
Sunday, October 11, 2020

{ Spotted the first deer, for this season }

You know what I love every year?

Spotting the first deer running through our property.  The minute I see one, I know that Fall is definitely in full motion and that soon, the deer will be making their trek through my property and across the field.


It is Sunday morning, just after 8am. The sun hasn't been up for very long, the mornings are darker and take longer to brighten up.  Not everyone enjoys the colder months but I love them, just as much as I love the warm weather too.

I think I'm just one of those people that embrace every season, and enjoys what each brings.
I was standing near my bedroom window when I saw something moving in the brush.  It was the first deer of the season.  I always sit in awe at how beautiful they are.  The way they move, the way they run, and how they leap over what seem like the tallest fences.  Such grace in their movement.  Guess I need to have my camera ready and waiting for more sightings.

The mornings have been pretty chilly, getting down to the 40s.  For some of you in colder areas that may not seem like a lot, but for us folks in Texas who are used to warmer weather, that means it's time to pull out the sweaters.
We are nowhere near ready with firewood, it's been a crazy year and usually by now we have a huge stack ready to go.  Not this year.  We have a tiny pile, which means next weekend we have got to get our butts in gear and start chopping.

Living in the country means quite a bit of work, there is always something needing attention, but we love it and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I've had a pretty good week, though I wasn't feeling too great, but that's the usual monthly stuff packed with a perimenopause punch. 

Nonetheless, here's what I got up to: 


Mornings for me mean starting with putting the clean dishes away, washing anything that has been placed in the sink overnight, and giving the kitchen a quick clean and tidy up.


The next thing on the list is coffee, always coffee. Though, yes, I've had a cup around 6am when I get up with Curt to get him off to work. 
Usually when I make this second cup of coffee, I like to take a little more time with it. Pour over coffee is one of my favorite ways of enjoying a cup, there is just something about the whole process that I find relaxing.  
Maybe it's the way it connects me to simpler times, I often think about how many people prepared their coffee this way, long before coffee machines were invented or even though of.
It's that connection to older, simpler times, that keep me grounded. Life today is too busy, too filled with materialistic things, too easy if that can even be a bad thing. By that I mean that things are all done in a way to make even the simplest of tasks, even easier to do. I get that we lead busy lives, but where is the joy in that?
Where is the joy in homemaking, in taking care and pleasure in doing those home chores, if everything is practically done for us? 
Think about that a little. 
I am not saying that we shouldn't evolve as the years go by, of course that is something that is going to happen no matter what we feel about it. I am just saying that for myself, I like to feel like I am actually making a difference, trying, doing, accomplishing things on my own. 
So yes, making a cup of coffee would be quicker if I just popped a pod in the machine, but this makes me appreciate the coffee even more, and quite frankly, pour over coffee is much tastier too.


Started the morning with dense fog.  I don't like driving in it, but I have to say, there is something so hauntingly beautiful about foggy mornings. 
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Of course foggy mornings mean beautiful drops on the window screens.  It also means the garden getting watered without rain or having to turn on a sprinkler.  
Isn't it wonderful how God provides in every situation?  It's just incredible.
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Laundry day. There are always loads of laundry to wash, and when you change bedding, there is even more. That's ok though, I like doing laundry. 
Maybe not the actual act of putting it all away, I think I could do without that, but washing, folding? Yes, and even ironing I'm good with. 
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Reading has been a top priority for me lately, I am just loving getting back into my books. Actual, real books, with that wonderful scent that comes from turning the pages. 

Aside from reading, knitting and crochet have also been high on the list. Ahhhhh it feels amazing to get back to doing what I love and not let life interfere. 

 I always feel like life is hard enough on it's own, and if we start letting interfere with our joy and the things we love, then what is the point? So I'm making a conscious effort to be more mindful of my days, of what I'm filling them with. That means, turning the news off, and turning more to time with God, praying, talking to Him throughout the day. 

Reading, crocheting, or even watching some old period drama pieces. There are quite a few new ones that I have my eye on, and I will be sharing with you all in a separate post. Gosh it feels like forever since I've done one of those showing you what I'm watching or what is coming up. Hands up if you miss those period drama filled posts. 

There will be more cooking and recipe sharing, especially as we move into the holiday season. More period dramas, more daily life, and deer, and fall and winter stuff. I am just excited to get back to normal blogging and sharing my days on here. I've failed guys, failed miserably at this blogger stuff. 

But then, this year has been insane and August and September a complete blur for me. Maybe for you too. 

Anyway, I have babbled enough, my coffee is finished, the dog and cat are running wild and I have breakfast to go fix. Curt is outside mowing the yard, so I'm going to make some biscuits and gravy, some sausage and maybe some scrambled eggs. We will see. 

I hope you have a blessed restful Sunday, and I will see you back here in the morning for our Happy Homemaker Monday!

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