
Monday, April 12, 2021

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/12/2021 }

Good morning sweet ladies, how was your weekend?  Hope you were able to get some rest and good time in with your families.
I had a restful weekend, for the first time in months, and it felt so good.  Sunday was kind of a forced rest, we have a stomach bug going around in the area, and I think I was hit with it.  Went to bed Saturday night feeling a bit unwell, and woke up Sunday with stomach cramps and having to stay practically in the bathroom all day, and dealing with nausea.  
I was ok and am much better this morning, but yesterday was also my son Nick's 18th birthday so it was a bummer to be feeling that way.
Anyway, onto a new week.  I hope you all have a blessed one, with lots of homemaking, loving on your families and good vibes.

♥♥The Weather♥♥ 
Had a pretty warm week last week, but this week we are going back down to the 60s and welcoming in a lot of rain.   

Monday - Partly cloudy, 71
Tuesday -  PM showers, 69
Wednesday - PM Showers, 69
Thursday -  Cloudy, 62
Friday - Showers, 60
Saturday -  Partly cloudy, 61
Sunday -  Partly cloudy, 66


♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Much better than yesterday but still a little unwell.  You know how it is when you have a stomach bug, and start to come out of it.  You feel ok but your stomach is still turning a bit, you still feel somewhat nauseous etc.   

 ♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
I had a cup of coffee around 5am, but didn't enjoy it, actually thinking back on it, I probably shouldn't have had coffee with my stomach the way it is.  *facepalm*
I had two pieces of toast, and now I'm having some Cinnamon Apricot Tea. 

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥ 
I am now in Micah so quickly inching towards the New Testament.   
Couple review books and some new ones from my own library.  I have a post going up tomorrow showing you what is on my reading list.

 ♥♥On my tv♥♥
Youtube homemaking vlogs from Brasil.  
I'm sitting down today to compile a list of shows I want to either catch up on, or watch.  There are a couple of new period dramas I want to see, some Christian ones too and some documentaries.  

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥ 
Have to work on the new meal plan sometime this week.

Monday - Easy Chicken Low Mein, Dumplings
Tuesday - Fiesta Salad, Sauteed Kobucha Squash 
Wednesday - Garlic Butter Chicken, Basmati Rice, Beans
Thursday - Pork Fried Rice, Vegetable Egg Rolls
Friday -*Grocery Shopping*
Sunday -

♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
The back screen door is open and Elliott is laying by it, watching the birds on the feeder.  Every once in a while he will do that cat chatter thing.  It is so cute to watch. 
Marley is laying at my feet as I type this at the dinner table.  
I need to do some picking up and tidying later today, but other than that, the house is clean.    

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
Read, I am so excited to get into my pile of books.

♥♥From the camera♥♥
This bench, this bench has a story.  It lived outside my in laws house, for so many years.  Matter of fact, I have a photo taken before my father in law's funeral, where I am 31 weeks pregnant with Nicholas, and I'm standing right by this bench.
As many of you already know, when my mother in law passed away in September of 2020, she left her house to my husband his brother.  When we went back to look at the house, there it was, still in the same place, but old, beat up, the wood warped and broken off, missing screws, and sitting a bit sideways. 
Last week, when we had to go back to deal with contractors, I said to Curt "It breaks my heart to see this bench looking like this.  I wish we could keep it forever."
He looked at me and said "we can, I can fix it up, change the wood, add new hardware, and you can paint it.  It will look great on our porch."
And that is what we did.  We loaded it into the back of the truck, brought it home, and immediately Curt got to work.  He  quickly cut all the wood out, replaced it and attached it, and now it is waiting for me to paint it (hopefully this week).

But just looking at it already, has brought so much joy not only to us both but our children.  This is a place they can go and sit, feel closer to grandma and grandpa, and always have them nearby. 

♥♥Something I want to share♥♥ 
I was a bit surprised that so many of you didn't know Tasha Tudor.  When I shared her video last week, I almost felt a bit silly doing it, thinking that everyone would have already seen it.  Hahah
Glad I could introduce you to the wonderful world of Tasha Tudor.
Today's video is from Her 86m2, one of my faves on Youtube, and it's called Reduce Waste at Home. 
Hope you enjoy ♥  

♥♥Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse♥♥


  1. Hello dear Friend! Happy week ahead. I'm so sorry you had a belly bug. Ugh! They're the worst! Glad you got some good rest. LOVE the bench story!! Can't wait to see you fix it all up. Love your inspiration and video as always! Blessings. xo

  2. So sorry you've been suffering through a stomach bug, especially on Nick's BIG birthday (Happy Birthday Nick :WAVING:) Sure Hope you're on the mend. What a sweet story about the bench - so glad you rescued it and are reviving it too. Our Sadie was an indoor cat from the time we rescued her at 3 weeks old and it always made me chuckle when she did the serious cat chetter thing at the birds like they were going to be her dinner :D

    Have a beautiful week with that nicer weather.

  3. Love the story of the bench, makes it so precious. Glad you are feeling better. Happy birthday to your son.
    Have a great week

  4. Happy Belated Birthday to Nick! Hope you are feeling much, much better this afternoon. Beautiful story about the bench. Sounds like it will become a cherished and peaceful spot for your family. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. I love the story of the bench. It is always nice to have something special to keep the memories fresh.

  6. I love the story behind the bench! Having the stomach bug is no fun! The cinnamon apricot tea sounds yummy! Have a great week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
