
Monday, May 27, 2019

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/27/2019 }

EDIT:  Sorry about the linky confusion, it is now up and working.  Thank you for the heads up ladies :)

Good morning everyone, and a very happy Monday.

First and foremost, hope you're all having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and no matter what you are doing, my hope is that you're keeping in mind the real reason why this holiday is celebrated.

So, first things first....I've been MIA again from the blog and regular post.  The reason?
Still haven't got the new lens, it was a crazy week let me tell you.  I bought the lens, it was shipped out within 2 days and made it's way to the USA, went through customs and all that stuff, and then I tracked it all the way to Friday.

It was out for delivery, I was beyond excited, and then suddenly  - DEAD MAIL/DISPOSED BY POST OFFICE.

What in the world???

After numerous calls to the post office, they told me they didn't have it, it wasn't scanned into their system, no idea what package or where (even though it SAYS USPS accepted it 3 times through different cities).

I got in contact with the seller and he was extremely helpful, went above and beyond and is actually sending me another lens at no extra cost.  So hopefully, soon we get back on track.

BUT, with that said, it's been two weeks of no actual posts on the blog, and I can't handle that, so I'm going to use what I already have and work with it and get back to daily blogging for you guys.

Anyway, now you know what has been happening.  Let's get on with our post for today.

The weather:::
We have had a rough tornado season already.  For the first time in 4 years of being here, the sirens started blaring last week and we had to go into the storm shelter.  We actually had rotating clouds above our house and a tornado did indeed touch down nearby, but thankfully went back up again.  It's been pretty hot though and intermittent rain here and there.  We have yet more storms this week, so please continue to keep us and everyone in tornado alley, in your prayers.

Monday - Partly cloudy, wind, 88º
Tuesday - Scattered thunderstorms, 87º
Wednesday - Thunderstorms, 74º
Thursday - Sunny, 82º
Friday - Mostly Sunny, 84º
Saturday - AM thunderstorms, 85º
Sunday - PM thunderstorms, 87º

On my reading pile:::
Realm by Alexandrea Weis.   

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::
Well, I have just binge watched the first season of Lucifer.  I have held off on watching it for a very long time, years actually.  Everyone kept saying it is brilliant and just so good and need to watch and so on, but I'm kind of weird with shows like that.  My husband though, started watching it this past week and was hooked on it, so yesterday since I had a down day of doing absolutely nothing, I decided to give it a go.  I'm hooked, it is such a good show.

On my TV this week:::
General Hospital
Homemaking vlogs
The Spanish Princess
When Calls the Heart
60 Minutes Australia
True Crime Daily
Lucifer Season 2

On the menu for this week:::

Pulled Pork with Homemade Mac and Cheese

Pulled Pork Sandwich with Mac & Cheese,

Olive Garden Fettucine Alfredo, Garlic Bread

Cowboy's Meal

Asian Beef Wraps

Deep Dish Pizza and Hot wings

On my to do list:::
Empty and reload dishwasher
Vacuum and dust
Change bed linens

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I fixed a skirt that was way too big on me, so pulled that in and it now fits so much better.  Also am re purposing some dresses.

Looking forward to:::
Fingers crossed that I actually get my lens in this week.  I'm dying over here folks, I need my camera fully functioning lol
Hubby is in training the next two weeks and then he is actually away for a week TDY, but thankfully he is not going far from home, which is wonderful, he will be but an hour away.

Looking around the house:::
It is quite dark, we have cloudy skies and gloomy weather again.  I haven't even opened my bedroom blinds or curtains yet because hubby was still asleep.
The kids are sleeping, of course.  The smell of fresh coffee is wafting in from the kitchen and I may need to go and refill my cup.

From the camera:::
View of my desk yesterday afternoon.     

What I'm wearing today:::
Still in my nightgown, haven't thrown on the workout gear yet.  I missed two days last week which really annoyed me, but it's ok, one bad week and we are going right back at it.  I've lost 2 pounds so far and I'm super proud of myself, although it's been HARD. 

One of my simple pleasures:::
Having a down day, doing nothing but watching a show and not even having to worry about cooking because everyone tells you not to, and end up snacking all day long.  lol                

Bible verse, Devotional, prayers::: 
Today's prayer is specifically for Memorial Day:

Heavenly Father, as our nation pauses today to remember those in the military who have given their lives for freedoms we enjoy, we pray you would have us all look to you for strength, comfort and guidance. Be with all who serve in our Armed Forces. Bless them and their families. Grant your loving protection. Let peace prevail among all the nations, O God. Especially let your mercy rest upon our land, even as we acknowledge with thanksgiving your past goodness on this country. If it is your will, preserve the lives of the men and women in uniform as they defend our citizenry. Most of all, we pray that you would turn the hearts of all – military and civilian – to your holy Word where we find the true peace for our sinful souls that surpasses all understanding. Keep us repentant of sin. Move us to know, take hold and treasure your saving grace. In the name of Jesus, our Savior and Your beloved Son, who alone gives this peace and hope for eternity, we pray. Amen.


  1. That tornado alarm must have been really scary. Great menu pictures! Hope you have a great week

  2. Sorry to hear about your lens delivery mishaps. I hope the new one arrives safely and soon. Also sorry it's been such an active tornado year already - yucky weather too - stay safe my friend. I always hated this season in Texas! Your menu looks good! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Hope the lens situation works out well and quickly... Have a great week!

  4. Good morning! I will praying for your family during tornado season! How scary that must have been to need to go into the storm shelter!I hope your lens comes this week!!! Thank you for hosting happy homemaker monday!!! I really enjoy linking up and getting to know the other bloggers! Praying you have a blessed week ahead! Also the linky is missing!!!

  5. What a crazy tornado season it's been! We've been getting the watches and warnings here on almost on a daily basis. Will be so glad when this season is behind us and am praying over all. Hope you get the lens situation straightened out soon. Will check back later to see if the linky is up. Have a blessed week ahead! And Happy Memorial Day! <3

  6. Happy Memorial Weekend to you dear Lady - and thanks to Curt for his his service!! 😊 I hope your camera issues get worked out beautiful Gal! I love your posts even if I don't get to come by visiting as much as I"d like. Hopefully more time this summer now.
    Your menu this week has me starving right now! Lol Blessings beautiful Friend xoox

  7. That's crazy about your lens! I hope the new one shows up soon!! I can handle most weather, but tornadoes scare me! Your food pics have me drooling! Love the prayers! Have a great week!

  8. Morning! Your menu sounds yummy! I love Lucifer, and am waiting for my son to catch up so that we can watch Season 4 together. I hope you have a great week!

  9. Hope you get your lens soon. Hoping tornado season is almost over, it's been such a strange spring. I always get tempted by Lucifer (ha! I guess that could be a double meaning) but worry it would be too scary so don't watch it. Is it scary? Hope you've had a nice Monday and have a wonderful rest of your week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
