
Monday, November 04, 2019

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/04/2019 }

Good morning friends, happy Monday and welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday.

Things around here have been stressful to say the least, if you've read my latest post you will understand, so be sure to check it out below.

Much as it's all stressful and up in the air, the Lord has also been moving mountains and making things happen for us, and it's been pure joy to sit back and watch Him work.  If only I had learned how to just sit, do my part and then wait, instead of expecting things to happen when I want them to, or how I want them to.

This whole situation has been a huge lesson for both Curt and I, it's been hard, it's been terrifying, it's been eye opening, but we have also learned a lot and continue to feel blessed.

If you could please keep us in your prayers, I would truly appreciate it.

Right, now that is out of the way, let's get right into our Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::
It is currently 47 degrees, so warmer than it's been lately.  This week we seem to be hitting some 70 degree days which is just so weird to me, from 20s and 30s to 70s, but hey ho, that is how this crazy weather is. 

Monday - Sunny,  71
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 66
Wednesday - Scattered Thunderstorms,65
Thursday - Showers, 55
Friday - Partly cloudy, 52
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 65
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 65

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with White Chocolate Raspberry creamer, toast with tomato jam.      

As I look outside my window:::
I don't particularly care for the whole daylight savings time change, but I must say that I do enjoy being able to get up in the morning and seeing the sun coming up, instead of it being pitch black.  Right now, the sun is shining through the bedroom windows, you can tell the crispness of the morning outside by the dew on the grass, so everything is glistening.       

Right now I am::::
Sitting in bed, working on this post.       

As I look around the house::::
I have taken down the Halloween decorations and now I need to give the house a good clean.  It's not that it isn't clean, but I always like to spruce it up anytime I switch out decorations. 

I have clean couch slipcovers hanging on my dining room chairs, I need to put them back on the couches today.  There are couch decorative pillows on the floor, Marley threw them off  LOL    

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....I have a big comforter and bed linens to wash.     
Cleaning....As I mentioned above, I need to give the house a good clean.  I also want to try and clean my living room and den windows.   
Homeschooling....Game Design, Chemistry test, Algebra Discussion and a couple other lessons to get through.    
Crocheting....I started Part 3 of the Rozeta CAL.  I find when I'm stressed and need some down time, crocheting helps me relax and stay focused. 
Cooking.....Lunch will probably be some Grilled Cheese and Ham.   Dinner will be Chicken and Dumplings.  I also need to get some homemade bread going and hubby and the kids have asked for some sort of dessert.   

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken and Dumplings
Tuesday - Classic Cheesy Chili Loaded Frito Pie, Salad
Wednesday - Slow Cooked Cubed Steaks, Mashed Potatoes
Thursday - Butter Chicken, Basmati Rice
FridayCheesy Kielbasa Bake, Garlic Bread
Saturday - Pork Chops, Cubed Fried Potatoes, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce
Sunday - Potato Soup, Sandwiches

Currently reading::::
It would be night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo.

On the TV this week::::

Homemaking Vlogs
True Crime Documentaries

Catherine the Great
His Dark Materials

What I am creating at the moment::::
Rozeta CAL from Lilla Bjorn.     

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Two of the recipes on the menu are new, the chili frito pie and the chicken and dumplings.  I'll let you all know how those were.       

Favorite photo from the camera:::: 

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

♥♥♥ Curt's stepfather is in hospital at the moment.  He needs open heart surgery.  Please keep him in your prayers.
♥♥♥ My mother in law and her continuing fight with breast cancer.
♥♥♥ Curt and I need prayers through this house situation.  We know it will be ok in the end, we know God has it, but it is so stressful and we have no clue what we are doing.  It's such a humbling feeling too.  I try to be strong, and I guess I'm just thankful that God loves us enough to continue forgiving us for our shortcomings, because as a human being, we can't help but feel anxious and stressed and scared.  Just so you all know where we are at the moment, we made an offer, the owner accepted, and now we move forward with the VA loan process, which means appraiser coming out and so on.  This is a dream of Curt and I and I'm just so thankful that we have come this far.


  1. I am so ready for them to just do away with the time change!! Even with getting an extra hour of sleep, I am still tired! ugh. Love you menu for the week! I need to do a deep clean as soon as I take down the Fall decor before I put up the Christmas decor. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Have a great Monday!

  2. I'm so excited I had a chance to participate today. It's been awhile. These are so much fun! Thank you for creating it. I will keep you and Curt in my prayers, I promise.

  3. Hate that you have to go through this! Praying for God's peace and that his plan be shown.

  4. Am lifting you and your family and all your requests before the Lord this morning. I know that He has your best interest at heart and am looking forward to a good report concerning this house situation! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  5. So happy for you that your dream is coming true, and I remember the very same feelings of overwhelm way back when we bought our home. Big decisions are a huge test of our faith.
    Blessings to you as God proves himself strong and able.

  6. I know what you mean about the daylight savings time thing! Now that it's back to normal I wish they'd just leave it alone!

    Keeping you in my prayers. It's not a fun process, but look at what you gain in the end - your own home! CONGRATULATIONS on the dream coming true part!

    Have blessed and stress free week.

  7. Wishing you all the best with the new home, it is one of the most stressful experiences, but so worthi it! Have a great week

  8. This is my first visit to your blog. Got here through another blogger's Happy Homemaker Monday post. I think I may participate in this in the future.

    Ah, Poldark! That is watched at my house too. We will watch last night's episode this evening. So sad it is the last season. I will miss my Cornish friends.

    Moving is so stressful. I'm glad your offer was accepted and that you are moving on to the next step.

    I must admit, I can't stand the time change thing. While I love being on Standard time, I just wish we could stay one way or the other. The twice a year switch is a pain.

    Patti @ This Beautiful Life

  9. Your menu sounds great. I am taking advantage of this windy day here today. Was up at 5am to start my day. Have a great day. Prayers for all as well.

  10. Hi Sweetie!
    Holding you up in prayer through all of the stress. Prayers for Curt's stepdad, your MIL and for the loan to all work out. I know God is with you through it all no matter what happens. But I pray that your stress gets to lessen soon...especially coming on holiday time of year. Blessings on your week my Friend. 🙏 ❤️

  11. Praying for you both and hoping you have an awesome loan officer who is there to meet your every need!

  12. Prayers for all your families need. God will never leave nor forsake us but sometimes it sure is hard. We need friends to help lift up our needs to Him because sometimes it just feels too much. God bless.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
