
Thursday, October 11, 2018

{ I forgot how much I loved knitting - Blogtober 2018 }


I always tell myself that this day and that day, I'm going to do nothing, just relax and not get off the couch.

And then that day comes around, and no matter how awful I'm feeling, I get up and get moving, because that's just how I am.  Or maybe that's how us women are?  I mean, I can only speak for myself, but this seems to be the norm, feeling guilty for taking some downtime.

Anyway, I had every intention of doing nothing, but guess what?  I didn't Hahahah


Let me start by telling you that the temperatures have dropped and it is finally feeling like proper Fall.  When I say they dropped, I don't mean from 90's to 80's, I mean 40's.  I actually opened the door this morning to let Marley out to potty, and was surprised how cold I was.


For the first time in many months, I wore leggins and a long sleeved shirt, and surprisingly was still a little cold.

I gave my kitchen a good cleaning, took out the trash and the recycling and swept the floors.  Washed all of Nick's laundry and set it out to dry outside.  It took much longer than it usually does when it's hot and sunny, but I still prefer to line dry.

When I finally did sit down to relax a bit, I went ahead and started on my knitting.  I know, you're probably thinking that I'm crazy since I have so many crochet projects on the go, but I feel like I'm needing a bit of a break from crochet and have been missing knitting.


I guess it really is like riding a bike, you never forget and go right back into it.  I had forgotten how much I loved knitting and how relaxing I find it, it seems to be easier for me to knit and watch a show, than it is to crochet and do the same. 

I've started the Cozy Memories Blanket, which is going to help me clear out the endless small bits of yarn I have laying around.  Each of the squares uses very little yarn and I love that I don't have to make endless separate squares to then join later on, as they're all knitted as you go.  What fun!!!


  1. I agree that it's nice to come back to knitting every now and then. There's a different rhythm to the stitching -- I think you know what I mean. Enjoy your new project! It looks lovely! (And hooray for cooler weather. This morning it feels like fall here in the Hudson Valley -- it's been warm and humid all week).

  2. I have a Cozy Memories that needs to be pulled out too! It's a great way to use up those little bits of leftovers!

  3. That should be a warmer way to knit a blanket.


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