
Thursday, March 21, 2019

{ Grape Hyacinths }


There are always those specific signs that say "Spring is here".

One can wish it to be true and even start imagining it from weeks prior, but there's one sign here in my yards that always, and I mean ALWAYS tells me Spring is here.



When I start seeing clusters of the Grape Hyacinths, then I know, it's finally here to stay.

They are all over my yards, front, back, side and all around the fields.  They are so beautiful and delicate and I've been wanting to find a way to propagate them.  If you know how, please let me know in the comments.


And then it's like everything else just comes alive.  My trees are blooming, the bare branches no longer empty of leaves and grey in color.


The grass takes on a gorgeous green color and flowers intermingled with weeds, create a blanket across the yards.  We're supposed to not like weeds, to find them annoying and intrusive, and while that may be true, I also can't help but love them....their bright colors and the way the sun will shine on them in the early morning or late afternoon.


Some trees hold fast to their Winter branches, as if in constant friction with Spring, although the nests contradict their stance because in them, are the tiny little birds that are hatching signaling the beginning of yet another season.


It's easy to walk out in the yard and not even take notice of any of these things, especially when our minds are preoccupied with the stresses of daily life.  I know I've said it before, but I do urge you to take a few moments next time you step outside, and just stop and look and admire.



It's an absolutely gorgeous Spring day here in Texas.  70 degrees at the moment, not a single cloud in the sky, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and I have a full clothesline dripping with freshly washed laundry. 

I just got a load of trousers going and I've brought in the bits and pieces that are already dry, so that I can start ironing while I watch some TV.

BTW, I don't know if you have seen this show yet as it's pretty new, but it's called The Act.  It is actually a web series from Hulu, that focuses on he horrible story of Dee Dee Blanchard and Gypsy Blanchard.  If you don't know about this mother and daughter story, just go and take a look online, it is absolutely horrifying.

Anyway, I better skidaddle on out of here, I have to do a quick ironing of some clothes, then I need to get my menu planning done and write up a grocery list for tomorrow.  But before all this, I must go and pop my pork short ribs in the oven so they can cook and be ready for dinner. 

The life of a homemaker is a constant buzz of activity isn't it?  I wouldn't change it for anything in this world though. :)



  1. I found this site that reports two ways to propagate grape hyacinths

    1. Thank you so much Mary, I'll go and take a look :)


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