
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

{ Day 9 of Quarantine/Day 4 of Shelter in Place - More rain }


"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
- Deuteronomy 31:8 -

My allergies are so angry at the moment  LOL

No really, they are super annoyed and therefore taking their anger out on me, or more specifically, my sinus.  I've had a sinus/allergy headache for 2 days and the whole congestion, sneeze fits going on.

Usually I wouldn't even think twice, but nowadays, I sneeze or get a headache and immediately think "oh no, could it be?".  How strange that we have reached this point in our lives, isn't it?

Anyway, the headaches and the general unwell feeling from the allergies, have left me with very little motivation to do anything.  I've allowed myself to just go with the flow, allow myself to feel however and have not really done much at all the past two days.

However, tomorrow?  I'm kicking myself in the behind, and getting back on the wagon.  I have projects I want go start, others I want to finish, gardening to get going, cleaning and baking etc.


Contributing to my non existent motivation and the allergies, was the fact that as much as I love a good rain storm, I can't really get outdoors and do anything when it's raining.  And it's been raining on and off for the past week.   We are approaching that time of the year.


So what exactly have I been doing the past two days?

The minimal needed to keep us going.  Dishes, and meals.  The house thankfully is clean so I don't have to do much, but still, it bothers me to not do anything.  I've been laying around, nursing this sinus/allergy headache, reading, watching tv and crocheting a little.



It's been just a bunch of slowness, interspersed with a few moments of confusion at what is actually happening around us.

I think you can all relate to that right now.

So, I guess not much to share at all today, but I'm hoping tomorrow will be a new day, and I'll actually have something interesting to share.

Until then, I'm sending you all prayers and love.


  1. I have no trouble staying busy. I spend most mornings in the kitchen then doing all the dishes. Today I have a to-do list which involves a vinegar infusion, a herbal syrup to make, and fix my dehydrator cover. If I'm lucky I'll get crochet time during the Governor's briefing. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. During our allergy season we have to keep Claritin or Allegra on hand. Zyrtec is also good. Stay well and busy.

  3. Well if it makes you feel better we had SNOW yesterday! It's cold out there. Hopefully it will be gone soon and it warms up. Allergy symptoms are hard in the best of times but crazy now. Hopefully you get some relief.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
