
Thursday, March 26, 2020

{ Day 4 of Quarantine - Finished one book and started another }


The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. 
- Exodus 14:14 -

We have been blessed with the most gorgeous weather, the past two days.

90 degrees, blue skies and a taste of summer.

In these uncertain days we're all facing, it is like a sign from God that everything will be ok.  It motivates us to get outside, get fresh air, enjoy the sun and the nature around us.

I have enjoyed the slow mornings, no rush to get out the door, staying in my nightie until 8am before starting my day.  But what I've been enjoying the most of all, has been the extra reading time I've got on my hands.

I've read in bed, I've read on the couch, and I've read outside, in the fresh air.

I've managed to finish my book, The Spanish Princess, and have even started the next on the list.

Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.

It is pure joy being able to get back into reading, I had actually forgotten just how much I loved opening a book and drowning out the world, traveling to distant lands or back in time.

If I keep on going at this rate, I think I may read through my book pile.  That will be quite a feat.

Crochet is something else that I love but haven't really been into the past year, I don't know why, maybe I lost my mojo?  I hope, really really hope that I get it back.  That's something else I miss doing, picking up my yarn, my hooks and making something beautiful for my house.


The days are slow, quiet, at times invaded by thoughts or news about the current situation, what is happening overseas, what is happening here at home. 

I try very hard not to let any of it influence my mood because it's far to easy to let that negativity and fear creep right in.  We need to stand firm, stay strong, and above all stay hopeful.

Don't know how long any of this is going to last.  My family in South Africa, today, started a 21 day quarantine/lockdown.

I still find it hard to believe that all over the world, people of all cultures and upbringings are going through the exact same thing, at the exact same time.  If this is not a wake up call to us all, I don't know what is.

Just imagine how wonderful it is going to be to finally see family, to get that hug, to be able to share a meal, go to the store, have get togethers and not have to worry about empty store shelves or tracking down toilet paper.

Did I tell you that we were able to find some toilet paper the other day, and paid 8 dollars for 4 rolls?  8 dollars!!!!  For 4 rolls!!!!   Unbelievable!

Anyway, we will soon look back on this and appreciate it for the huge lesson it is.  No doubt we will all come out of these quarantines with a new appreciation for life.

In the meantime, we will read, bake and I guess sleep?  Hahahah


  1. Biz çalışmaya devam. Belki tatil olabilirmiş işyerimiz. Çok sıkıntılı günler. Allah'ım hepimizin yardımcısı olsun.

  2. Wow, that price for toilet paper doesn't seem right! Glad you found some though. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hi Sandra! Glad you are doing well. I want to read that book you are currently reading. It is sure nice to have some time to do things like reading. Hope you can find some less expensive TP soon!

  4. Here in Ontario, the provincial government passed a law to punish price gougers. That toilet paper would not be $8 here. It is sickening to think of people and stores profiting off this pandemic.
    Stay safe :).

  5. Holy, if that isn't price gouging on that toilet paper!!! It is against the law in Alberta and we are to report it when we see it. Our ladies group did Bad Girls of the Bible as a study years ago and we all really liked it. Made for good conversations.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
