
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

{ Saying thank you to YOU, my readers }

So many times we take our lives for granted.  What we do, who we have in our lives, where we go, our health and so on.

And sometimes, it is good to stop and actually take a moment to appreciate and thank all those wonderful people in your life.  I try to do that with my family, as much as I can, but you my readers are a big part of my life too.

Some of you have been with me for a very long time, almost from the beginning of my blogging journey, and others have joined in along the way, but you've all become a part of my life and hold a special place in my heart.

I blog for me, for my memories, to have a place to sit and jot down what I was doing, and even mundane things such as what I was eating, or what I bought, where I went, the weather, and even the sky.  For some it may seem ridiculous to care so much about putting this all down in a blog, but for me it's imperative that I do.

See, I want to have a place where I can come back to years from now, when my children are all grown and married, and be able to show them where we started, where they came from and what kind of childhood and family life they had.  There's far too many sad stories out there, children who would give anything to have loving parents and a good life, and so, I hope that one day my children will show their own kids what it was like for them, growing up.

But all that aside.......

My blog is not just about my family, it is about the wonderful friends I've made, the special souls that come by daily, the sweet Pure Sugar comments, the words of support, the kind advice that I encounter here in my little spot.

So today, it's all about you, I want to thank you for sticking with me even when I'm crap about returning blog visits, or commenting and replying.  Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart, I love you all dearly.

I can't do much but say thank you, although if I was rich I may have just booked a cabin somewhere and invited your all for a girls weekend.  Now THAT would have been amazing, wouldn't it?

My hope is that through my blog, you all have made friendships, and found ladies with similar interests , so to thank you for coming over to My Little Corner of the World, I'm going to send you over to some of my favorite friends, and if you haven't yet met each other, take a moment to go on over and say hi, leave a sweet comment on these blogs and let them know that I've sent you.

You all know I'm a Pioneer Woman at Heart, Chasing my life wherever it leads me.  For quite a few years, from 2007 to 2013 I had Daydreams in the Desert of Arizona, while dreaming of returning to Idaho, I guess I had dreams of living in Idaho and taking tons of pictures for my very own Northwoods Scrapbook.  Besides, much as I loved Arizona and A Little Bit of Sunshine,  I always felt that everything was so brown, so lacking in green, where I felt that Idaho was definitely Not Afraid of Color.   I spent my days homemaking and working on being better at organizing because I was definitely Sonotorganized.

But Idaho didn't work out for us and so we headed to Texas to our very own country house, which made me incredibly happy.  I could now have my very own Hearth and Home, just like Rebecca.  With so much property around, I began dreaming of filling the gardens with flowers of all shapes, sizes and colors, and maybe I could have my very own Flowerlady's Musings.  All through these moves and ups and downs, I still managed to keep blogging and sharing my life, much like My Life as Mama Jodi  and crafting and sewing like Ozark's Sew n' Sews

After all these blogging years, I'm still me, still Attempting to be a Super Mom, having fun, exploring the area but deep down knowing that My Heart is Always Home, and if that is What Makes me Happy then, that is all that matters.

I'm ever so thankful for the home I have, for living in the country and constantly being surrounded by Dragonfly Treasures and beautiful nature.  It's easy to sometimes get bogged down with things going around, but it's much easier to appreciate what is around us, to step outside and watch the birds, to imagine that we're being flown away On Wings like Eagles

So again, thank you, each and every single one of you who have stayed with me through this crazy blogging journey.  I appreciate you all more than you will ever know :)


  1. Our blogging friends are such a blessing!

  2. Loved this post! Thank you for following and reading my blog too.

  3. What a sweet post! I love your blog, seeing your crafty updates, and finding new recipes to try out!!

  4. Such a fun post. Thank you for all your encouragement. I'm so happy to have found your blog and the Happy Homemaker Mondays. I always enjoy reading your posts so much even if I don't always comment as much as I'd like.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
