
Saturday, June 22, 2019

{ Things you may not know about me }

Back in the beginning of my blogging journey, I remember that one way we got to know each other better, was through all sorts of memes and tags.

It wasn't something all bloggers liked or even enjoyed and it did get to a point, where many times we would have to tell each other not to tag us or give us awards because it became so overwhelming.

But like I said above, that was in the beginning, I can say that it has been years since I've done any kind of tag or post where you get to learn a little more about me.

So here we go, I hope you enjoy this fun little post and maybe learn a little more about me, I may even surprise you with some things that you didn't know about me.

Never mentioned it online - Controversy, Venting and Curiosities

Well, let's see.....I mean for the most part I'm an open book and I tend to share and sometimes overshare (something I'm learning to not do).  I don't really think there is anything that I have never told anyone, but come to think of it, I don't think many people know that I smoked or rather, dabbled in smoking when I was about 18.  My greatgrandmother actually caught me in the bathroom and I about died LOL  I gave it up right then and there and never again picked up a cigarette.   To be perfectly honest, I smoked for a few weeks at most, so can't really count myself a smoker.

I have to sleep with a small pillow that I prop under my right arm.  It started as a way to help with the pain in my shoulder but even though my shoulder is not as painful as it used to be, it's a habit that just stuck and I can't....I mean really CAN'T sleep without it.

I think the only fear I really have is that of either dying and leaving my husband and children behind, or my husband dying or one of my kids.

Clingy dresses.  You know those type of dresses with that fabric that just clings to your curves and shows every little dimple and cellulite?  I can't handle those and will not wear anything like that, which is hard because it seems that all the cute summer dresses are made that way.

Oh boy!!!  When I'm PMsing, I can't stop eating and I crave, I mean CRAVEEEE chocolate.  I could go through chocolate bars like nobody's business.  It's like I can't get enough food, am constantly hungry and never satisfied.

Our finances and budget.  It's not that I don't think he can do it, but I am so methodical and have been doing it since we got married, so I have a method to my madness *so to speak*.  When he does it, it just confuses me and nothing seems right, it's frustrating to watch hahahah

Oh without a doubt, it's driving.  I never drive when we're all going somewhere, I make him drive all the time.  I just don't enjoy driving at all and only do so because I have to, so that's definitely the one thing I hate doing that I love when Curt does.

Yarn and books!!!  Although I still hold back on the yarn a bit but books are my downfall.  I have so many on my shelves that I still haven't read, and I receive books quite frequently to review, but if I'm at a bookstore I still have to bring home one.  What can I say, I love books!

Everything!!!  Curt gets frustrated at me sometimes because he wants me to spend money on myself or get something at the store, and I just won't do it.  I always say do I want it or do I need it, and if it's not a need or something we need to replace for the house, I will leave it behind and say "we can get it another time, I don't need it right now".

Marry my husband and have his children.  There are many things I could consider as being some of the best things I've done in my life, but I think by far, the top has to be my husband and children.

Cleaning the bathrooms.  I loathe cleaning bathrooms and I have to really force myself to get in there and do it.  I think it's the one chore in the house that if I could pay someone to do, I would.  But I'm a cheapskate remember?  LOL

Two faced and use people or only contact them when they need something.  It drives me insane.  I know we all have our faults and we're all human and make mistakes etc., but it really grates on my nerves when someone only contacts me if they need something, or when they act one way to my face and another behind my back.  Lying, disrespect is another that really bothers me.

That was quite fun to do, and I hope you all enjoyed learning a little bit more about me.  If any of you choose to do this tag, let me know, I would love to read yours and get to know you a little better :)

1 comment:

  1. Love posts like this 😊 So fun to learn some more about my dear blogging buddy! And I'm so with you about hating to clean the bathrooms! The worst!!


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