
Thursday, November 29, 2018

{ Change of plans is not always a bad thing }


My hubby is no longer going away, well, at least for the moment, which makes me so incredibly happy.  I'm not a clingy person but for some reason, when I'm sick, I like to have him nearby, so this morning when he texted me from work to let me know the TDY had been cancelled, I felt such relief.   I kinda love this guy :)

That bit of news made my day, it's almost like I went back to breathing, as if I had been holding my breath all along.  It's not surprising, it's exactly how I felt when he was active duty and had to leave or deployments.  You tend to go into auto mode and start planning and doing things on your own, a few days before he is even out the door.

And let's not even talk about the sleeping thing.  Frustrating but I just can't seem to sleep properly when he is not around.

Anyway, that out of the way, I got busy with homemaking as always.  You know the past two days as I have been working on the blog to book, I have been once again immersing myself back into years gone by.  2014 to be specific.  I feel like times were simpler back then, and it's not even that long ago.  Crazy!!


I gave my sink a good clean and pulled out my crocheted dishcloths as well.  I am ashamed to admit that I had not used them in a very long time, and had been resorting to the usual sponges which I find so nasty.  They tend to develop this really yucky smell after a week or two and then I can't stand them anymore, so I toss them and buy another.

What a waste of money when I have perfectly good and pretty dishcloths to use.


I also took some time to pamper my hands and nails a little.  A girl has to look pretty, even if just sitting at home.  At least I believe that.


I had already planned a whole two week menu that included super easy meals for the kids and I when Curt was away, things that he usually doesn't much care for.  Tuna salad (he doesn't like it, especially if I have boiled egg in there), breakfast for dinner (he doesn't like breakfast at any time other than...well....breakfast.  Weirdo), etc.

So I need to rework the menu again and make it more Curt friendly.  Ha!!!

I'll be doing that tomorrow, but as I was thinking of meals to make, I ran across an old post where I mentioned this church cookbook that my mother in law Pat, had given me, when we first got married.  It's not just any church cookbook, it's from the church their family attended, were baptized and married in and so on.

Quite a few recipes in the cook are from my mother in law, you can see her name above, and also from Curt's cousin Cindy and I think even one or two from his grandmother Grace.  So a treasure indeed.

Anyway, I remembered this post with the book so I pulled it out to add some of the recipes to the menu.  One of them I've made many times before and it's a family favorite, you can grab the recipe over on the Full Bellies blog.  It's the Hot and Spicy Lasagna.

Hot and Spicy Lasagna

I swear it is 8pm, I've had dinner, but I would eat that lasagna right now.  I can't wait to make it again.

Jasmine is off to see some Christmas lights with my niece, brother and sister in law.  I'm still sick so I wasn't able to go, but Curt and I had wanted to check them out this weekend, so I'll do that and take some pics for you all.

I caught up with Blindspot and am now waiting for the next episode to air tomorrow, so in the meantime I've been looking for a different series to watch.  Yes I have a ton on my list, but I am kind of in the mood for a cop, crime kind of show.  I found Chicago P.D, I guess I'll give that one a try and see if I like it.

Just popped two more cold med pills as well, so as much as I would love to keep going on the blog to book, I think it's time to put the laptop to bed and sink down into my comfy blankets instead.

Have a blessed night.


  1. I run my sponges through the dishwasher, but buy a good stash of them at the dollar store too. I too don't like to use them too often.

  2. Feel better soon and enjoy the Christmas lights with Curt this weekend.

    I need to crochet a couple of dishcloths as I do have some cotton yarn. :-)

    Happy Christmas holidays ~ FlowerLady

  3. I microwave my damp sponges to keep them cleaner. I crochet, but I have never liked crochet dishcloths. They are too heavy and smeary. lol. I like and use microfiber cloths.
    Have fun seeing the lights this weekend.


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