
Monday, February 17, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/17/2020 }

Good morning dear friends, welcome back to my blog and to our Happy Homemaker Monday feature.  How was your weekend, or rather, how is your extended weekend going?

Mine has been great so far, and I even took some pictures and was planning to post last night, then fell asleep.  No surprise there.

I have Curt home today but Jasmine does work, so we will have to take her in, in a few hours.  I don't have much planned for today, just going to potter around the house, maybe get some seeds going and things of that nature.

For now though, I'll continue sipping my hot coffee and working on this post.

I hope you all have a blessed week :) 

♥♥The Weather♥♥
Weather is still struggling with it's identity, doesn't know if it's coming, going, if it's spring or winter, summer or fall.  Barbecue weather on Saturday, foggy and cold weather on Sunday.  Good grief!      

Monday - Sunny, 66
Tuesday - Mostly Sunny and Windy, 57
Wednesday - Mostly cloudy, 54
Thursday - AM clouds, 43
Friday - Partly cloudy, 47
Saturday - Showers, 53
Sunday - AM showers, 61

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Pretty good.  Slept quite well, which is always a plus and seems to set the tone for the rest of the day. 

♥♥On my mind♥♥
Schooling.  Just going over what lessons Nick has and what is due today or overdue.         

♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
Having a hot cup of coffee, I'm the only one awake at the moment.  Not sure what I'll have for breakfast, probably toast as usual.  Or, cinnamon toast, haven't had that in forever.          

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
Currently reading  Resistance Women from Jennifer Chiaverini.  I then have Mercy House and The Hunting Party, to read.  My bible and my devotional as well.

♥♥On my tv♥♥
Well first and foremost, the new Outlander, which was SOOO good.  I also spent a bit of time going through the Firestick and finding new shows and movies to add to my favorites list, to watch later. Aside from homemaking vlogs, I really don't have anything else on the list, I think I'll just watch whatever I fancy at that moment.

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
I will be going grocery shopping on Friday, so don't have meals yet planned for Saturday or Sunday.  Also just remembered that when I last went shopping, they didn't have my wonton wrappers for the chicken egg rolls I planned to make on Thursday, so will have to make something else for that day.

Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Cabbage with Bacon
Tuesday - Olive Garden Fettucine, Homemade Garlic Bread, Salad
Wednesday - Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers, Potato Wedges
Thursday -  Chicken?
Friday - Yummy Hero Sandwiches, Fries
Saturday -
Sunday -

♥♥From the camera♥♥
My absolute, all time favorite books.  I've talked about them many times before, especially the first in the series which is These is My Words.      

♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
Until about 10 minutes ago, it was quiet but for the sound of my husband and dog snoring.  Now hubby is awake and both he and Marley are playing fetch with a ball, on.the.bed.  Weirdos!
I'm worried my laptop is going to go flying off my lap, any minute.  There's playful growling, Marley jumping up and down from the bed, and tennis balls flying all over. 

♥♥Chore I'm not looking forward to today, or this week♥♥
Ordered a new part for the washer so hoping it gets fixed this week.  If not, guess what, I'll still be hand washing dishes. 
Let me just reiterate the fact that I don't hate doing it, and I think I've actually gotten into a routine now and quite enjoy washing them by hand, but there are days that I truly cringe when I see the sink full of dinner dishes.  Though, the minute I get in there to do it, I quite enjoy it.         

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
Not even sure, but hoping to get some time in the garden.          

♥♥On my prayer list♥♥
The President, our country.
My mother in law Pat and father in law Ken, their continuing health issues. 

♥♥Devotional/Bible Verse♥♥
"Isaac dwelt by the well Lahai-roi."
Genesis 25:11

Hagar had once found deliverance there and Ishmael had drank from the water so graciously revealed by the God who liveth and seeth the sons of men; but this was a merely casual visit, such as worldlings pay to the Lord in times of need, when it serves their turn. They cry to him in trouble, but forsake him in prosperity. Isaac dwelt there, and made the well of the living and all-seeing God his constant source of supply. The usual tenor of a man's life, the dwelling of his soul, is the true test of his state. Perhaps the providential visitation experienced by Hagar struck Isaac's mind, and led him to revere the place; its mystical name endeared it to him; his frequent musings by its brim at eventide made him familiar with the well; his meeting Rebecca there had made his spirit feel at home near the spot; but best of all, the fact that he there enjoyed fellowship with the living God, had made him select that hallowed ground for his dwelling. Let us learn to live in the presence of the living God; let us pray the Holy Spirit that this day, and every other day, we may feel, "Thou God seest me."

May the Lord Jehovah be as a well to us, delightful, comforting, unfailing, springing up unto eternal life. The bottle of the creature cracks and dries up, but the well of the Creator never fails; happy is he who dwells at the well, and so has abundant and constant supplies near at hand. The Lord has been a sure helper to others: his name is Shaddai, God All-sufficient; our hearts have often had most delightful intercourse with him; through him our soul has found her glorious Husband, the Lord Jesus; and in him this day we live, and move, and have our being; let us, then, dwell in closest fellowship with him. Glorious Lord, constrain us that we may never leave thee, but dwell by the well of the living God.


  1. Your weather is up and down like ours, but we should be warming up today. Have a nice week!

  2. I've never read Nancy Turner (I'll try her now at your recommendation), but Jennifer Chiaverini is one of my all time favorites! I love this time in the morning when I'm the only one awake and am having my coffee while blogging and TRYING to get caught up on blogs and such. I hope you have a GREAT week and the weather plays nice for you.

  3. The weather in Pennsylvania has been the same. It's been such a mild winter but occasionally comes the bitter cold. I have a feeling we'll be getting a really big snow storm in March. That seems to be the case in the last few years.

  4. Hope the part works and you get a working dishwasher back soon. It wasn't that I minded doing this dishes so much when (the top only) of ours broke as it was hard on my hands. Cinnamon toast sounds so good. Have a wonderful week!

  5. My Kentucky weather is CrAzY ! Ugh thinking I would have been using a Lot of paper plates,,,Have a Awesome week!

  6. Glad you were able to sleep well!!!!! What a difference that makes!

    Our weather is cold, up here in the NE. But this is normal.

    Yes, pray for our President. The Socialists are on their constant rampage. My mind can not comprehend, what would happen to our Beloved Country, if they are elected. -sigh-sigh-sigh-sigh-sigh-

    Happy Presidents Day!!!!!

  7. Love when we have good relaxing weekends like that. will add these books to my goodread list. Thanks and have a great week

  8. I'm amazed at how much you get done. That cinnamon toast sounds yummy.

  9. I love the quiet first thing in the morning. I laughed outloud with the statement of the hubs playing fetch with the pup on the bed... this is so something my hubs would do! Hope you have a great week!

  10. I love your journaling Bible! Is there a blog post where you share pictures of it? :) I will have to add the Sarah's Quilt series to my TBR list. It looks so good!

  11. Enjoyed reading your post, Sandra, and appreciate all you do! Hope the part arrives and you get the dishwasher fixed soon. Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
