
Monday, December 28, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - Last one of 2020 }

Good morning my dear friends, and welcome to the last Happy Homemaker Monday, of 2020.  I have added a category to this last one, just because I think it is an important one for us to think on.
What 2020 has taught me.
Can't wait to read your answers.  So without further ado, let's close off our HHM for 2020 and set our sights on the new upcoming year.
My wish for you all is that the new year bring you abundant blessings, that you get everything your heart desires, that you are blessed with health and wealth, joy and gratitude.
Thank you, each and every single one of you who come by faithfully to participate.  It means the absolute world to me and I wish I could give you all a huge hug personally.  I can't though, so consider yourselves cyber hugged.
Now, let's get going and put an end to this insane year, once and for all.

What 2020 has taught me::::
That God is, has and always will be in control.
That I'm stronger than I give myself credit for.
That I have been changed by the Lord, that He is still working within me and is molding me into the Christian Woman He needs me to be.
That prayer and faith overcome everything.
That worry and fear are tools of the enemy, that we need to rebuke.
That in times of need, the real friends show up, while the fake ones pull back.

The weather outside is::::
Currently 41 degrees.  We actually had 70 degree days last week which was so strange.  My dreams of a white Christmas will continue to live just inside my head.  LOL  
We have a rainy/snowy week ahead so there's that.

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just had some coffee with sweet cream creamer.  Will probably make some pancakes later.    

As I look outside my window::::
It is morning, sun is already out but it is cloudy so not very bright at all.  Usually I get this post up earlier in the morning so my view of outside is nothing, but pitch black.  It's nice to see the trees and the birds, for a change.    

As I look around the house::::
I started taking down the Christmas decorations yesterday, just have to finish.  I set everything on the couch and today, I need to pull out the Christmas boxes and pack it all away until next year.  Thankfully I didn't go all out this year, so don't have too much to pack away.         

What I'm wearing today::::
In my nightgown for now.  My brother and sister in law gave me this sweet one for Christmas, it says "All I need today is a bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.  Love it.              

Currently reading::::
Finishing up Isaiah in the Bible.  
Started Four Perfect Pebbles:  A Holocaust Story  

On the TV for this week::::
My Portuguese soap "Bem me Quer"
Vlogs on Youtube
Binged Bridgerton and it got me in the mood for more Period dramas, so with that in mind, I plan on watching:
The Windermere Children
The Secret Garden
The Luminaries
Thieves of the Wood
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Stuffed Smoked Sausage, Roast Potatoes, Creamed Spinach
Tuesday - One pan bacon cheeseburger casserole, Salad
Wednesday  - Feijoada (Portuguese Bean Stew), Rice
Thursday - French Onion Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli 
Friday - Cowboy Burgers, Seasoned Fries
Saturday -  Chicken Spaghetti, Salad
Sunday - Slow Cooker Kielbasa Hashbrown Bake, Garlic Bread
Something fun to share::::
So many of you are enjoying the videos I'm sharing.  That makes me very happy.  So, you ready for another one?  I absolutely adore Her86m2 Channel on Youtube.  I can't even describe for you how peaceful her videos make me feel.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Just love these two, they are so sweet and getting closer and closer, as each day goes by.       


Prayers, Inspiration quotes, Devotionals::::
Still praying for a few people, will leave the same 4 from last week, and just adding some more. 
Joca in Portugal - he is in the hospital with covid and having some issues with his respiration.
Ze - a dear friend's husband in South Africa, he has liver cancer and is hospitalized at the moment with fluid in the lungs.
Isabel - friend in South Africa, she is 42 years old and has ovarian cancer that unfortunately has spread.  She is going through a very difficult time.
Bruno my brother, and his family who all have tested positive for Covid - They were on vacation in Cape Town and must have picked it up there, because upon returning to their home in Johannesburg, they came down with symptoms and tested positive last week.
Nela - my stepmom watched their house while they were gone, and obviously interacted with them when they returned.  She also tested positive for Covid, although thankfully she has no symptoms  She is 67 years old, so there's always extra worry with that age.
Olga - My brother Bruno's mother in law who went with them to Cape Town and also tested positive.  She is 72 and has been admitted to hospital to receive oxygen and to lower her fevers.
My daughter's cowoker - also tested positive for Covid last week and has been home since then. 

For the whole country, the President, and the new year that is coming upon us.  My fervent prayers are for a year filled with the Lord's glory and blessings.  I pray each one of you and your families, have a wonderful New Year, and that we can all put 2020 behind us as the biggest lesson we have all learned.


  1. I absolutely adore that picture of Eliott and Marley's paws. It is the simple things that make us smile and also realize that while 2020 is about to be over, it unfortunately doesn't magically make 2021 a better year :( I'm praying that 2021 is better though and early on! Have a WONDERFUL new year my friend and enjoy a WHITE New Year since you didn't get it for Christmas.

  2. Thank you for hosting this link up, it's absolutely one of my favorites and I look forward to it every Monday (or sometimes Tuesday or Wed for me). Technically, it's still the Christmas season so maybe we'll get the white snowy days just a bit late. Hope you have a great week and of course, a very Happy New Year!

  3. Whoops. I need to go back to my blog and add that new one. Not sure I learned anything though. I will have to think about it.

  4. . Abraço, e continuação de Boas Festas, com muita saúde.

  5. Hey dear! Loved your post and allready followed your blog, i want invite you to visit and follow my blog back <3

  6. That Hashbrown Bake and cheeseburger casserole sounds very interesting!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
