
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

{ The Empathy Advantage by Lynne Azarchi - TLC Book Tour }


• Hardcover: 324 pages
• Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; Illustrated edition (November 4, 2020)


We live in a time when empathy is not only lacking but on the decline. Kids are bullied because of the color of their skin, religion, culture, a disability and more. Bullying and cyberbullying are increasing, especially for black and brown kids, LGBT youth, and Jewish and Muslim youth. Fueled by decreases in respect, kindness, and compassion, the house is on fire!

Empathy may be not be a cure-all, but just a little effort can transform a child into a more sensitive, caring human being. The good news is that empathy – the ability to “walk in someone else’s shoes” – can be taught. This book is all about teaching adults to teach empathy to kids. The payoff will last a lifetime.

In this helpful guide, parents, caregivers and teachers are coached to help their children and students to develop social-emotional skills that will equip them to better navigate the world with self-compassion and empathetic concern.

The Empathy Advantage is for the busiest parents and educators. It provides tips, strategies, online resources, and activities that are fun and engaging and take just 10 to 20 minutes. It emphasizes the importance of starting early, being good role models, spending quality face-to-face time together, and more. It will help readers understand the dynamics of bullying and teach children to stand up not only for themselves but others. And it explores other topics including managing media in the home, the value of pets in inculcating empathy, active listening, and self-compassion – i.e. being as forgiving and kind to yourself as you would to a friend.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


About Lynne Azarchi

LYNNE AZARCHI, author of THE EMPATHY ADVANTAGE, is Executive Director of Kidsbridge Tolerance Center outside of Trenton, New Jersey—a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering bullying prevention, anti-bias, diversity appreciation, empathy, and empowerment strategies for youth.  She is a tireless advocate for improving the lives of at-risk youth in communities across New Jersey. Kidsbridge helps more than 2,500 preschool, elementary, and middle school students and educators improve their social-emotional skills each year.  Azarchi has won many awards and her articles have been published both in newspapers and academic journals.  She is a frequent speaker to parent and teacher groups, corporations and major educational conferences.

The more I look around our current world situation, the more I am convinced that we are not teaching our children empathy.  That may be a pretty blunt statement to make, but it's my honest belief, and when I started reading The Empathy Advantage, it just became more and more obvious that it is true.

I have always tried to be a good mom, wading my way through the crazy ups and downs of parenthood, from infant, to toddler, preteen, teen and now an adult child with another 6 months from being an adult.

As parents, we tend to question everything we do, whether we are teaching them right, teaching them enough, and while it may be true that life experience is something that we have to learn for ourselves, as parents, we can make a difference by molding our children and equipping them with moral values to carry forth in their life.

What is empathy?

Having the ability to put ourselves in someone's else's shoes.

Lynne Azarchi provides us with chapters filled with information, tips and tricks to teach empathy, how to be kind, how to be respectful. 
The author teaches us how to instill these traits in our children, and she focuses on a myriad of situations and daily life.  With chapters on social media, bullying prevention, self compassion, what parents want and active listening.
I think this is a wonderful book for parents of any age children, but I honestly wish I had had this book when mine were still little.  It would have helped me a lot.
Thank you to TLC Book Tours and Rowman & Littlefield Publishers


  1. Sandra - I just wanted to stop by to deeply apologize to you for offending you years ago. I am so so sorry and I hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I won't bother you further but wanted to reach out to you with this message. Wishing you and your family all the best. Sincerely, Renee' (formerly of A Path of Joy).

  2. I agree, I wish I had this when my older two were younger, it would have been so helpful! Thank you for being on this tour. Sara @ TLC Book Tours

  3. To be honest, the most persecuted and abused group of people are Christians not the snowflake brigades. It is the very groups the author claims aren’t being afforded empathy, who are in fact bullies and abusers.

  4. No dia que comemoramos o nascimento de Cristo, desejo que no seu coração renasçam a esperança, a fé e a paz. Feliz Natal! Que você possa viver esta época natalina em plena alegria, e na companhia da sua família. Que o amor e todos os bons sentimentos prevaleçam sobre o materialismo dos presentes. E que Deus conceda a você e toda sua família muita felicidade e saúde o ano todo. Tenha um Natal abençoado!

  5. This sounds good and though my kids are no longer kids I think I totally would read this to incorporate some of the ideas into my childcare setting.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
