
Monday, February 04, 2019

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/04/2019 }

Good Morning all :)  Hope you've had a good weekend.  Mine was pretty good, Jasmine worked Saturday so  took her in and then had to go to AT&T to deal with our phone account and some things we had to take care of.  Thankfully that went pretty well and didn't take much time, within 30 minutes we were done and on our way.

Our next stop was Walmart for a few items we needed, like milk, juice, I needed some orange thread for some sewing and a few 2 liter sodas.  We really only have soda on the weekend, so it's a nice treat for us.

The rest of the weekend we were home, although Curt treated the kids and I to a nice dinner at Applebees last night.  We don't go out to dinner very often, and when we do it's once in a blue moon and we actually save up for that, so it's always a nice treat and something we look forward to.

So last week Nick started getting a sore throat again and headache, he was not feeling well at all for about 3 days, then got better, but passed it on to Jasmine.  She was so unwell for 3 days, had fever the first day and is now fine.  Guess who got it now?  Yep, me again.  The whole head/sinus cold is back with a vengeance.  I feel well overall, but the sinus thing is really frustrating, and my voice is croaky.
Anyway, I'm hoping to kick this real quick, seems to be going around again and only lasts about two to three days.  Hopefully Curt avoids it.

Well let's get going and see what we have ahead for our week.  

The Weather:::
We are enjoying quite warm weather, yesterday we hit 75, today and the next few days, we will be in the 70's too.  How's that for a Texas winter?

Right now I am:
Watching a documentary on TV while working on this post.  I've already made my bed and set my bedroom to order. 

About my new crochet blanket, and wanting to just get it started but knowing that I have to get a lot of things done today before that can happen. 

On my reading pile:::
Secrets at Cedar Cabin by Colleen Coble

On my tv::: 
Just random vlogs on Youtube, I mainly watch Portuguese ones and love them.
Whatever is on the Firestick

Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::
I've been finding some really sweet blogs, you know the kind that remind me of the good ol' blogging days.  Like minded woman, sweet ladies that share their daily lives and some of them do it in a fashion that is exactly like 12 or 13 years ago.  What a breath of fresh air.  One of the ones I've been enjoying catching up on, is A Stroll Thru Life

Something fun to share:::
You all know how much I love Astronomy, and so this website that I'm about to share with you, gives you a new Astronomy picture each day.  Well, it's Nasa's website, but yes, if you enjoy astronomy like I do, you will definitely enjoy this site. 

On the menu for this week:::
I'll be working on the new menu plan, so I have meals until Friday.  Friday I'll be grocery shopping and the new two week plan will kick in. 

Monday - Fried Chicken, Milk Gravy, Garlicky Red Potatoes and Coleslaw 
Tuesday - Turkey and Swiss Calzones, Homemade Fries
Wednesday - Crockpot Pork Roast, Olive oil and Garlic Spaghetti Noodles, Salad
Thursday -  Cheese Stuffed Meatloaf, Rice, Veggies
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

On my to do list:::
Laundry - Have a comforter to wash, as well as the kid's laundry baskets.  I'm going to take full advantage of this beautiful weather and hang clothes outside to dry
Vacuum dining room
Bake Bread
Start new exercise routine - right, well I've been a little naughty with my eating and I'm feeling super sluggish, so I've decided to do Lucy's 7 day workout which is guaranteed to lose 1 to 2 dress sizes.  Look, it's like 7 minutes out of my day, for 7 days straight, and I can start getting back on track.  At my age, it's imperative that I take better care of my body.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Still working on the Buffalo Plaid Blanket, but really excited to start something new today.  I'll share with you all tomorrow. 

Looking around the house:::
It's super quiet.  The sun is shining brightly through the windows and giving everything a beautiful orange glow.
The house is clean, there really is nothing much to do other than the laundry and vacuuming the dining room.  I vacuumed the rest of the house yesterday.

Kids are still fast asleep, hubby is at work and Marley is sleeping on the couch. 

From the camera:::
Love my baby boy :)

On my prayer list:::
Many friends and family who are dealing with health issues.
My husband, he is currently going through the VA medical stuff, and if you've gone through it or your husbands have, you know how overwhelming and frustrating it can all be. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
I just have to go back to my all time favorite verse, which is 1 Peter 5:7.


  1. I'm going to look up the 7 day exercise routine, it sounds like a good kick start. Your Marley is so cute, looks like a snugglepuss like my Princess Bella. I'm sorry to hear you are sick, I hope you feel better soon.

    1. I edited into the post above with the link to the Youtube video :) That's wonderful if you join in, we could all do it together and keep each other motivated :)

  2. Feel better soon!!! Can't wait to see what you are going to start next!! I made the Navajo tacos on Friday... yum!!! Have a great week!!

    1. Oh awesome, I'm sooooo happy to know you enjoyed the Navajo Tacos :) Thank you, have a great week Jodi :)

  3. Hope you are all feeling better, so hard when those illnesses start creeping through the family. That time of year. Great picture of Marley, he looks so cozy. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I just wish the illnesses would leave for good, but I fear with this crazy flip flopping weather, it's going to hang around for a while. Have a great week :)

  4. I opened up pages to look at a A stroll Thru life and the 7 day challenge while reading your post. That dog is really cute! Have a great week

    1. Thank you, I love my Marley :) Hope you like the blog and the 7 day challenge. Have a great week too :)

  5. ABSOLUTELY adorable picture of Marley! I hope you feel better soon and keeping Curt in my prayers - so sorry e is going through VA stuff. Have a FANTASTIC week.

    1. Thank you so much Tamy, and yes, VA is a pain in the behind lol Have a wonderful week!!

  6. Roast sounds good. I haven't made it in a long time. Have a great week.

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon, Sandra. Enjoyed reading your post and love the old-time method of blogging. I think that's my problem. My mindset is still in the old days, but I'm trying to keep up with the more modern methods...which does NOT work for me...and, I'm thinking that, maybe that's okay? I miss the old Yahoo Groups. That's where I THRIVED! Maybe it's okay to do blog posts like I did back then? Maybe I should just do what works for me and not worry about the rest of it? It's certainly something to consider. Thanks and have a great week ahead! Blessings! <3

    1. Rebecca, it's the only way to enjoy blogging and keep doing it. A few years ago I thought I had to keep up with everyone, but all it did was make me not enjoy blogging and actually take a hiatus. It was awful.

      I'm still blogging pretty much daily and I think I've just remained my old self, and blog the same way I always have. :) Have a wonderful week :)

  8. I'll have to check out the workout link you posted! 7 minutes a day is definitely do-able. Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Right? It's definitely something we can fit into our days. Thank you Carol :)

  9. Hope you feel better soon. We had that over Christmas and it was horrible. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

    1. Thank you so much. We had our first round with it around Christmas too but it's back again. Have a great week :)


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