and it was all green still and I remember saying to my husband "I can't believe the tree is still green, where are the changing colors, the fall leaves?".

It's almost like it heard me and decided to get on with it.

Fall is here and with that, the end of October.  I can hardly believe tomorrow is the 31st.  The minute November rolls around, it's non stop holiday prep, especially with Thanksgiving around the corner.

So, I've started planning, figuring out how many people I'll be having exactly, menu planning, decorations and table settings.  It will keep me busy for sur.

Have you started your Thanksgiving planning?  And is Fall in full force in your area, or still slowly getting there like we were?


  1. We're out of town traditionally for Thanksgiving so not too much planning other than when to make the pies. Fall is definitely here, wondering how long it will be before all the trees are bare. There's a little row of three trees I watch and already too of them are almost done with the leaves. Seems like fall came late and now it's leaving early!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
