
Monday, November 16, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/16/2020 }

Good morning friends.  
Welcome back to my little corner of the world, and to another Happy Homemaker Monday.  I sure hope you've had a good weekend, and are ready for a whole new fresh week ahead.
I got a lot done this weekend, was practically out of the house Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so I didn't get to rest much, but Jasmine has a few days off the next few days, and I plan to take full advantage of that.
Now, let's get right into our HHM, wish you all a very blessed week ahead!

The weather outside is::::
Currently 36 degrees.  We had a pretty warm week last week, it's a bit unusual for this time of the year, even in Texas.  Guess we are headed for pretty much the same this upcoming week.  

Monday - 71
Tuesday - 71
Wednesday - 73
Thursday - 76
Friday - 76
Saturday - 73
Sunday - 57

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Enjoying a cup of coffee with Peppermint Creamer.  I'll be having a bowl of cereal later this morning.   

As I look outside my window::::
The sun is barely starting to rise, to the sky is a gorgeous blue with tinges of orange and yellow over the horizon.  So pretty.   

As I look around the house::::
My husband picked up a new carpet cleaner over the weekend.  Inexpensive but boy it is fantastic.  He started doing the den carpets, and got half done before dinner time.  The difference in just that area is crazy.  I can't wait to pick up where he left off today and get all my carpets nice and clean. 

What I'm wearing today::::
Nightgown at the moment as I'm still sitting in bed typing up this post.  I'll put on some jeans and a tshirt later.   

To do today or this week::::
Monday - 
Jasmine and I have hair appointments.
Carpet cleaning
Tuesday - 
Clean out and reorganize fridge
Wednesday -
Start painting bedroom
Thursday -
Organize and tidy our closet
Friday -
Take Jasmine to work
Start working on Christmas planning

Currently reading::::
Started Ecclesiastes over the weekend. 
A Divine Revelation of Heaven and Hell (almost finished)
Have some review books and some of mine waiting to be started.

On the TV for this week::::
My Portuguese soap "Bem me Quer"
Vlogs on Youtube
The Spanish Queen Season 2
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Dad's Favorite Chicken, mashed potatoes, roasted acorn squash
Tuesday - BBQ Pork Ribs, Macaroni and Cheese, Salad
Wednesday - Feijoada (Portuguese Bean Stew), Rice
Thursday - Chicken Cordon Bleu Calzones, Garlic Parsley Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Friday - Ground Beef with Chayote Squash, Rice, Mixed Veggies
Saturday - Chicken and Sausage Ragu, Salad
Sunday - Fish Cakes, Potato Salad
Something fun to share::::
Last week I shared with you a few favorite channels on YouTube, that I just love watching.  They are calming, full of interesting information and a lot of them take me back in time.  They portray the kind of life that I adore and would love to be living today.
Today, I bring you one of their videos, this one from the channel called Green Renaissance.  This video is called A Simple Life.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Favorite photo from the camera::::
There is something so peaceful about this picture.  I took it back in February, before all the craziness started.  I like to think that it is not just my dining table, or a moment frozen in time, but a reminder that life can and will get back to the beautiful peaceful way, it used to be. 

Prayers, Inspiration quotes, Devotionals::::
In the chaos of fleeing his home during the California wildfires of 2018, Gabe, a high school senior, missed the state-qualifying cross-country race for which he’d been training. Missing this meet meant he wouldn’t have the chance to compete at the state meet—the culminating event of his four-year running career. In light of the circumstances, the state athletics board gave Gabe another chance: he’d have to run a qualifying time by himself, on a rival high school’s track, in “street shoes” because his running shoes were in the charred rubble of his home. When he showed up to “race,” Gabe was surprised by his competitors who’d come to supply him with proper shoes and to run alongside him to ensure he kept the pace necessary to be entered in the state meet.

Gabe’s opponents had no obligation to help him. They could have given into their natural desires to look out for themselves (Galatians 5:13); doing so might have improved their own odds of winning. But Paul urges us to display the fruit of the Spirit in our lives—to “serve one another humbly in love” and to demonstrate “kindness” and “goodness” (vv. 13, 22). When we lean on the Spirit to help us not act on our natural instincts, we’re better able to love those around us.


  1. Glad the new carpet cleaning machine is working out. Love the story about Gabe. Off to watch the video on youtube. Have a great week

  2. Enjoy your few days of rest! I think that's something we should all indulge in now and again.

    I have really loved the channels you shared last week.

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. Are you talking about a cleaning product or a machine? If a machine was it a rental or did he buy it? Could you tell us the brand?

  4. Hey Sandra!! It's Eden! I don't think I have an email for you, otherwise, I'd email you. :). I've recently fb pm'd you and included my new address in the message. Please let me know if your address is still the same. I hope to hear from you soon. Hugs.

  5. Peppermint in your coffee sounds good. I think I have some organic peppermint syrup around here somewhere. Have a great week.

  6. Thanks for the party. Have a great week.

  7. Hello dear Gal! Sorry I'm late this week. This puppy is consuming my life! Lol I'm so envious of your carpets getting clean. I still have that ahead of me one of these days, Love the beautiful videos you find! Love the photo too and what it represents. And the Gabe story is awesome. Blessings. xoxo

  8. Hope your week is going well! I'm super late this week. Love the picture of your table and we all need a reminder just like that, I think. What a peaceful video as well. Have a wonderful rest of your week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
