
Friday, June 14, 2019

{ Meal Plan Friday - #1 }

Friday segment spotlighting the meals for the week ahead. Why Friday? Because I grocery shop Bi-weekly, on Fridays.

This week's plan includes 2 new recipes, therefore no links for those yet, and some family favorites which you will find on the food blog, Full Bellies, Happy Kids.

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first Meal Plan Friday post.

Over the years I have talked about how much I rely on meal planning.  I first dabbled with meal planning when I was about 15.   I was still at home at the time, not married, but my stepmother had always meal planned for our family, and anytime she and my dad were away from home, it fell to me to plan and cook for myself and my brothers.

It was something I thoroughly enjoyed and actually looked forward to.  She would leave me the money for the grocery shopping in an envelope and I would take it from there.

Once I got married and moved to the United States, I continued planning our meals and have done so for the past 21 years.  I can't function without it, and find it quite stressful to figure out meals if I don't already know what I'm preparing ahead of time.

With that in mind, you also already know that I shop for 2 weeks at a time, so my meal plan is is done in two week increments.  I decided that instead every Friday I would share my meal plan for the week ahead.  I was going to do it for two weeks at a time, but that would be a pretty long post, so I'll just stick to one week.  Yes I do share my meals in my Happy Homemaker Monday, but this post is a bit more detailed in that I'll share the links, photos and talk about any new recipes I'll be trying or any that we tried and so on. 

Maybe it will give you some inspiration, or you may find a new recipe to try for your family.

Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy this new weekly segment.  Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

Dinner Out - Mexican Restaurant

Beef and Broccoli with Rice

Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches, Waffle Fries

Carne de Panela (Portuguese Beef Tips), Rice and Beans

Frango Estufado (Portuguese Skillet Chicken), Mashed Potatoes, Salad

Hot and Spicy Lasagna, Garlic Bread

Lunch Lady Brownies


  1. I have not ever seriously meal planned. I may plan a few special things and stuff for after church Sundays. Sometimes if Jack and I are not feeling well we may just eat a can of soup or cereal. Your meals sound good this week and of course every week!

  2. I have to plan with what's in season, what is needing to be used up in pantry (home canned), frozen in the freezer, etc. I sort of go with the flow, as well as what's available organic at produce stands and what organic meats I can find on sale too.

  3. LMBO at how similar you and I are! I bet if we compared our list making for grocery shopping they too would be similar to style. Looks like a great plan for the menu this week. Have a good one.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
