
Saturday, May 01, 2021

{ Back to my roots }


I sat back this past week, and thought about my blog, where it was headed, if it was headed anywhere, and even contemplated closing it down.
I have never before even come close to considering shutting down my blog.  So the fact that it came to mind for more than a second, made me halt and really take a good hard look at what I want to do moving forward.
I have been blogging since February of 2006.  That is a long time to be here in this little corner, sharing my life and my days, my thoughts, my successes and failures.
But the truth is that, as time has gone on, as the years have passed by, whether we want to admit it or not, things change, WE change.  I've changed in some ways, thankfully mostly for the better, and all through God's work within me, especially the past year. 


I prayed on it, took it to God and allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me.  I had to answer some pretty hard questions about my blog and myself, especially what I was wanting to convey through it.  See that's the thing, am I still blogging because I love it, and love sharing, and also because I am wanting to have a place to record our journey through this earthly life?
Or am I blogging because I feel I have to, because after 15ish years it would be wrong to just stop?

I guess for me it came down to a mixture of both, but mostly because I love blogging and want to continue sharing my days with like minded people.

The next thing God had me do was take a look at what my blog is, what I've been sharing all along.  Do I want to stop, or do I want to continue what He has moved me to share?
That was probably the easiest question to answer, because my blog has always been about homemaking, cooking, family and keeping that notion alive.  I've often talked about how I took home economics in school and how I wish it was still available to kids today.  How important it is to teach fundamental skills that every child should know, regardless of the path they choose for themselves later on in life.
I'm going to be completely honest with you all.  I've been extremely blessed to have a group of wonderful, God loving, like minded women, who have been with me on this journey for many years.  Many of you still remember my children being toddlers, first days of school, moves across states, deployments, military life and so on.
You saw me struggle at times, you saw me rejoice at others.  You prayed for me, you encouraged me, supported me and gave me amazing advice.  Many of you, actually most of you, have become real life friends, and I'm beyond thankful for that.



So, what do I want to do?  
Is it time to close up shop, or make my blog private and just keep sharing for myself and for future memories?
Or is it time to forget all the nonsense around, and once again slip back into doing what I always felt led to do, which is inspire and motivate other homemakers to love their homes, their families, and all the mundane daily tasks we do over and over again?
I started the week confused.  Not sure which way I was going to go.   




Talking to my husband and children, they all said the same thing "Why would you even consider closing down the blog?  Don't do that."
And they're right, I think if I were to do that, I would come to regret it.  
After a few more days, I came to the realization that I'm not supposed to close it down, but rather, embrace it fully again.  Continue posting about homemaking, sharing book reviews, recipes and all that fun stuff that started it all back in 2006.

So if you've been following me all along and love me, my family and my blog, thank you.  I hope you continue to follow and read and comment as you always have.
If you have followed for a while but have now decided this isn't for you anymore, thank you as well.  No hard feelings whatsoever, I wish you and your family all the Lord's blessings.
If you don't like me, my family, my opinions, my life and my blog.  Feel free to click out.  The beauty of blogging or any kind of social media, in general, is that you follow and stick with the channels, blogs, instagrammers that you like, that you connect with, that you relate to and that you feel some sort of connection to, while being able to ignore, not watch, not read, not follow those that you have an issue with.
I know my blog will never please everyone, but then not even Jesus pleased everyone, so I'm in pretty good company there.  Right?



My hope is that if you plan on sticking around, it is because you like what you see, you feel a connection, or inspired in some way, but also, want to give homemaking and family life, the recognition it rightly deserves.
It's time to pull out the aprons again, to tackle chores with a renewed energy, to set a dinner table where you can all gather at the end of the day to enjoy a homemade meal and talk about life.
To make a meal plan, bake that loaf of bread you've been wanting to bake, read the book that has sat on your shelf for a while.
Blogging is a personal journal for me.  
I'm just a 46 year old woman, moving through this life with the same struggles, heartaches, joys and ups and downs as everyone else.  
So the decision I have made is to stick with the blog.  Not shut it down, not make it private (at least for the moment), continue sharing as I see fit, for as long as the good Lord allows me to.  I follow Him and His guidance above everyone and everything.
2021 is nothing like 2006.  It is different in so many ways, even blogger itself has completely changed over time.  The way we blog is changing, but the content doesn't have to.  That was what I was mostly afraid of, having to change everything about my blog to fit in with the times.
I have chosen not to.  I guess my blog is always going to stay the same, nothing fancy, no crazy widgets, pop ups, flashy templates or professional photos.

It's just going to continue being my life, the reality of it.

And speaking of reality of life, I need to end this post, get ready and head out to deal with more house issues.  Still praying on the Lord to help us with insight, revelation and wisdom, and most of all clarity as to what we should do with my mother in law's house.

I wish you all a blessed weekend, hope you get to rest, relax, have fun and spend time with your families.  Above all, use your time wisely.  Don't waste it on things that don't matter, life is far too short.  

If you don't like someone don't talk to them, if you don't enjoy a blog, don't read it, if you don't like a certain movie, don't watch it.  Do the things that bring you joy and happiness, and let go of everything else.  

I will be back on Monday morning, bright and early.
Take care friends,


  1. Like you, I have been blogging for a really long time (I started in 1999 -- pre-Blogger, actually!) and I have asked myself similar questions over the years, but ultimately I keep my blog going for me. Sometimes weeks go by without a post, but that's just the season of life I'm in right now. As you said, times change, our focuses shift, and life moves at different paces. But I'm so glad to read that you will continue on with your blog! I've enjoyed reading it since almost the beginning (I think I found you in 2007 or 2008), and it's always a friendly and pretty place to visit. (Oh and PS: home ec is not gone from schools -- it is a middle school requirement here!) Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. So grateful for you and this blog. I have read regularly for years and it always feels like coming home.

  3. Hi Sandra, I love reading your blog, and I love your recipes, ☀️

  4. I am so glad I found your blog so many years ago. I enjoy your recipes and the simple life you write about.

  5. I would be so, so sad if you decided to stop blogging. I think you and I are in very similar stages of our lives. Our kids are grown(ish), we've been frugal so long that we wonder if we have anything new to learn or to teach others, our housekeeping routines have been the same for years. But we both are in a new phase where we are learning our new normal. We now have the time to appreciate the simple things, struggle through the uncharted waters of parenting adults, and preparing for retirement. You are not alone in this journey, keep sharing and encouraging all of us.

  6. Blessings to you. Glad you are blogging on.

  7. You be you, Sandra. You don't have to keep up with the current "flavor" of blogging. There are a million of those out there. You blog from the heart and that is what is important, both to you and those who come by!

    Susanne ~ Living to Tell the Story

  8. I LOVE your blog! I always look forward to it! Your homemaking is a true vocation from God! I truly appreciate your faith - thank you for sharing with me! God bless..........

  9. Yeah- glad you're continuing!!

  10. I think many of us after 2020, and so many people not getting along due to difference of opinion, are feeling the same way right now. I considered it. I had one very long time follower, unfollow my blog just because we had different opinions on the mask mandates. It's a difficult time, and we could all use positive vibes. Some Mondays, the only thing to get me going is your Happy Homemaker Monday. I forces me to think, write, and make a plan for the week. Hugs.

  11. I am so glad you are going to continue to blog. I don't comment often but I read your blog regularly. I so appreciate that you are talking about the love of homemaking. In our society today, there isn't much respect for anything that isn't validated by a paycheck. For me, the most value of your blog is that you are sincere and honest and aren't being swayed by whatever the current craze is.

  12. I'm so glad you've decided to continue as I find your blog quite inspirational (I don't always comment as I often read blogs on my phone but usually do ready almost every post). Hope you've had an amazing weekend!

  13. I'm so glad you chose to stick around. Ultimately, blogging is a choice - a choice to be in a happy place of your own. Let the naysayers scroll on by... HUGS my friend. I am waiting for the day soon where my life will slow down and I can get back to daily blogging, by choice :D

  14. Sandra I've followed you for years, I've always loved your blog, I love everything about home making, that's where my heart has always been. You have always inspired me, given me new ideas and alot of joy, please don't stop🤗

  15. My friend this is my heart exactly! I struggled all last year, and I actually did shut down my blog several times, delete all of the content a few times, and felt all of the things you're feeling. I have too come to the conclusion that blogging is a positive thing in my life that I should hold onto! I'm glad you gave this a lot of thougth and prayer first, because I have lost a lot of blogger friends in my own personal struggles and in deleting my blog- so I'm glad you decided to stick it out! When I do return to blogger (as I have so many times!) yours is always one of the first ones I check and follow! So I hope you're here for a long time to come. :) thank you for your encouragement, for sharing your heart, and for just being honest! You never know when someone needs to hear what you have to say!

  16. You my dear are an inspiration to so many. Enjoy creating your blog posts for us all to enjoy and be inspired and encouraged by. Have been following you for years now. Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  17. I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog a few years ago. It has provided me comfort and support in ways that you can never know. You are true inspiration to so many women. I love coming here, sitting down enjoying a cup of coffee, and joining in your life.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
