
Monday, October 21, 2019

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 10/21/2019 }

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

My last week has been a bit of a blur, it's just been so incredibly busy that I haven't had much down time and when I finally do get to sit down, I'm usually fast asleep.  Blogtober has completely fallen to the wayside.  I'm hoping to get a few more posts in here and there but I am not promising myself to do that because yeah, it's been just crazy.

Anyway, I hope you all have a blessed week, let's see what we have going on in our Happy Homemaker Monday today. 

The weather outside is::::
We have still hit upper 90's a couple of times, can't say I'm too thrilled with that, but at least our mornings are chilly and we seem to be heading for cooler temps.  Last night around 8:30 PM, we had a storm just come out of nowhere, weather app didn't even forecast it.  Didn't last but an hour, but it was pretty strong.  It is currently 47 degrees. 

Monday - Sunny,  74
Tuesday - Sunny, 76
Wednesday - Sunny/Wind, 82
Thursday - Rain/Wind,58
Friday - Partly cloudy,61
Saturday - AM showers, 66
Sunday - Sunny,74

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
I've had coffee but nothing else yet, will probably have some toast later.   

As I look outside my window:::
It is after 7AM and still pitch black outside, so I can't see anything but I CAN hear the owls hooting.   

Right now I am::::
Working on this post and watching some Youtube videos on the TV.  If find it easier to just pop one on and keep going with the task at hand, so I get more done and catch up with my viewing at the same time.   

As I look around the house::::
I was just thinking that maybe I need to start doing this post later in the morning because again, I can't see anything, the house is pitch black.  LOL
But we do have a big ol 65 inch TV just standing in our living room, it belongs to my brother in law and we are storing it for him while he is in Korea.  This weekend we helped my mother in law clear out their childhood home (she sold it), and we have a ton of things that have been brought over to our house to store.  I'm thankful for a huge garage that is able to take all this in.  But, as I was saying, we have things all over the house at the moment, and I'll working on clearing those up today.   

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Washing couch pillow and cushion covers for a pull out bed couch that my mother in law gave us.  It's been sitting in their garage for a long time so it needs a good cleaning, but it's in great shape and will go in the office for extra bedding when we have guests.  Also have a couple comforters to go in.  We have a new washer (new to us, my brother in law gifted it to us and it's one without an agitator so it fits a lot more in there.  Can't wait to wash the comforters without them being squashed around the agitator like it was in the old washer. 
Cleaning....need to do some basic house cleaning. 
In the living room....tidy up and need to vacuum.
Homeschooling....Nick has a Game Design portfolio he needs help with.  He is taking Chemistry and Algebra 2 this year, and it's doing my head in.  LOL 
Crocheting....working on Part 2 of the Rozeta CAL.   
Cooking.....I have put on 12 pounds the past year, part in due to not watching what I'm eating, and mostly because of the hormonal changes.  Starting today I am back to intermittent fasting and being more careful with my food choices.  Will have a salad for lunch, and dinner is Ham steaks, Mashed potatoes and Brussel Sprouts.   

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Ham steaks, mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts
Tuesday - Green Chile Stew, Honey Cornbread Muffins
Wednesday - Spaghetti, Salad
Thursday - Oven Chili Dogs, Homemade Fries
Friday - Crockpot Sausage Rigatoni
Saturday - Grilled Cheese and Ham, Chili Fries
Sunday - Sausage and Potatoes Skillet

Currently reading::::
One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow.

On the TV today::::
Vlogtober Vlogs
Catherine the Great 

What I am creating at the moment::::
Working on Part 2 of the Rozeta CAL from Lilla Bjorn.     

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
I tried the cheesecake and it was delicious, so definitely will be making that for Thanksgiving.  I also have a review for Clifty Farms coming up and need to come up with at least 2 recipes for that, so looking forward to it.   

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

** For my mother in law's cancer.
**  I wanted to ask you all for some prayers for Curt and I.  I don't want to go into details quite yet, but we have something coming up this week that would be just life changing for us, if it goes through.  I'm praying so hard that it does, but I know that it is all in the Lord's hands. 


  1. Will keep you covered in prayer. Yummy looking menu. Have a beautiful Monday!!

  2. Oven chili dogs sounds interesting. Love the fall photo too. Have a great week.

  3. SO glad the worst of storm missed you! Thought about you when I heard about the sudden storm hitting the area. Glad you're not closer to Dallas. Your menu sound great. Keeping you in my prayers that things work out the way you'd like them to. Have a GREAT week.

  4. I'm certainly jealous of your warmer weather! Do you get to hang out the comforters and such to dry? I hate those big wash jobs!

  5. I just prayed for your MIL.. WIll continue as the Lord leads me... I hate cancer... it is so prevalent.. We are praying for our daughter's MIL, too.

  6. I love that fall garland picture! So beautiful.
    Prayers for your family!

  7. It's been crazy busy here, too, Sandra, and I'm hoping that, as of this week, it starts slowing down a bit. I work my last Sunday until April coming up, so that will be nice. No more Sunday afternoons until spring! I left to take my car to the mechanic this morning about a quarter til 7 and, yes, pitch black out. Am so looking forward to daylight savings time ending. I like long winter evenings and brighter mornings. Love your autumn photo. Have a great week! <3

  8. Hello Dearest! Hope this week is less crazy for you. Love your menu and cozy pic. ❤️ Prayers sent for you MIL and for you and hubby! 🙏 May you have a wonderful and very blessed week ahead Sandra. xoxo

  9. Wishing you and your husband only the best. do tell how you like the new washer, I don't like the washers without agitator, I feel like they don't wash as well.
    Have a great week

  10. Your photo just says fall. How nice to get a new washing machine! Praying for all. Hope you have a great week!

  11. Your dinner sounds divine! I could never teach Chemistry. That must be stressful. I am going to check out that CAL that you're doing. You get so much done!

  12. I think that this weekend was as intense as the whole week, because lately I have a lot of de that I can’t manage to do everything and don’t know how to fix it.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
