
Monday, September 30, 2019

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/30/2019 }

Good morning dear friends, I hope you have all had a wonderful, restful weekend.  Mine was great albeit a little short, feels like Saturday morning just came about and now here we are, Monday.

But nevertheless, it's a new week, a blank slate and a chance to right any wrongs, throw all the negativity and bad feelings to the side, and start fresh.

Many people dislike Monday, but I actually love it and have always enjoyed Monday mornings.  It kick starts my week, it means a fresh clean house, and a whole 5 days to get things done.

I don't have much going on this week, Jasmine's schedule is a little less frantic which I'm glad about, but I do have to take her for an eye exam this morning, thankfully just up the street so it won't take very long.

I am starting this morning with some youtube videos playing in the background while I work on getting this post up.

Have a wonderful blessed week, friends, and thank you again for participating, for sharing, for joining in and for being so kind to each other.  I really do have the best blog readers. :)

The Weather:::
I've started turning off the air conditioner for quite a long time during the day, thankfully the temperatures are still hot but manageable.  We have had a ton of rain the past 2 weeks, which I've gladly welcomed, although my husband doesn't like it as much because it means the 3 acres that need mowing is constantly growing.  We are past the triple digits and though some days we're in the 90's, we are also starting to plateau on 80's and even some 70's thrown in.  Thank goodness.

Monday - Partly cloudy, 91
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 93
Wednesday - Sunny, 93
Thursday - AM showers, 79
Friday - Mostly sunny, 84
Saturday - Partly cloudy,89
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 82

On my reading pile:::
Working on finishing Diamond in the Rough as the review is coming up in a few days.

Also getting through A Bitter Feast, which is equally good as the book above. 

On my tv:::
Youtube homemaking vlogs
Cold Case Files
Star Trek:  The Next Generation
When Hope Calls

My list hasn't really changed mainly because I haven't had time to watch much, I've been doing more reading lately.

On the menu for this week:::

Monday -  Durotar Warrior's Pie (Hearthstone inspired dinner, picked by the kids)
Tuesday -  Ham Steaks, Scalloped Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday -  Chicken and Sausage Ragu, Roasted Squash
Thursday - Korean Beef Bowl
Friday - Out to dinner with mother in law
Saturday -  I'm going to be away with my mother in law for a family baby shower, so the hubb and kids will fend for themselves
Sunday  - Smoked Sausage and Potatoes Skillet

On my to do list:::
Change bed linens
Eye exam with Jasmine
Clean house

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Didn't get around to it last week, but am really wanting to sew up some pillow covers for the couches.   

Looking around the house:::
It's quiet.  The kids are both still asleep and Curt is off to work.  I need to open all the curtains and some of the windows, to let in some fresh air.  The house is not dirty or untidy, but I do want to dust today. 

From the camera:::
Just love all the touches of Fall around the house.   

On my prayer list:::
♥ My mother in law Pat
♥ My husband.  He is adopted and he just did his DNA test and all of a sudden a lot of things are coming to light.  He is struggling to take it all in and doesn't quite know how to go about it all. 

Bible verse, Devotional, Inspirational Quotes:::



  1. Glad your temperatures are getting somewhat cooler. Have fun at the baby shower

  2. Good morning, Sandra! I’m attempting a homemaking Monday post, haven’t finished yet but wanted to leave a comment for you about Curt and the DNA test, please tell him to take his time, and to be very cautious if he is contacted by anyone. A good friend had known her mom had put a child up for adoption a long time ago, she had been given one of those DNA kits as a Christmas present last year and decided it would be fun and it was, initially. She learned things about her ancestry that were fascinating, but about 5 months later she got a telephone call from a man who announced he was her half brother, that he had done a DNA kit and through the ancestry DNA website had found her name as a relation or possible relation. She was flustered when she told me. The man was extremely determined and rather angry. She couldn’t answer all his questions (her mother is deceased) to his heart’s content and he also was resentful about being adopted. He made a lot of demands of her, she ultimately felt forced to hire an attorney and get a restraining order. He had found her phone number, address from one of those white pages websites, knew her place of work from her employer’s website being in google’s cache. Just be cautious and careful.

  3. Your air is going off and ours on - hot this week. Your menu reminds me that I haven't had ham in a while. Have a great week.

  4. I'm coming to your house for dinner this week. Our air is off.. will not put the furnace on any time soon.... but do have my space heater on in the office today as its a bit chilly. Love the sunflowers!! Have a great Monday!!

  5. "Throw all the negativity and bad feelings to the side", I really needed to read that this morning, thank you. Onwards and upwards as my Mum would say, and in the immortal words of Doris Day, "Que sera, sera". I have to stop worrying about what is coming next and just focus on the present. I hope you have a great week!

  6. Yours is off, and my air is just getting turned back on! Love your fall photo, your quote is sweet, I long for that blessing. I hope you have a great week!

  7. I linked, to my Happy Homemaker Monday post, but didn’t realize name referred to my blog name, which is Cup of Tea and a Smile, instead just typed in my name, sorry.

  8. I LOVE your inspiration! I'm a Monday lover too - just seems to make all things seem possible with a new FRESH start! Your menu sounds wonderful this week. I wish I could send you some of this glorious fall we're having here. Have a GREAT week my friend.

  9. Beautiful sunflowers! I don't mind Mondays but I'm more of a Tuesday person (more awake by then, LOL!). Glad you're getting some slightly better weather. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Mondays is not my favorite but I'm thankful for all days. Hubby and I are rewatching Star Trek NG also. It's the only one we really like.

  11. Mondays are my favorites, Sandra! Like you said...a fresh start and a kick start to the week! I so look forward to Mondays! Just another day or two and the cool weather will be here! I cannot wait to shut the AC off! I hope to enjoy a nice long fall with warm days and cool, crisp nights. THAT would be perfect! Lovely sunflower pic and continued prayers over your dh and mil! Blessings for a lovely October! 💗


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
