
Saturday, December 01, 2018

{ Grocery shopping on a cold day }


Today was grocery shopping day.  I like going to the store as soon as it opens up at 8am, I just find that at that time of the day there are not a lot of shoppers, it's quiet, I can take my time and then I have the rest of the day free to do whatever else I need doing.

I had the best of intentions and what I thought was a full list of to dos, and I fully intended to do them all.

Then I woke up with a sore throat which immediately threw me off kilter.  I'm not yet over the cold I had and really don't want to deal with round two.

The morning was cold, and very windy, but you know that as a mom and wife, you have to get things done and can't put them off just because you're not 100%.

I took my time, got my groceries and then came home, dropped everything off, put away the freezer and fridge items and then headed to Walmart with Curt.  I needed laundry detergent and softener and some trash bags.  We usually get those from Walmart and not the commissary.

By the time I got back home, I was feeling so yucky that Curt immediately gave me more cold medicine.  The poor guy is not well either, so we're both taking meds and trying very hard to kick this cold.


I always find that on grocery days, my kitchen is especially messy, mostly because I take this time to clear out the fridge and give it a good wipe.

I had planned on doing laundry and getting the Christmas decorations up......that ended up not happening.  It WILL happen tomorrow though because it has to.


Got the groceries put away, the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up, then took the big load of laundry from the dryer and folded and put it all away.


I always feel better when my kitchen is clean.

The cold meds made me a bit drowsy so I lay down for a bit and drifted in and out of sleep until it was time to get dinner made.  For tonight I made Hot and Spicy Lasagna, we ate half of it and still have half in the fridge for tomorrow, either for lunch or leftovers since that is what we do on Sundays.

Not much else going on today, it's been one of those very typical Saturdays, nothing interesting or fascinating to share with you all.I'm hoping tomorrow I'll have more.

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