
Friday, May 10, 2019

{ Last day of school - Summer is officially here }


It's been a whirlwind of activity around here.  I'm tired, I'm really tired, but so happy to be done for the next few months and to welcome summer with open arms.

As I type this, we have just handed in our last assignment.

The feeling of relieve was immediate, and I think it's that way for every school aged child, parent and teacher at this time of the year.  Everyone has had enough, everyone needs a break and so on.

Now that school is out of the way, I can focus and have more time for other things.

Like blogging.

I miss taking tons of photos during my day, and unfortunately at the moment, there is nothing I can really do about it.  I've been taking whatever photos my camera manages to snap, and when it's time to edit I am often left deleting more shots than saving any.  It's frustrating, to say the least, because as a blogger, photography goes hand in hand with what I do and have been doing for over a decade.

But, it's a little bump in the road, in the meantime I have managed to order a new lens for dirt cheap, and when I say dirt cheap I mean CHEAP, like less than 20 dollars because honestly I can't afford anything else.

Once that lens comes in, I will try to get the camera back up and running properly and hopefully we will be back to normal, daily blogging, in no time.


The rain has been coming down for a week straight, knocking out our power at random intervals, shaking the house with thunderous booms, and lighting up the skies with the most insane looking but equally beautiful flashes of light.

With all that rain, my garden has been growing, and just a few days ago I was able to get some lettuce that I had regrown.  There's no better feeling that eating the food that you've grown with your own hands.



As much as I love the rain, I must say that even though everything around me is beautiful and green, it's also been quite dark and gloomy for a bit too long.  Anytime I see the sun peeking through the clouds, it's like a breath of fresh air.  I'm actually starting to miss seeing the sun, but I'm not about to throw a fit and demand some warmth, I know far too well that within the next few weeks summer will descend upon us with it's triple digits and then I'll be wishing for cool weather again.


I've seen tons of pretty flowers, plants and all kinds of shrubbery popping up around the yard.  I have a few of these below, and I have absolutely no clue what they are?  If you all know, please won't you put me out of my misery?


I've even tried to look it up online but to no avail, maybe I don't know how to search for it or am not describing it right, I don't know, but I can't seem to figure it out.

I DO know that many of you have plants and flowers, beautiful ones at that, and will surely know the name of this one.

Well friends, this is a super short post, but I really only wanted to come in and say hi, I didn't want to leave my blog without posts for too long, especially since I've been so good about daily blogging.

I'm waiting on Curt and Jasmine to get home, he went to pick her up from work on his way home himself, so that I didn't have to go out of the way to do it.  I truly have a wonderful husband and I'm thankful and blessed for him.

Have a wonderful Friday night friends!!!


  1. Your plant looks like some form of yucca.

  2. Happy last day of school! The countdown is on over here, we have 10 days (sigh) over here still. I also think that plant looks like a yucca :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I hope you have an amazing summer!! We have a few weeks left before we are done, but I'm counting the days! :) Hope you get your camera fixed soon!

  4. "School's Out For The Summer..." Yeah. Have a fun, relaxing one as it will be over before you know it, haha. Looks like a Spanish Bayonet yucca. Be careful of the pointy ends as they will can you when you think you're clear if them. We have many around the yard some over six feet tall! We cut the tips off so the dog and cats don't get speared while walking near them (don't need to get in the eye for sure). If you really run into one, it can leave the black point stuck in you! Other than that, haha, enjoy. They certainly are pretty when in bloom. Mary in GA

  5. And a most Happy Mother's Day to you! Know you won't and can't relax, but enjoy your day with the family.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
