
Monday, November 30, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/30/2020 }

Welcome back to my blog, and welcome to the last day of November 2020.

*insert comment about how time is flying*

I for one am very glad to see this year zipping full speed into the end.  I think we have all had about enough of this 2020 nonsense.

So, it is 6:23am, freezing cold outside, my hubby is getting ready for work and the kids are still asleep, and that includes the two fur babies who are all snuggled up on my bed, enjoying the heater.

I hope you all have a fantastic week, a great start into your December and a great end to this crazy year.  Let's see what is happening in our Happy Homemaker Monday.

The weather outside is::::
Currently 27 degrees with a real feel of 20.  Yes, it is cold.  We are expecting a pretty cold week, with the high temperatures staying in the 50s.   

Monday - 52
Tuesday -  62
Wednesday -  46
Thursday -  46
Friday - 49
Saturday -  57
Sunday - 59

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just finishing up a cup of coffee with Butter Cookie Creamer.  I think breakfast later will be either cream of wheat or oatmeal, it is the perfect weather for that.    

As I look outside my window::::
It is still dark, sun hasn't yet started to rise. 

As I look around the house::::
It is early morning, but we have Christmas lights hung outside and some around our big windows, so there's this wonderful glow throughout the house.  Don't you just Winter time when all the twinkly lights come out and give everything such a beautiful romantic glow? 

What I'm wearing today::::
Sitting in bed, as always, in my nightgown, typing up this post.  I do have a doctors appointment this morning so will be putting on some jeans, sweater and my boots.      

To do today or this week::::
Monday - 
Doctors appointment this morning (Just a check up to see if my allergy meds are still working or if we need to try something different)

Tuesday - 
Start putting up Christmas decorations

Wednesday -
Start planning Christmas dinner, making lists, gifts etc.

Thursday -
Pay bills

Friday -
Take Jasmine to work
Put up Christmas village

Currently reading::::
Reading through Isaiah.   
Have so many books to read and not sure which to pick up first. 

On the TV for this week::::
My Portuguese soap "Bem me Quer"
Vlogs on Youtube
The Spanish Queen Season 2
Virgin River Season 2 came out on Netflix and I am ashamed to say that I binged it in one day.  It is that good.
On the menu this week::::
Some meals didn't get made last week, so I've moved them to this new meal plan.
Wednesday - Ikea Style Meatballs, Roast potatoes, Steamed Broccoli
Thursday - Turkey Noodle Casserole, Salad
Friday -  Beef Tips with Gravy, Rice, Mixed Veggies
Saturday - Cheesy Hot Beef Sandwiches, Homemade Fries
Sunday - One pan Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas
Something fun to share::::
Are you ready for another fantastic video?  You will need to turn on your captions for this one, or you can just enjoy the beautiful imagery without it.  This is another of my favorite new channels to follow, the videos are so beautiful and I absolutely love seeing different countries and different cultures going about their day.  This one is from ErmiChuiyan and it's called Chili/Hotpot in Snowy Day.  Enjoy!

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Fresh hot coffee on cold wintery days. 

Prayers, Inspiration quotes, Devotionals::::


  1. Hope your doctor's appointment goes well for you this morning. Great photo. Going to pop back by and watch the video (looks super interesting and relaxing) after work. Have a great week!

  2. I miss making homemade cream cheese. Haven't done it since we stopped raising dairy goats. Their milk made the best cream cheese ever. Have a great week.

  3. Good morning dear Friend!
    I hope you're staying cozy and that thinking Christmasy thoughts brings you a bit of cheer. It's truly begun over here! And I love the videos you find. Can you imagine the flavor in cooking your soup with your choices in that yummy hot pot? I could almost taste it through the video. Lol
    Have a blessed week ahead. xoxo

  4. It's been cold here, too. Glad to hear that you, your family, and your pets are staying warm. Your home sounds so cozy. I've made those IKEA meatballs. They are amazing! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. For us it's been unseasonably warm... upside down world! Your menu sounds good and I loved watching the video. Have a great week


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
