
Monday, April 15, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/15/2019

Good morning friends and a very happy Monday to you.  I hope you've had a blessed weekend and I wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

I think my week is going to be a bit slower, Jasmine has a few days off which helps a lot in the sense that I don't have to rush around and I can really concentrate on housework and things inside that are needing my attention.

I also need to get ready for grocery shopping this Friday and then Easter on Sunday, we usually get together with my brother and his family so I'm sure that is the plan again.   

The weather:::
We had the craziest storms this week which dropped the temperatures down dramatically.  We went from 90s to 30s.  It did feel good to have that rain come down and the effect of that is looking all around us and being surrounded by green everywhere.  Love Spring!!! 

Monday - Partly cloudy, wind, 83º
Tuesday - Cloudy, wind, 78º
Wednesday - AM clouds, PM sun, 81º
Thursday - Partly cloudy, wind, 69º
Friday - Sunny, 73º
Saturday - Mostly sunny, 82º
Sunday - Partly cloudy, wind, 85º

On my reading pile:::
By Invitation Only by Dorothea Benton Frank

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
I mainly watched some homemaking vlogs, and I also watched a few videos on the Japanese Suicide Forest.  It is so sad, truly heartbreaking to think about.   

On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Random Vlogs
Jesus:  His Life
Easter related shows
The Act

On the menu for this week:::
Pork Pepper Jack Meatballs, Spaghetti
Lemon Chicken, Rice, Salad
Beef Casserole
Makeover Rigatoni w/ bacon and asparagus, Garlic Bread 
*Grocery Shopping*


On my to do list:::
Change bedding and wash linens - I do this every Monday
Sweep patio, pull out table and chairs for summer (didn't get to it last week)
Homeschool- Finishing off the year

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I need to pick up some more yarn to make a few more crochet placemat sets.  I WILL be selling them, so please bear with me while I work on these. 

Looking forward to:::
Easter this weekend, it's one of my favorite days of the year. 

Looking around the house:::
It's just gone after 8am.  The sun is shining through the windows, Jasmine's birds are happily chirping away in the living room, Marley is asleep next to me and both kids are still in bed.  The house needs a little tidying from the weekend as Curt and Nick were playing games. 

From the camera:::
My new Pocket Bible Devotional :)

What I'm wearing today:::
Not yet changed but I'll be throwing on some shorts and a tshirt soon.     

One of my simple pleasures:::
Chatting with my mother in law.  We always enjoy sitting down and catching up, talking about what we've been doing, about God, about the state of the country and so on.       

Bible verse, Devotional, prayers::: 
I should be getting my mammogram results sometime today, so praying for that.
My retracted ear drum which is still not healed....good grief.
Still praying for my friends Jacki and Stacey.
My mother in law Pat.
And any of you out there in need of prayer at the moment, you can leave your prayer request in the comments below and I'll be sure to add you to my prayer list.


  1. Good morning, Sandra! Happy Monday! We've had the up and down weather this past week, too, but the week ahead looks a little more stable with highs in the 70's. I'm happy! :) Your menus look greate and the new devotional is lovely. Have a blessed week ahead, my friend, and thanks for all you do! <3

  2. I think the whole country is going through a crazy weather cycle. It's 37 here right now and we're supposed to be 80 by Thursday for one day only!! I too am looking forward to Easter which next to Christmas is a favorite holiday. I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL week.

  3. We have the crazy weather here too.... and the snow has returned.. boo! Dang, still problems with that here... no fun for you! Love the menu this week!! Have a great Monday!!

  4. I like your new devotional. Hope you get good test results and that your ear takes the right turn soon. Have a great week

  5. Just came across your great blog!!! Will enjoy reading.
    Blessings to you,

  6. Pretty devotional. Heard there's been some wild weather out in the Midwest. Prayers for good test results and your ear to heal! Hope you get to relax a bit this week.

  7. I truly love your blog! I have been and will continue to be praying for your ear! I also pray that you get good news about your mammogram. I am excited about spring as well! The weather here has been on the wild side as well as far as storms go! I am glad your safe! Praying you have a blessed week!

  8. Hello Sweetie! Missed you last week (gone on a trip) ;)
    Getting all ready and planning for Easter around here too. I love your little devotional - so sweet. Have a blessed week ahead wonderful Friend. xoxo

  9. I can't believe Easter is this weekend, I totally forgot. We may end up at my inlaws this weekend for a family meal. Looking forward to the cooler weather here so long as the high humidity doesn't kill us. At least the pollen has finally died down.

    Have a great week.

  10. I feel like all of a sudden Easter has flown up on us. It shouldn't since the no meat Fridays have been driving my meat eater family nutty. Praying that you received good news back on your mammogram. Hope you are doing well. Have a great week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
