
Friday, March 01, 2019

{ I really and I mean really, don't like driving }


Honestly, the more I drive, the less I like it.  The drivers in our city are by far, some of the worst I've ever come across.  I have never seen such reckless driving, and it's no wonder the highways are littered with police cars and people pulled over.

If I could avoid driving, I surely would.

I don't know about you all, but it's nerve wrecking for me.

I apologize for the lack of photos on this post, but I haven't had the chance to take many, I find that lately I'm getting on with my days and by the time I realize that I didn't take a single photo, it's far too late as I'm literally climbing into bed.

Tuesday night my right ear started feeling like it needed to pop, like that full feeling.  My hearing is not affected and I'm pretty certain this is due to my allergies, it happened last year as well when I developed fluid in both ears from the allergies.

I'm now going on 3 days with this uncomfortable ear thing, and really hoping it clears up soon.  I don't think it's fluid again because it doesn't feel the same as the last time.  But goodness, this is annoying.  If it's not better by Monday I'll be going in to the doctor.

I had a busy day today, driving my girl back and forth from work, and in between, homemaking.  I gave her bathroom and bedroom a really good clean.  She usually does it herself but she's been working a lot of hours and hasn't had a chance, and I don't mind since it IS a part of my home.

Bed linens were changed, windows were opened to let in fresh air and the floors were vacuumed.  I gave the bathroom a good clean as well, and even got down on the ground and washed the floors by hand.

I'm waiting for my new mop to come in, but aside from that I find that some good old elbow grease is sometimes the best way to give it a real good clean. 

Just love a good clean smelling house, don't you?

Tomorrow, we are dropping Jasmine off at work in the morning, and then running a few errands.  I actually need to pick up some laundry detergent and softener, I buy them at the Dollar General which is cheaper than both the commissary or Walmart.

I also want to pop into our local Goodwill just to look around, it's been years since we've been in one.

After that, it's right back home to do laundry, get some baking done and potter around the house until we pick Jas up again.  She has decided she is taking us all to dinner, her treat and she's really excited about it.

I can't believe my little girl is all grown up, it's insane.

Right, I'm getting off here and am going to catch up on some Heartland.  Hope you're all having a blessed Friday night :)

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