
Sunday, March 31, 2019

{ It's that time of the year.....where grass goes flying through the air }


Well friends, the big guns have come out to play, and that means we are now in the time of year where grass grows at crazy speed and we spend a lot of time outdoors.

It's never real until that first mowing, isn't it?

My hubby had the day off on Friday and that was the perfect time to get started on the mowing.  He got the big mower prepped and ready, and off he went.  I have to say that first smell of fresh cut grass, is everything.

We also talked about our garden, what we want to plant and where we are going to build the raised beds etc.  I'm so excited about that, I don't want too much but there are some veggies and herbs that I just have to have this spring and summer.

I'll share the progress with you as we get on.



The  house has been coming alive as Spring sets upon us.  It's so strange but just like us humans feel cold and dreary in the winter, the house seems to take on that same tone for me.  It's almost like it's wanting to be closed up, left alone to deal with the winter blues, and then as days get longer, and temperatures rise, the house gets lighter and brighter.

My days have been filled with homemaking, and lately lots of crochet.  I've been crocheting quite a bit behind the scenes, just making some things that I'm hoping to be able to make available for you all to buy.  It's just a way to bring in a little extra money for our home, to help pay off our debt faster.  I've thought about this for many years, but there is a very fine line for me, between enjoying crochet and it becoming a chore/job, and I have never wanted to cross that line for fear that it will ruin the love I have for the craft.

I do think that what I've been crocheting to possibly sell, is quick and easy for me to work through and it's therefore taking the pressure off myself in feeling that I HAVE to do it, and it not being enjoyable.

There's also the fact that I have to consider just how much time I can devote to this because as of lately, my days are quite busy and not exactly the same from one day to the next.  It's all very up in the air lately, so I take whatever downtime I can to crochet a little.

Anyway, I feel like I'm babbling and you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about.  Apologies for that, I'll tell you more about it this week :)

I've also been trying to take more pictures of our meals, especially the ones not up on the food blog yet, so that I can share them with you.  That's something else that I find frustrating at the moment, because I have the best of intentions on sharing what I'm cooking for the family, but can never seem to find a moment to sit down and add them to the blog.

You may think that blogging is easy and quick, and for the most part it can be, but it does take time to type out the recipes, take and edit the photos, upload them to Flickr, and then embed them in the post and all that stuff.  Believe it or not, it does take quite a bit of time but I am trying very hard to carve out time in my schedule for the recipes.

In the meantime, all I can do is keep pushing on and trying right?


So, update on my ear.  It is finally starting to feel better, it's still got a bit of the fullness feeling and the ringing is still ongoing although not as bad as it was before.  The Sudogest didn't work, the Medrol Steroid Pack didn't work, so my doctor has told me to wait until Monday morning and see how I'm feeling.

If it's not feeling any better or gotten worse, then I need to go back in for a reevaluation.

The problem is that the fluid in the ear needs to drain, and the quickest way to do that would have been to take Mucinex or any other Guaifenesin type product......I'm unfortunately allergic to Guaifenesin, so I can't take Mucinex, or Robitussin or any product containing it.  Which leaves me with nothing to take to drain this ear faster.

What I've resorted to is home remedies and mostly Draining Massages which you can find online.

Let me tell you, those massages WORK.  This may be TMI (too much info), but for the past 2 days that I've been doing them, along with steam inhalations and using a humidifier, I've had so much drainage running down the back of my throat, it's insane.

Taking the meds would have fixed this quicker, but since I can't, I know that it is going to take a while to get all of this fluid drained from the ear, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.  I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow morning, but I may just go in even if just to see how much fluid is left in the ear and if it's gotten better.

Right, I think I've talked so much on this post, but you know, I'm a talker and I had a lot to say and share.  I'm going to end it right here though, it is Sunday and I plan on doing absolutely nothing today, no one has to work, we don't have to go anywhere at all, so it's basically the usual daily homemaking tasks, I plan on baking a cake later this afternoon, and more crochet.

Have a blessed Sunday friends and I'll see you back in the morning for our Happy Homemaker Monday :)

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