
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

{ Finished crochet slippers and a new review book }

I almost didn't make it in to post, I figured I didn't do much of anything today, or at least anything worth blogging about.  
Then I reminded myself that the point is not to have anything exciting, but rather to keep a daily journal of what I am doing.  So here I am, bringing just a few pictures of my day, starting with the finished crochet slippers.  
These were by far the quickest and easiest pattern I have ever found for crochet slippers.  I looked on Youtube for various tutorials and this one caught my eye.


How adorable are these? I can't believe how comfy and warm they are, which means, I can't quite wear them yet as we are not down to cold enough temperatures to sport these throughout the day. 
I do plan to make a few more, and I am also looking for some tutorials for crochet socks. Fingers
 _MG_9223 _MG_9224 _MG_9227

I gave my bedroom a really good clean and sprayed all the linens, curtains and even carpets with this lovely spray. 

Lavender and Sage!

It's a beautiful scent combination.  While I was working in the bedroom, both Marley and Elliott laid about at my feet, just laying there enjoying the sun shining in through the windows.

I am thrilled that they are finally at a stage where they lay together, nap together and leave each other alone, though the main culprit was Elliott, he was constantly trying to attack Marley  LOL


The UPS driver has been at my house every day, dropping off books. 
My Fall/Winter review tour books are all coming in and there's really nothing better than book mail, is there? 
I received the one below just this afternoon. Looks so good, but then so do all the others. Blessed to be a part of this book review blog community, it's been a blessing for sure. 
And speaking of books, I had someone request one of my books on Paperbackswap, so while I was over on the sight taking care of that, I went ahead and order 4 books for myself. 
I had the credits and hey, I am obsessed with books and just never seem to have enough on the shelf.
I will show you the books the minute they come in, but just in case you're curious, I got:
The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks
Anne Frank:  The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story by Lila Perl, Marion Blumenthal Lazan
I Have Lived a Thousand years:  Growing up in the Holocaust by Livia Bitton-Jackson

I am currently obsessed with anything and everything to do with the Holocaust.  As a History buff I go through stages, sometimes I live and breathe The Tudor Era, or the Vikings, now it's Holocaust, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.

So there you have it, my day in a nutshell.  Not much happening, I did take Jasmine to work and picked her up with hubby.  Also made dinner and meal planned.

Typical homemaker day.


  1. Can you please post a link for the crochet slippers? That is a great gift idea!

  2. I like the crochet slippers. I have made some yoga crochet socks but I don't find crochet cuffs are elastic enough... so I did the cuffs in knitting and the reminder of the sock in crochet.
    I too like reading about the Holocaust, not for the frail of hearts!

  3. Could you share the link for the crochet slippers you used, they are very pretty 😊


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
