
Saturday, February 09, 2019

{ Oh goodness, it's been a few days }

I was doing brilliantly, posting every day, and then Wednesday rolled around and it's been a bit of a blur.  I was frustrated with myself for not being able to continue the daily blogging, but I have to remind myself that there will be days, weeks or even months, where this is going to happen.....and guess what?

It's ok.

So where have I been?

Well basically driving my girl to work, back and forth, working on schooling with my son and taking care of business around the house.

Isn't it weird just how quick the days go by?  I think it was Thursday night that I climbed into bed and actually thought "did I NOT just get up to make our coffee?".  Just nuts!!!!

I don't have much to update you on, nothing interesting went on, other than like I said above, just normal day to day homemaking, a lot of schooling and the driving back and forth.  But, that's ok, next week even though the taxi services will still be required *snort*, I promise to do much better at this daily blogging.

In the meantime, if you're new around here, you can always go back and read some of my earlier posts, or check out my yummy recipes over on the Full Bellies, Happy Kids blog, and if you would prefer, you can also go and check out my favorite blogs, they're all on the sidebar for your convenience :)

 Oh and I just realized that I forgot to mention my photo all the way at the top of this post.  That's my current crochet project, beautiful isn't it?

Ok, now I'm out.  I will see you all probably tomorrow, but I won't promise anything because I don't know quite what my plans are.  So I'll just say that I will see you bright and early on Monday, for our Happy Homemaker Monday, I mean, you know I will definitely be here for that.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends!!!

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
