
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

{ I'm back on it....the homemaker groove that is }


Remember when I told you that after we moved from Idaho, I seemed to have kind of lost myself and even though I love being a homemaker, I wasn't exactly acting like one.

I did the bare minimum to get by, but the love for the homemaking craft itself seemed to have dwindled.

I would be lying if I told you that I didn't struggle to find it again, matter of fact, and to be quite frank with you all, it took almost 3 years.  But, I found it, I found the homemaking groove again and I'm so incredibly content at the moment.

Everything about my life is love.  It is filled with family and moments of laughter.  That's not to say that there aren't tough moments, health issues, or times when things aren't exactly going to plan, but overall, I feel such immense contentment with my life and where I am in this journey.


That love overflows from inside the home to the outside as well.  When I was in Arizona I had grown so many veggies, had tons of plants that were thriving and growing beautifully.  I haven't been able to do that in a long time, firstly because we were moving and had just left the military and everything was up in the air.

Then we moved from Idaho and again it was all just so chaotic, I wasn't really feeling myself, feeling a good homemaker and so things fell to the wayside.

As I get back into the groove, one thing I'm itching to do, is get back into gardening and growing.  I have all these plans and thoughts and ideas about what I want to do in our yards this summer, and hubby is on board so I'm super excited about that.




On Sunday when we dropped Jasmine off at work, we stopped at Walmart for some meds, and then Curt and I had a little mooch around.  I went straight to the garden center, not because I had something specific in mind that I wanted, but I love looking around during this time of year.

The garden area is filled with colorful flowers, huge potted plants, trees and shrubs, vases and patio furniture, and everything you could possibly want or need to set up a beautiful outside area.

We walked around a bit and settled on some plants to bring home, they were the cheap $1.98 ones and I just couldn't resist.  I knew I had to bring them home.

Yesterday morning I got them all repotted and situated and then pulled out some faux leather fabric I had and started a project I had wanted to make for a while.


Fabric planters.   The possibilities are endless and the fact that you can make your own means that you can use fabrics that will complement your home.

I had some faux leather fabric that I had bought back in Arizona and had been keeping for just the right project, whatever that might be.  I knew that I wanted to use it for these plants.

I wasn't quite sure how to make them, or how I would do it and so these first two that I made were pretty much me winging in and using the easiest method possible.  I measured the height, the width and the circumference of the pot, added about half and inch more, and then grabbed my hot glue gun and went to work.


These are not perfect, not by far, but I love how they turned out and as I make more, I now know what works what doesn't, and how to make them neater.  I still am very pleased with the result and think the flowers look gorgeous in the fabric planter.


If you're wondering, the fabric planters are not filled with dirt.  I merely placed the flower pot into the fabric planter.  When it's time to water, I take it out and wait until it is done draining, before placing back in it's fabric planter.


I've been busy fluttering around the house.  The minute Spring comes about, I am no longer wanting to stay in bed or under covers, in a corner of the house.  I want to be up as soon as the sun is rising, opening windows, homemaking, cooking and baking and crafting.

I've made delicious food for my family's meals, I've crocheted spring and summery placemats, I take immense pleasure in washing clothes and hanging them to dry, planting and creating and so on.


As the weather warms up, my mind goes to homemade treats, especially those that we know the family will be gravitating towards, like ice cream.

Soooooo, yesterday, well, last night actually, after dinner, I quickly threw together some homemade raspberry ice cream.  You won't believe how easy it is to make and it only takes 3 ingredients.  Yes, that's right, 3 ingredients.

I'll share the recipe tomorrow, but let me tell you it's delicious, the hubby and kids love it and I'll be making more this summer, using all sorts of flavors.


I have been sharing a bit more on Instagram, it's just easier sometimes to do stories and show you my day in the moment, so if you're interested you can hop on over there and see what I'm up to.

But yes, I'm back in my homemaker groove and I'm hoping to continue sharing my days with you all, tips and tricks, recipes, snapshots of what I'm doing and my home and all sorts of things.

I'm so glad that you've all stuck around and have walked with me through this craziness I call life.  I know I haven't been the greatest at commenting back and I apologize for that, I want to try and be better at that so please bear with me.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed a sneak peek at my newest plants, crafts and yummy goodies.

I'll be back tomorrow with more :)


  1. Glad you've found your way back to joy in all your activities. I can just hear it in your post. Those planters are really pretty. Happy Spring!

  2. I love the fabric planters, so creative!

  3. I'm already working in my gardens and loving it. We had a pretty nice day for outdoor work today. I love flowers, so I'm getting a head start on gardens this year. Previous years I waited until later.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
