
Thursday, April 23, 2020

{ Thursday - Sun, beautiful flowers and some good TV }


What an absolutely gorgeous day we had.  High 80's, the brightest of sun shining and deep blue skies.  It made me think of going to the beach, or the lake, of having a picnic or barbecuing or hanging out by the pool.

Ahhhhh summer days.  I am so looking forward to them.


First thing this morning, I put our pillows on the window to air out.  I love doing it, letting in the fresh morning air, seeing the pillows just sitting there.   It just makes me think of home and cozy.



After getting my bed made and tidying up here and there, I sat down with my devotional, a cup of coffee and some sourdough bread toast.  By the way the bread I made yesterday using my sourdough starter, was sooooo good.  I'll share the recipe on the blog tomorrow, but if you want to go ahead and make it, it is the King Arthur Flour's Basic Sourdough Bread

I will share the recipe for the sourdough starter I am using, as well.



I also made some Vanilla Syrup for our coffee.  I hadn't made it in so long, I think the last time was actually when we were still stationed in Arizona, so that will tell you just how long it's been. 

Remember Curt retired in 2013.  Wow!!

I do have a recipe for the syrup already on the blog, though I made it slightly different this time.

Here's how I did this one:

1 cup of water
1 and 1/3 cups of brown sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

Basically just mix the water and the brown sugar on the stove, bring to a boil over medium heat.  I stir until the sugar is dissolved then boil for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.  Pour into a mason jar and let cool.  Keep in the refrigerator.



In the afternoon I grabbed my camera and took a quick walk out to the yard.  Our yard is littered with the most beautiful Blue Eyed Grass.  Unfortunately we do need to mow the yards this weekend, but I don't want to lose these beautiful wild flowers, so I'm going to try and transplant as many as I can, and litter them around the house since they are such beautiful ground cover plants.  


We also have a ton of what I think are meadow salsify or Jack-go-to-bed, though not completely sure, as I'm still learning about flowers and plants.  There are so many different species and some so close looking to each other.


Being outside, walking around the property and enjoying the fresh air, does wonders for the soul.  I always feel so much better after out, even if only for 5 or 10 minutes.

However, I immediately got chewed up by mosquitoes.  Blech!!!!





The rest of the day was spent working on schooling with Nick.  Curt also came home early from work, his class had finished all their work and when that is the case, they all go home right away because of the social distancing.

The spare moments that I had, I spent watching The Chosen TV series on Youtube.  If you haven't yet watched it, please go on over and do so.  It is the story of Jesus life told through those who knew Him, and the best part is that it was not made through Hollywood, but by independent backers. 

There are 8 episodes in the first season and all are available on Youtube

It's one of those feel good series that we are sorely missing on our TVs today and makes me wish there were more like these.

So how are you all doing?  Let me know in the comments below how things are going in your State, what you've been working on or doing to pass the time that we are on lock down.


  1. I am going to watch that series about Jesus. Sounds good. I love the pictures of the flowers and scenes from your yard. Have a good weekend. :-) Stay well.

  2. I am looking forward to summer as well! But, I have to say, I am enjoying this spring more than usual. I live in Wisconsin, so spring is sometimes non-existent. But this year has been lovely and I have been paying more attention to the changes taking place.

    My husband has been going to work each day, so my days don't look much different than they did before "safer-at-home". The biggest difference for me is that my Bible study group is taking a break until we can meet again and going to get groceries is just more of an ordeal than it used to be.

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Beautiful flower photos and the bread looks delicious. Are you familiar with the app called Plant Snap? If not, you just take a picture of plants you are trying to identify and it tells you what it is. I take my phone along on walks through the woods and learn about new plants every time. Lots of fun.

  4. congrats on your "little" girl turning 21. Kestrel from Malaysia stumbling onto your blog, my "little" girl turned 24 just one day before yours. Yes, I also still remember mine as the shy one who would hold tightly to my hand while out shopping and who wouldn' t go to kinder. Love the beautiful flowers in your yard, blue is my favourite colour for flowers but we don't have many blue flowers here.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
