
Monday, December 31, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/31/2018 - Goodbye 2018 }

Good morning.

Well here we are, the last day of 2018.  What a year it's been, ups, downs, good things, heartbreaking losses, just a variety of occurrences.  It wasn't an easy year to get through, not at all, but it's taught me some valuable lessons that I'm sure I needed to learn, and for that I'm thankful.

As always, I don't know what the new year has in store, and that really used to play on my mind, but I've decided that there's no need for that kind of thinking, because the Lord is already there, He's already seen what is going to happen, and He has prepared me for it all.

And so I got into 2019 with an open heart and an open mind, and ready to claim it as the best year yet for us.  My wish, for every single one of you reading this post, is that you are abundantly blessed, and that the new year brings you everything you wish for, but above all, health and happiness.

The Weather:::
At the moment it is 40 degrees.  We have sunny skies but it looks like we are expecting some snow and rain towards the end of the week.

Right now I am:
On the couch, under a warm blanket and having my coffee. 

About all that I to do today, paying bills and getting some things done around the house.        

On my reading pile:::
I have a few books for reviews coming up , but I am also rereading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

Yesterday afternoon, I found my Kindle.  I had completely forgot about it and wasn't even sure where I had placed it, but after some digging around I found it, charged it and powered it up.  I was so excited, you could have sworn I got a new Kindle for Christmas.  I have so many wonderful books on it, books that I haven't yet read.  Can't wait. 

On my tv:::
I have been indulging in some Mary Berry shows.  If you love cooking and homemaking, you will no doubt know who Mary Berry is.  Yesterday afternoon, while I crocheted, I watched Classic Mary Berry, and today I'm starting Mary Berry's Country House Secrets. 

Favorite Blog post this week:::
There will now be a short interlude by Welsh Hills Again.

On the menu for this week:::
My next two week menu plan is all about simple recipes.

Monday - New Year's Eve.  Jasmine is treating us to pizza tonight :)
Tuesday - Fajitas, Cilantro Lime Rice, Southwest style beans
Wednesday - Ham and Cheese Sliders, Homemade Fries
Thursday -  Panda Express Chow Mein with Chicken
Friday - Sausages in Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Saturday - Fettucine Alfredo, Foccaccia
Sunday - Sandwiches, Leftovers

On my to do list:::
Laundry - Kids have their laundry to do and I also want to wash my bed linens
Homeschooling - Nick has a few lessons to finish up for this semester
Pay bills
Take photos for blog review
Take down Christmas tree and decorations

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I started another corner to corner granny blanket to use up bits of yarn I have laying around.

Homemaking Tips:::
I want to point you in the direction of a previous post I did back in 2012.  Seeing as Christmas is over and you may have a real tree needing to dispose of.  I leave you an idea on what to do with those beautifully scented pine needles. 

Looking around the house:::
I need to give it a good clean, not that it's dirty but I just feel like it needs a deep clean.  There's still Christmas decorations up and I'm ready for them all to be gone and my house to be back to it's usual state.   

From the camera:::
I had forgotten just how much I loved my kindle and it was pure joy going through it again and seeing all the wonderful books I have yet to read. 

On my prayer list:::
My friend back in South Africa, who's 21 year old daughter was critically injured in a car accident.  She is fighting for her life.  Please say a prayer for Kassandra.
My friend Courtney whose husband is fighting cancer.
My mother in law Pat, she just finished radiation. 
My family, for health and financial stability.
Friends and family as well, who I always pray for. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::


  1. I'm putting a few things from Christmas away, but the trees will take another week, lol! Happy New Year!

  2. Ahhh under a blankie watching Mary Berry. I watched that series, she's so interesting to watch. You might like Lords and Ladles on BBC. Three chefs go to castles to recreate meals. I haven't ever gotten used to holding my kindle, but it's much lighter than any of Diana Gabaldon's heavy hardback books! Have you read Jude Devereaux's a knight in shining armor? Old but good.
    thank you for providing a party with so many interesting people this year, I have met friends thru this linkie. LeeAnna

  3. We took down the Christmas decorations over the weekend while it was "dry" out. This always leads to "spring" cleaning for me which really needs a new name since it happens every year and ALWAYS before spring!

    Have a BLESSED & WONDERFUL new year - Happy 2019 my friend!

  4. What a great quote! How fun to find your Kindle like that. Did not realize Mary Berry had shows other than the judging on the Great British Bake-Off things. I bet she's fun to watch. Thank you for doing the Happy Homemaker Mondays all year, they've kept me very inspired! Hope 2019 is your best year yet. Happy New Year!

  5. I've took down a few decorations, but have a long way to go. Happy New Year, Sandra!

  6. Dear Sandra, I've been a happy reader of your wonderful blog since way back in Arizona, when you (and family) were in Phoenix and I (and family) were in Tucson. Now you are in Texas and I'm in Mississippi...who can guess where life will flow?! Thank you for your return to being a happy blogger, I look forward to hearing about your life and family. Over the years, You have made me laugh and cry and smile and are a GOOD writer and there is never TMI for what you write :) Though we are some years apart (I'll be 59 in 2019), I feel we are kindred spirits in many ways. May you find peace and a strong center in 2019...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  7. Happy New Year Sandra. Sounds like you have a lovely week planned, I wish we were getting snow, but that would take a major polar shift, so I shall be grateful that the endless heat means we are able to go swimming instead.

  8. I love my Kindle too. I read real books too - but by far I read more on the Kindle! Happy New Year!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
