
Monday, June 22, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/22/2020 }

Good morning sweet friends, I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.

Our Father's day was wonderful, it started with church and both kids came with us, which was a huge blessing.  Next we met up with my brother and sister in law, for a quick lunch at Denny's.  It was so nice to go out to eat after all these months, to have some good laughs and enjoy yummy food.

The rest of the day we hung out at home, just relaxed and even got in some afternoon naps.  We all know those Sunday naps are the best aren't they?

Before those naps though, Curt and I had been out in the garden putting cages around the tomato plants and some wooden stakes to hold up the Zucchini plants which are HUMONGOUS.  And that my friends, is when I got the surprise of my life.  I actually screamed and scared my husband LOL

We have Zucchini coming in, but we were able to harvest our first one.   Check out the photos of that in my "From the Camera" section.  Let me know what you think.

I ask that you still keep my husband in your prayers, we have not yet heard anything about his job.

Now, let's get on with business shall we?

♥♥The Weather♥♥
Pretty hot around here but the last 3 days has seen some quite significant storms coming in, out of nowhere.

Monday - Partly cloudy, 91
Tuesday - AM Thunderstorms,86
Wednesday - Partly cloudy,88
Thursday - Partly cloudy,90
Friday - Partly cloudy, 89
Saturday -  Partly cloudy, 90
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 90

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
A bit tired.  I was sleeping well, then a storm came in and woke me up at 1:25 AM.  Took me well over an hour to fall back asleep.  Aside from that, I am feeling fine.          

♥♥On my mind♥♥
A mental list of what I need done today.           

♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
As usual this early in the morning, just my cup of coffee.  Finishing off the last of the Almond Joy Creamer.    

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
Have a book review coming up later this week, for Let Them Be Kids.  I'm also starting the next book on the list which is Say Yes to What's Next from Lori Allen.  A book about life makeover for women approaching 50.  

♥♥On my tv♥♥
Sid Roth's It's Supernatural
Usual sermons, homemaking vlogs, gardening etc.     

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
I have to work on the new menu, as I'll be going grocery shopping on Friday. 

Monday - Lasagna, Homemade Garlic Knots
Tuesday - Sausage and Potatoes Skillet, Salad
Wednesday - Tacos, Mexican Rice
Thursday - Roast Chicken Breasts, Crispy Roasted potatoes, Fried Zucchini
Friday -
Saturday -

♥♥From the camera♥♥
My first zucchini from the garden.

I actually screamed when I saw it.  At first I had no clue what it was, I kept looking and thinking "why is there a dark pipe in my zucchini plant?"  Hahahah

When I realized what it was, I let out the biggest scream ever.  My poor husband got a fright.

This zucchini is 4.005 lbs.  WHAT???  I am so proud of myself, since I grew these from seed.


♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
It is quite dark this morning as we have cloudy skies outside.  The kids are still asleep.  I have the sound of the fan whirring above me, and birds loudly chirping outside.      

♥♥Chore I'm not looking forward to today, or this week♥♥
The carpets.....the carpets that I despise and that my husband is holding on to for dear life.  Hahahah

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
I finished Genesis last week and am starting Exodus today, can't wait.  It's what I've been doing lately to relax.                           

♥♥On my prayer list♥♥
My husband's job situation.  Praying for a good outcome that is according to God. 
The President, Vice President and their families.
Our police men and woman, first responders and military.
For America as a whole. 


  1. That zucchini was wild! So proud of you for having grown it from seed!!!

  2. Oh my, that zucchini is country fair worthy! I started the garden this year with the cages in place immediately and am so glad I did as the plants "self-trained" for the most part and are growing exceptionally well. I hope Curt hears something positive about his job soon! Try and stay cool as your Texas weather amps up with the storms and humidity - I. DO. NOT. MISS. TEXAS. SUMMERS! HUGS & BLESSINGS

  3. Mine is a condensed version, hope that's ok. Thanks for hosting!

  4. Wow, that's quite a zucchini! Prayers for blessings over your husband's job. Your upcoming book reviews sound really interesting. Wonder if I'll qualify for the life make-over if I've just hit the 50 mark last December. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. That is one big zuchini! Glad you were able to go out for a meal, can't wait to go too! It is soooo good for the mental health.
    Have a great week

  6. Wow that is a huge zucchini (we call them courgettes over here) so cool.

    I like the sound of the Lori Allen book, I'm heading towards 50 so it might be helpful LOL :)

  7. That zucchini is epic! I loathe carpets, the first thing I did when I bought my house was to rip them all out! I like Lori Allen, I might have to check that book out. Have a great week!

  8. Hey Lady - is that a zucchini or are you just happy to see me? Lol That sucker is ginormous! It could eat all the other zuchhini's. You should get a ribbon or something. It's so exciting to see the fruits of your labor, isn't it?
    Continued prayers for your hubby - I hope the job issue turns out okay.
    Sorry I'm late posting this week but still wanted to say hello and see what was up with everyone after taking a few weeks off. blessings on the rest of the week. xoxo

  9. Olá ! bom dia. Meu nome é Maria, estou começando um Blog agora, adorei o seu Blog, venha me visitar !!!

  10. I just wanted to encourage you today when I heard your husband lost his job. My husband and I bought our first home together in June 2008 after many tears on my part since we had trouble with the appraisal...(2008, need I say more?). However, after some back and forth with the seller, we finally were able to buy it! Both of us worked full time when we bought it, but we were looking forward to having babies and then we agreed I would quit and be a stay at home mom. Well, November 2008, I am at work when my husband calls me mid-morning to tell me that he was laid off (his entire race team was let go and they moved the car to another team). I was devastated. I thought I would never get to have babies and I wondered how in the world would we be able to keep our house. God saw us through unemployment and several not-so-great jobs after that for my husband. We decided to trust Him with our family and we were surprised to become pregnant in the summer of 2009. We were never late on our mortgage or any other bills (though I did cry out several times when the budget wasn't working on paper, but God always provided for us). We trusted Him again when Travis was born February 2010 and I never returned to work. My insurance had gotten so expensive that we decided to have home-births with a midwife and it was awesome. We paid cash each time. To wrap up this rather long story, my husband now has his dream job of being a self employed auto technician out of our garage here at home. In 2018, we added on a bigger bay with a lift. I've been a stay at home mom to our three boys ever since. God is so very good. Hang in there!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
